In addition to thousands of onboard cabs in its factory banks, the Axe-Fx III allows you to store up to 2,048 cabs
in user memories. These “User Cabs” allow you to personalize your Axe-Fx III with unique tones.
User Cabs — also know as “Impulse Responses (IRs)” — may be transferred to the Axe-Fx III as follows:
1. First, you’ll need an impulse response file in SysEx format (.syx).
Fractal Audio Systems offers various professionally produced user Cab Packs at
. These include creations by Fractal Audio as well as third-party producers.
Axe-Change, our file sharing site, is a great resource for FREE cabs.
Don’t confuse the newer “.IR” file format, which is solely used for re-mixing in Cab-Lab (see below).
2. Using Fractal-Bot or Axe-Edit III, transmit the file to your Axe-Fx III, noting which User Bank and which
numbered Slot you are sending it to. (Example: User 1, #215.)
Fractal-Bot – This basic utility can send individual cabs to any location or transmit entire banks. To import
a single IR, open a Cab block on the grid and set Cab 1 to the Bank and Number you want to transmit a cab
to. Then send the sysex file to the Axe-Fx III using Fractal-Bot and the unit will save the IR to that location.
Axe-Edit III – The Axe-Manage Cabs tool allows you to drag and drop user cab files into memory slots.
Don’t forget to press SAVE! You can also manage entries already in the memory of the Axe-Fx III with
operations like copy, paste, rename, and drag-and-drop re-ordering. When you purchase a Cab Pack, this is
the best and easiest way to load multiple IRs at once into your Axe-Fx III, audition the results, and organize
your favorites.
3. Once the IR has been transmitted to your Axe-Fx III, select the Cab block in your preset and press EDIT.
4. Change the cab to the Bank and Number that your IR was transmitted to. (Example: “USER 1, #215”).
You can even create your own cabs if you have some basic equipment. See
NOTE: In comparison to older Fractal Audio systems products, user cabs are NOT included in a backup of the
SYSTEM area of the Axe-Fx III. Conversely, restoring a System backup will never overwrite user cabs.
Cab-Lab is a full-featured 8-channel
IR mixer and toolbox in standalone
and plug-in formats.
For decades, artists, producers
and engineers have crafted tone
using a mixer to blend the sounds
of different mics or speakers. While
the Axe-Fx III provides four mixer
slots, Cab-Lab allows up to 8, and
has additional options and tools,
with the ability to export Cab files
and save mix sessions.
Learn more at: