Freescale Semiconductor 33395 Reference Manual Download Page 44



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Summary of Contents for 33395


Page 2: ...DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board...

Page 3: ...ence Manual List of Sections 1 33395 Evaluation Motor Board List of Sections Section 1 Introduction and Setup 9 Section 2 Operational Description 15 Section 3 Pin Descriptions 17 Section 4 Schematics...

Page 4: ...DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board 2 List of Sections List of Sections...

Page 5: ...anual 9 1 4 Warnings 12 1 5 Setup Guide 13 Section 2 Operational Description 2 1 Contents 15 2 2 Introduction 15 2 3 Electrical Characteristics 16 Section 3 Pin Descriptions 3 1 Contents 17 3 2 Introd...

Page 6: ...Contents Section 4 Schematics and Parts List 4 1 Contents 25 4 2 Overview 25 4 3 Schematics 25 4 4 Parts List 32 Section 5 Design Considerations 5 1 Contents 37 5 2 Overview 37 5 3 3 Phase H Bridge 37...

Page 7: ...Board Setup 14 3 1 40 Pin Input Connector J1 18 4 1 SMOS EVM Motor Board ver 140A01 Overview 26 4 1a SMOS EVM Motor Board ver 140A02 Overview 27 4 2 3 Phase H Bridge with Gate Driver 28 4 3 Current F...

Page 8: ...DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board 6 List of Figures List of Figures...

Page 9: ...ion Motor Board List of Tables Table Title Page 2 1 Electrical Characteristics 16 3 1 Connector J1 Signal Descriptions 19 3 2 Connectors J2 and J4 Signal Descriptions 22 3 3 Driver Jumper Groups for O...

Page 10: ...DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board 8 List of Tables List of Tables...

Page 11: ...mbination with one of the embedded motion control series control or evaluation boards it provides a ready made development platform for brushless dc motors The motor can be controlled using Hall senso...

Page 12: ...ction and Setup Introduction and Setup Figure 1 1 System Configurations HC08 CONTROLLER BOARD SMOS EVM MOTOR BOARD MOTOR WORKSTATION MMDS08 DSP EVM BOARD SMOS EVM MOTOR BOARD MOTOR WORKSTATION b 56800...

Page 13: ...This Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual Introduction and Setup 11 Figure 1 2 SMOS EVM Motor Board ver 140A01 MOTOR CONNECTORS POWER SUPPLY CONNECTORS TRIMMER JUMPER...

Page 14: ...ould come from a dc laboratory power supply that is current limited to no more than 10 amps The user should be aware that Before moving scope probes making connections etc it is generally advisable to...

Page 15: ...Mount the control board on top of the standoffs with screws and washers This step is optional with DSP control boards 4 Connect a 12 Vdc power supply either to connector J3 or power jack JP4 labeled...

Page 16: ...oduction and Setup Introduction and Setup Figure 1 3 SMOS EVM Motor Board Setup MOTOR 56800 E SMOS EVM 40 PIN RIBBON CABLE STANDOFF 12 VOLT MOTOR SUPPLY STANDOFF MOTOR BOARD EVALUATION MODULE OR HC08...

Page 17: ...EVM motor board has an over current protection that is independent of the control board yet some care in its setup and use is required for board or motor protection Current measuring circuitry is set...

Page 18: ...The electrical characteristics in Table 2 1 apply to operation at 25 C and a 12 Vdc power supply voltage Table 2 1 Electrical Characteristics Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Units Power Supply Volt...

Page 19: ...ocated on six board connectors depicted in Figure 1 2 There are three motor connectors conducting identical output signals however only one motor can be connected at run time to one of these connector...

Page 20: ..._C I_sense_B I_sense_A I_reconst_DCB V_sense_DCB 12V_A Shielding_A Shielding_A 3 3V_A 5V_D 5V_D GND GND PWM_CB Shielding_D PWM_CT Shielding_D PWM_BB Shielding_D PWM_BT Shielding_D PWM_AB Shielding_D P...

Page 21: ...e 3 1 Pin descriptions are listed in Table 3 1 Table 3 1 Connector J1 Signal Descriptions Sheet 1 of 3 Pin No Signal Name Description 1 PWM_AT PWM_AT is the gate drive signal for the top half bridge o...

Page 22: ...nse signal that measures dc bus voltage It is scaled at 0 206 volts per volt of dc bus voltage 22 I_reconst_DCB I_reconst_DCB is an analog sense signal that measures dc bus current It is scaled at 0 1...

Page 23: crossing events 36 Zero_cross_C Zero_cross_C is a digital signal that is used for sensing phase C back EMF zero crossing events 37 Shielding _A Pin 37 is connected to a shield wire in the ribbon ca...

Page 24: ...e PWM signal brought to the gate driver the 140A01 board version uses the SW1 rotary switch and the 140A02 version uses the PWM JP5 jumper group and RESET SW1 push button Both solutions have the same...

Page 25: ...correct driver re initialization The soft reset is activated either by toggling the SW1 rotary switch from position 3 to 2 140A01 board version or by resetting with the SW1 push button 140A02 version...

Page 26: ...n 1 DCB_POS MP1 the 12 volt motor bus above green LED diode 2 GND MP2 the 12 volt power supply and motor bus ground below J2 motor connector 3 5V_D MP3 the 5 volt digital power supply voltage above UN...

