Description of the menu | 59
FRAKO | Operating Manual | Power Quality Controller – PQC Temperature PT-100 / 1000 / NTC1 / NTC2
(optional temperature I/O extension)
Alarm limit
– 50 to 200 °C (increments of 1 %) Inputs I/O 1–I/O 5
(optional temperature I/O extension)
An activated input of the temperature and I/O extension can allow the PQC to process
logical signals.
Example: Interruption of the control function when a logical 1 is received. The possi-
bilities here are extremely diverse.
6.3.5 Communication (optional)
Main menu > Parametrization > Communication (dyn.)
The PQC has several optional means of communication. The existence of this menu
depends on whether the PQC is equipped with a communication option, and if so,
what type.