Abbreviations 17
a limiter 12
qualifiers 13
Advanced requests 14
Arrows, following 5
Auto resume 3
Auto shutoff 3
Award winners 9
BAT/PIT (blue) key 2, 5, 7
Bests and worsts, finding 10
Biographical information 10
Biographical statistics, limiting 12
Blue (BAT/PIT) key 2, 5, 7
Book cards
installing 3
removing 3
BOOKMAN, resetting 15
Color keys
understanding 2
using 4
Contrast, changing 4
Demonstration, viewing a 4
Direction keys 2
Entering names 6
Award Winners 9
bests and worsts 10
Hall of Fame players 9
league standings 8
player statistics 5
team statistics 7
World Series results 9
Green (MIN) key 2
GT/LT (yellow) key 2
Hall of Fame players 9
Help, using 4
Infinite ratios 11
League standings, finding 8
adding 12
sample 16
understanding 12
Limiting biographical statistics 12
MAX (red) key 2, 10
MIN (green) key 2, 10
player names 6
team names 8