These symbols below are used in this owner’s manual to identify warnings and
cautions. It is very important for you to read and understand them.
Warning :
Failure to obey and follow the warnings in this User’s Manual may
result in personal injury.
Caution :
Failure to observe the cautions in this User’s Manual may result in
damage to your scooter.
Your Luggie is a powerful electronic device, for your safety and the safety of
bystanders, please read instructions outlined in the manual. Always be certain your
scooter is in full working order before starting your journey. Follow notes listed below
carefully to ensure safety at all times.
Do not drive your Luggie if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication
that may affect your physical or cognitive abilities. If in doubt consult your Physician.
As a motorized pedestrian, user should familiarize himself with the current legislation
contained within the Highway Code.
Electrically powered scooter is classified in the following categories:
Class 2 as defined in "The use of invalid carriages on the Highways Regulations
1988": A scooter type invalid carriage designed for the use on the sidewalk, with
maximum speed up to 4 M.P.H.
Class 'B', as defined in the United States Standard CU and The European Standard
EN12184 1999: A scooter sufficiently compact and maneuverable for some indoor
environments and capable of travelling over longer distances and negotiating
outdoor obstacles.
a degree of spatial mobility. It is also advisable that the user receive training in the
use of the product, preferably in their normal environment before use. The maximum
user weight capacity for the Luggie can be found in the rear of this manual, under
'Technical Specification' (page 38-40).
Your Luggie is suitable for indoor or outdoor use: in your home, shopping malls,
precincts and on dry, smooth level surfaces. It climbs slopes safely up to 6 degrees
and over obstacles up to one inch (2.5cm).
Your Luggie scooter is a 'Class 2' (B) * vehicle and designed for pavement use only.
The Luggie must only be used on roads with caution if a sidewalk is not available. It is
designed for a single occupant who experiences difficulty or discomfort when walking
for prolonged periods, but has the use of visual and cognitive ability to operate the
scooter safely.