Advanced bIoS features
► Hard Disk Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for HDD startup. After pressing <Enter>, you can
select the HDD using the Up/Down arrow keys, and change the HDD priority using <PageUp>/
<PageDown>; you can exit this menu by pressing <Esc>.
► CPU L1 & L2 Cache
Enable/Disable CPU cache setting. L1, L2 cache are small, fast memory caches that are built
into a CPU and help speed access to important and frequently-used data. L1 cache is typically
smaller and faster than L2 cache. L1 cache is an abbreviation of Level 1 cache.
► First/Second/Third Boot Device
These three options allow you to select the priority of boot sequence from different devices.
► Boot Other Device
With this function set to enable, the system will boot from some other devices provided that the
first/second/third boot devices failed. The options are: Disabled and Enabled.
► Boot Up NumLock Status
This item defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system is started. The
available settings are: On (default) and Off.
► Security Option
When it is set to “Setup”, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup screen; When it
is set to “System”, a password is required not only to enter CMOS Setup, but also to start up
your PC.
► APIC Mode (
Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller)
This item is used to enable or disable APIC function.
APIC interrupt subsystems can have as many IRQs as are required in a specific machine.
APICs are beneficial for the following reasons :
• APICs can contribute to resolving resource conflicts in the PC platform.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Advanced BIOS Features
► Hard Disk Boot Priority
[Press Enter]
Item Help
CPU L1 & L2 Cache
First Boot Device
[Hard Disk]
Menu Level ►
Second Boot Device
Third Boot Device
Select Removable Boot
Boot Other Device
Device Priorty
Boot Up Numlock Statuas
Security Option
Delay For HDD (Seconds)
Ful l Screen Logo Show
↑↓→←:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5: Previous Values F7: Optimized Defaults
Press Enter