PC Health Status
► Case Open Warning
This item is used to enable or disable case open warning function.
► Shutdown Temperature
This item is used to set the system temperature upper limit. When the temperature exceeds
the set value, the system will shut down automatically.
► Warning Temperature
This option is used to set the warning temperature for the system. When the temperature of
CPU is higher than the set value, the motherboard will send out warning information.
CPU Vcore/+ 3.3V/+5V/+12V/VDDR
The current voltages are automatically detected and displayed by the system.
CPU/System Temperature
The CPU/System temperature are automatically detected and displayed by the system.
► CPU Fan/System Fan Speed
The CPU fan/System fan speed are automatically detected and displayed by the system.
Smart fan Control
This option is used to enable or disable smart fan function. Only when this option is enabled,
you can set some correlative parameters.
PWM Start Temperature
It allows you set a temperature value from which smart fan starts its operation.
Start PWM Value
It allows you to set an initial PWM value to drive the fan when the temperature reaches Start
value and smart fan begins its operation. The higher PWM value can achieve the faster fan
► Slope PWM Value
It controls the PWM value being stepped up or down versus temperature changes.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
PC Health Status
Case Open Warning
Item Help
Shutdown Temperature
Warning Temperature
Menu Level ►
CPU Vcore
1.37 V
3.34 V
4.99 V
12.09 V
CPU Temperature
System Temperature
CPU Fan Speed
2039 RPM
System Fan Speed
Smart Fan Control
x PWM Start Temperature
x Start PWM Value
x Slope PWM Value
x Delta Temperture
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F5: Previous Values F7: Optimized Defaults