Menu, and select Organizer then Unit converter.
In the Unit converter submenu, press Options to select converter options, option in
Set weight converter is Reverse converter and Set converter.
[Note]: the Converter option display is depending on user settings
In the first amount field, and enter the value you want to convert, the other amount
field automatically shows the converted value. For example, in weight converter,
pound units expressed in kg units, enter 110 and 49.895164 automatically show in kg
Press Navigation key up/down to reverse converter, or press Options to select reverse
converter option.
If you want to select other converter types, press Options and select Set converter
to open a list of measures. Choose the measure you want to use and press OK to enter
converter unit list.
Choose the converter unit from which you want to converter and press
In this function, you can Add the memo, View the memo, Edit mone, Send Note,
Delete, and Mark the list of memo. You can also select and view a single memo.
The memo view allows you to view the details of the select memo. You can remember
through the memo.
When view this memo, you can press options to Edit, Send Note or Delete.
Application program to offer a series of for health consultation, BMI, Menstrual, let you
finish body and mind clever health care at the same time.
Torch is equivalent to normal flashlight. When the user opens this feature, the phone will
open the flash function to facilitate lighting. You can set torch need to light up the length
of time.
The WAP service enables your phone to surf the Internet. Your phone offers you several
default profiles to choose form. These default profiles are based on the connection
settings of major operators at the time this phone was manufactured. You can apply the
desired connection settings by simply activating the respective profile, and you are ready
to go.
For each profile you are allowed to store a “Home URL” (Universal Resource Locator)
address. You can quickly access the homepage of the active profile by selecting “Home
URL” when the WAP menu is displayed.
You can save the addresses of web pages as bookmarks in the phone’s memory.
Press Menu, and select Services, WAP and Bookmarks.
Choose the bookmarks you want to use and press left soft key (Options). And then you
Open a connection to the page associated with the bookmark
Edit the select bookmark
Send this bookmark by SMS or MMS
Delete the select bookmark
Delete all:
Delete all select bookmark
Add bookmark: Add a new bookmark by entering the title and URL address
Recent pages
You can view the recent pages that you have read. And you can press left soft key