|Babbage 2.5 Ubuntu Startup Guide
Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged
product lines and part numbers indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for
import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010: i.MX51 Product Family
$ sudo dhclient eth0 (if needed ony, perform an ifconfig first)
$ cd /home/ubuntu/install_files
$ sudo ./p3.ubuntu.install
$ sudo sync
$sudo halt
NOTE: This step may take a while
Power ON the board and login as ‘ubuntu’ (password ‘ubuntu’) and you
are ready to go.
Known Issues
Ubuntu Applets do not open up correctly
Due to a known issue with the Canonical's Ubuntu drop, perform the following on the
Console terminal window, before logging in to the desktop.
Login as ubuntu/ubuntu
Set up the date
Example: Run 'sudo date 090909092009' (random date to post1970)
Now log in as 'ubuntu/ubuntu' on the desktop GUI.
2. Audio does not work out of the box
The 'Jack' functionality is not turned ON by default. To do this:
Right click the “
” applet on the top right of the UI
Select 'Open Volume Control' menu
Select 'Preferences' and ensure that “Jack Function” is selected
Select the 'Options' tab, and ensure that “Jack” option is set to 'ON'.
3. Internet Connectivity
Note that the “
” file is configured to work in the Freescale
Change the proxy appropriately.
4. Flash support
There is NO Adobe Flash support in this drop
Flashlite plugin for the browser and Flashlite player will be made available in one
of the future releases. Contact Product Marketing for details.
5. Graphics support
There is no ELGX support in this drop. So, cannot run Graphics applications in a
window inside the desktop. Contact Product Marketing for details or future
possible releases.