Chapter 3 BIOS Description
Advanced BIOS Features
Removable Device Priority
This option is used to select the priority for removable device start-up. After
pressing <Enter>, you can select the removable device using the <PageUp>/
<PageDn> or Up/Down arrow keys, and change the removable device priority
using <+> or <->. To exit this option, press <Esc>.
Hard Disk Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for HDD start-up. After pressing
<Enter>, you can select the HDD using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> or Up/Down
arrow keys, and change the HDD priority using <+> or <->. To exit this option,
press <Esc>.
CDROM Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for CDROM start-up. After pressing
<Enter>, you can select the CDROM using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> or Up/
Down arrow keys, and change the CDROM priority using <+> or <->. To exit
this option, press <Esc>.
CPU Internal Cache (Default: Enabled)
This item is used to turn on or off the CPU internal cache. Leave this item
at the default value for better performance.
First/Second/Third Boot Device (Default: Removable/Hard Disk/CDROM)
This option allows you to set the boot device sequence. The available setting
values are: Removable, Hard Disk, CDROM, Legacy LAN, NVIDIA Boot Age
and Disabled.
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