Fractal-Bot is required for Backing up and Restoring sounds and settings (below),
Updating Firmware (
) and can be used for Transmitting Presets, or
Installing User Cabs (
The program is self-explanatory and has instructions built in.
To be able to use Fractal-Bot, Windows users will need to install a driver to enable
communication between the computer and the Axe-Fx III. The Windows driver is
Computers running OS X do not require a driver to communicate with the Axe-Fx III.
Download and install Fractal-Bot from our web site at
Once Fractal-Bot is installed, you can use it for backing up or restoring or installing files.
Fractal-Bot automates the backup process. Select the RECEIVE tab and follow the built-in instructions. Here are
some things to consider when using Fractal-Bot:
The Axe-Fx III doesn’t emphasize this distinction, but its Presets are actually divided into banks of 128. To
backup all of your presets, backup all of the banks: A (0–127), B (128-255), C (265–383) and D (384–511).
A backup of the SYSTEM includes all of the custom settings in the Setup
menu: Global, I/O, MIDI/Remote, and Tuner settings.
User Cabs are backed up in two individual banks.
In Fractal-Bot, you will need to specify a location for the backup files. It is wise to prepare this in
advance. Many pros we work with use a consistent naming system for their backup folders: “yymmdd
- Axe-Fx III” (two digit year, two digit month, two digit day). In addition to the backup files, create
a text file to remind you what firmware version was installed when the files were created.
Fractal-Bot is also used to restore backup files to your Axe-Fx III. In this case, the process is less automated
but still very easy. You will need to send over all of the files from your backup set individually. Once the first
file completes, send the next file over, and so on, until they are all finished. Remember to reboot the Axe-Fx III
immediately if a System file has been transmitted to it! (Fractal-Bot will remind you.)
You can use the same process to install presets or cab files you download.
On the Axe-Fx III, backup and dumping are not supported over 5-pin MIDI. You can transmit backup files to the unit
this way, but because the transfer rate is so slow, this can take a LONG time and is advised against.