This electronic wine guide provides ratings for
hundreds of wine producers and over 8,000
wines based on
Parker’s Wine Buyer’s Guide
Wine producers are rated by stars (one to five),
five being “outstanding.” Wines are rated by
numbers (50 to 100). You can find the perfect
wine instantly by variety name, country, area,
growing region, producer rating, vintage, price
range, wine color, and rating range.
“This book is both an educational and buying
manual; it is not an encyclopedic listing of wine
producers and growers. It is intended to make
you a more formidable, more confident wine
buyer....You should be confident in the knowl-
edge that you will rarely make a mistake (un-
less, of course, the vintage is absolutely
dreadful) if you go with a producer judged “out-
standing” or “excellent.” (From
Parker’s Wine
Buyer’s Guide
, 3rd ed.)