How do I thaw and use stored breast milk?
Always make sure to check the date on the milk’s container before using.
Do not use undated milk, or milk that has been stored too long.
Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator or under cool, running water.
Heat the milk under warm, running water and gently swirl the container to
mix the milk.
If warm water is not available, heat a pan of water on the stove. Once the
water is warm, not boiling, remove the pan from the stove and place the milk
container in the pan. Never warm the milk container directly on the stove.
Never microwave breast milk because microwaves can cause dangerous hot
spots that could burn you or a baby.
Always test the temperature of the milk on the inside of your wrist before
feeding it to a baby. The milk should feel warm, not hot.
After thawing, milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than
24 hours.
Never refreeze thawed milk. Throw away previously frozen milk that is not
used within 24 hours.
Breasts Not Emptying - Review Positioning Within Your
Bra, Page 12-14
Always center Breast Funnel over nipple. If the Breast Funnel is off the
center of the nipple you may impede milk release, experience loss of suction,
or prevent the complete emptying of the breast.
Try adjusting the position of Freemie cups. Comfortably position your
body to help create the best seal between Freemie cups and your skin.
Experiment with your body position by sitting up straighter, leaning forward
a little, or pulling your shoulders back.
The Breast Funnels come in the standard 25mm and 28mm. Visit www.
Freemie.com for the latest in sizing options and accessories.
If you require a funnel diameter or depth that we do not currently offer,
then unfortunately we do not recommend the Freemie system as your full
time pump.
If problems emptying your breasts persist, consult your
lactation professional.
Troubleshooting Tips