●Option 2:
Continuous Drainage
Garden Hose Installation Setup
Water can be automatically emptied by attaching a garden hose to the continuous drainage
port on the back of the dehumidifier. This will allow the unit to run continuously (depending
on the selected humidity level) without having to empty the water bucket. To drain, simply
attach a standard garden hose (not included). The thread standard for garden hoses in the
US and its territories is known as GHT or "garden hose thread" which has an outer
diameter of 1 1/16 inches (1.0625 inches or 27.0 mm) and a pitch of 11.5 TPI.
• Place dehumidifier on a level surface
• Unscrew the cap on the back of the unit to access the garden hose nozzle
• Thread a garden hose (not included) onto the accessible nozzle, lead to a floor drain and
cut to length
• Make sure that there are no kinks or knots in the garden hose (See picture below)
• Turn on the unit and press the
button until set to CONTINUOUS
Garden Hose Installation Reference Guide
Placing the dehumidifier on an uneven surface or improper hose installation may result in
water filling up the bucket and cause the unit to shut off. Empty bucket if shut-off occurs,
then check dehumidifier location and hose for proper setup. The bucket must be in place
and securely seated for the dehumidifier to operate.