Page 27: ...ed in Figure 4 1 or Figure 4 1a The 3 phase H bridge including gate driver is depicted in Figure 4 2 Current feedbacks are presented in Figure 4 3 Back EMF signals are shown in Figure 4 4 The brake co...

Page 28: ...sense_C 2 I_sense_A I_sense_B I_sense_C I_zero_ref UNI 24 DC B _Neg UNI 21 UNI 35 UNI 9 UNI 29 UNI 36 UNI 11 UNI 1 UNI 22 UNI 23 UNI 7 UNI 19 UNI 25 UNI 30 UNI 34 UNI 3 UNI 5 UNI 38 UNI 31 DC B _P os...

Page 29: ...N DC B _Neg V _sense_DC B _half V _sense_DC B I_sense_A2 I_sense_A1 I_sense_B 1 I_sense_B 2 I_sense_C 1 I_sense_C 2 P W M_IN MODE 0 MODE 1 I_zero_ref I_reconst_DC B G ND 5V _D DC B _P os B rake_contro...

Page 30: ...nF R 114 10k C 101 330uF 35V D104 MB R M140T3 U104E DM74ALS 1034M 11 10 U104F DM74ALS 1034M 13 12 C 106 10nF R 125 51 R 126 51 R 130 51 U104B DM74ALS 1034M 3 4 R 110 10k U104D DM74ALS 1034M 9 8 D106 M...

Page 31: ...3 3V _A U303 LM285M 8 5 4 R 306 100k 1 R 310 6k8 1 R 315 39k 1 R 312 39k 1 1 65V ref 1 U302B MC 33502D 5 6 7 R 307 33k 1 R 311 39k 1 R 305 390 R 316 33k 1 R 308 39k 1 R 302 6k8 1 R 303 6k8 1 R 319 33...

Page 32: ...G ND G ND 5V _D R 206 5 6k R 224 33k R 225 33k R 213 5 6k R 226 33k R 220 5 6k R 209 1M C 203 100nF U201D LM339D 11 10 13 R 215 1M C 201 100pF R 201 10k 1 R 207 3 3k 1 R 203 2 7k 1 C 202 100pF C 204 1...

Page 33: 1 R401 10k D401 MBRS33 0 C401 1nF R404 100 Q40 1 MTD3302T4 DCB_Pos DCB_Neg DCB_Brake MOTOROLA EMBEDDED MOTION CONTROL SERIES Phase_C Phase_B Phase_A BRUSHLESS 12 Vdc 56800 E EVALUATION MODULE OR 40...

Page 34: ...150 nF 5 Vishay Vitramon 2 C105 C106 10 nF Ceramic capacitor 0805 10 nF 5 Vishay Vitramon 1 C107 1 u F Polyester Capacitor 1uF 63V 10 Type MKT 220 7 EPCOS 3 C201 C202 C204 100 pF Ceramic capacitor 08...

Page 35: ...TD3302T4 Power N MOSFET Transistor 30 V 18 A ON Semiconductor MTD3302T4 1 R1 680R Resistor 680 5 0805 Vishay Dale 1 R2 220k Resistor 220 k 5 0805 Vishay Dale 3 R3 R132 R133 100k Resistor 100 k 5 0805...

Page 36: ...shay Dale 6 R301 R304 R308 R311 R312 R315 39k 1 Resistor 39 k 1 0805 Vishay Dale 2 R302 R303 R309 R310 R313 R314 6k8 1 Resistor 6 8 k 1 0805 Vishay Dale 1 R305 390R Resistor 390 5 0805 Vishay Dale 1 R...

Page 37: ...cale MC33395T 1 U104 DM74ALS1034M Hex Non Inverting Driver Fairchild DM74ALS1034M 1 U201 LM339D Quad Comparator ON Semiconductor LM339D 2 U301 U302 MC33502D Operational Amplifier rail to rail ON Semic...

Page 38: ...DRM33395 Designer Reference Manual 33395 Evaluation Motor Board 36 Schematics and Parts List Schematics and Parts List...

Page 39: ...edback signals that facilitate control algorithm development are provided The SMOS EVM motor board s power output stage is a complementary MOS field effect transistor MOSFET 3 phase bridge that is cap...

Page 40: ...logic 0 input voltage of 0 8 volts The SMOS EVM motor board will thus enable the connection of large number of controller boards with various MCUs or DSPs for example MC68HC908 HCS12 MPC555 DSP56F8XX...

Page 41: over current comparator implemented in the SMOS driver This comparator disables the driver outputs when the IS the driver pin voltage rises above IS see Figure 5 2 This happens when the following i...

Page 42: ...a 16 volt maximum phase voltage corresponds to a 3 3 volt maximum A D input A zero crossing signal is obtained by comparing the motor phase voltage with the value of the motor bus voltage Comparator...

Page 43: ...itions motor Back EMF adds to the dc bus voltage Without a means to dissipate excess energy an over voltage condition could easily occur The circuit shown in Figure 4 5 connects R403 across the dc bus...

Page 44: ...n Freescale data sheets and or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time All operating parameters including Typicals must be validated for each...
