MC1322x SMAC Reference Manual, Rev. 1.7
Freescale Semiconductor
About This Book
This guide provides a description of the Freescale MC1322x Simple Media Access Controller (MC1322x
This document is intended for application developers building IEEE 802.15.4 PHY compliant wireless
The MC1322x SMAC is incorporated in the Freescale BeeKit Wireless Connectivity Toolkit. The
incorporation of the MC1322x SMAC into BeeKit makes it easier for users to employ and customize the
MC1322x SMAC and associated applications.
The MC1322x SMAC is not the same SMAC used for the MC1319x and MC1321x. The primary
differences are as follows:
MC1322x SMAC does not have blocking functions
MC1322x SMAC has a new Radio Management module which allows management of multiple
messages depending on the application needs
MC1322x file and directory structure are different
MC1322x API is different
This document is organized into three (3) chapters.
Chapter 1
MC1322x SMAC Introduction — This chapter introduces the MC1322x SMAC
features and functionality.
Chapter 2
MC1322x SMAC Software Architecture — This chapter describes the MC1322x
SMAC software architecture.
Chapter 3
MC1322x SMAC Primitives — This chapter provides a detailed description of
MC1322x SMAC primitives.
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this document since the previous release. (Rev 1.6)
Revision History
Chapter 3
Added new function