You could even use the Fragment Finder to find all of
the SA-50’s words that begin with “con” by typing in the
, pressing
and then pressing
NOTE: Sometimes, words seem to run right off of the
screen. Simply use
to see the rest of the word, and
to go back to the beginning of the word.
Your own personal spelling list (called the User List) of
up to 50 words may be stored in the SA-50. Practice
these words by using them in the SA-50’s educational
word games. This makes learning fun and takes the
drudgery out of learning spelling. While playing the
games, any words which are causing you trouble will be
repeated more often. The more you see and practice
the word, the faster you’ll learn it!
You can even edit the user list. Take some or all of the
words out and put new words in.
Here’s how to add your weekly spelling words:
At the “Ready” screen, press
. The message “List
is empty” appears for a short period of time.
Let’s add a word to the User List. Type the word
. Press
. The message “Word added” flashes
and you are taken back to the screen where you typed
Let’s try another word. Type ninja. Press
. The
message “Not in book” appears for a short period of
time and then the screen below appears:
The above screen appears because the word “ninja” is
not in the SA-50’s list of words. You have three options
at this screen:
1. Pressing the letter “Y” will add “ninja” to the User List.
2. Pressing “N” will not add “ninja” to the User List and
will take you back to the screen where you typed in the
3. Pressing “?” will correct the spelling of the word.
Another reason for this screen to appear is if you mis-
spell a word you are trying to add to the User List. It is a
good idea to double-check the spelling of the word you
are trying to enter if this screen appears.
Since we know that “ninja” is the correct spelling, press
the letter “Y”. “Ninja” has now been added to your User
List. The “U” next to the word indicates that it is a User
list word only, and not a word from the SA-50’s main list.
. The message “User list 2” (letting you
know that 2 words are in the list) flashes and the screen
below appears.
The words are presented in the order in which they were
added. “Farmer” is first, “ninja” is second in the list.
To remove a word from the User List, use the arrow keys
until the word you want to delete from the list is on the
screen. Use
until the word “ninja” is on the screen.
. The message “Word removed” appears and
“farmer” is left on the screen.
To remove all of the words from the User List. Press the
letter “C”. The screen below appears:
If you press “Y” the entire User List will be erased. If you
made a mistake, and didn’t really want to press the let-
ter “C”, press “N” and the User List will not be erased.
Since we want to delete the whole User List, press “Y”.
The message “List is cleared” appears.
The games in the SA-50 are educational and help make
learning to spell fun. To play, press
at the “Ready
for word” screen. The screen below appears:
to view the other games in the menu.
The list of games is as follows:
A Flashcards
B Spelling Bee
C Hangman
D User Hangman