Getting Help in Games
During any game, you can read
instructions by pressing AIDE.
You can get a hint by holding MAJ
and pressing ?, or reveal the game
word by pressing ?.Note: If you
reveal the game word, you lose the
Hangman selects a mystery word
and challenges you to guess it letter
by letter. The letters of the mystery
word are hidden by question marks.
The number of guesses remaining
is indicated by #s.
Type letters that you think are in the
mystery word. If you are correct, the
letter appears in place of the corre-
sponding question mark(s).
Conjumania! teaches verb conjuga-
tions. It shows you an infinitive verb
and asks you to enter a conjugation.
Your conjugation must be spelled
correctly, including accents. Type
your guess and then press ENTRER.
Gender Tutor
Gender Tutor asks you to guess the
gender of French nouns. Press M
for masculine and F for feminine.
Word Train
In Word Train, you and the train
take turns typing letters to form a
word. Whoever types the last letter
of the word wins. To view the letters
you can type at your turn, hold MAJ
and press ?.
Playing the Games
Playing the Games