In this Quick Start Guide, you will learn
how to configure the various settings
on the TWR-RF-SNAP module for use
in the Tower System.
Tower System
Communication Modes
Refer to these settings for interaction
options between the TWR-RF-SNAP
and the Tower System MCU module.
C Connectivity: jumper the
following pins to enable I
C access
from the Tower MCU module
J5 Pin 1-2 (SCL)
J5 Pin 3-4 (SDA)
UART Connectivity: jumper the
following pins to enable serial
access from the Tower MCU
J5 Pin 5-6 (TX)
J5 Pin 7-8 (RX)
SPI Connectivity: jumper the
following pins to enable SPI access
from the Tower MCU module
J5 Pin 9-10 (MISO)
J5 Pin 11-12 (MOSI)
J5 Pin 13-14 (CS0) or
J5 Pin 15-16 (CS1)
J5 Pin 17-18 (CLK)
MCU Reset Control: jumper the
following pins to enable reset
control via the Tower System
J5 Pin 19-20 (RESET)
Freescale TWRPI Socket
The TWR-RF-SNAP can be expanded
using I
C and analog-based
TWRPIs. General purpose TWRPIs
can be inserted into the J14/J15 set
of connects.
Configuration Instructions