Chapter 3 BIOS Description
Boot Up Floppy Seek (Default: Disabled)
This option controls whether the BIOS checks for a floppy drive while booting
up. If it cannot detect one (either due to improper configuration or physical
unavailability), it will appear an error message. The available setting values
are: Disabled and Enabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status (Default: On)
This item defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system is
started. The available setting values are: On and Off.
Gate A20 Option (Default: Fast)
This option is used to set up the A20 signal control necessary for access to
the 1MB memory. The available setting values are: Normal and Fast.
Typematic Rate Setting (Default: Disabled)
If this item is enabled, you can use the following two items to see the typematic
rate and the typematic delay settings for your keyboard. The available setting
values are: Disabled and Enabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) (Default: 6)
Use this item to define how many characters per second a held-down key
Typematic Delay (Msec) (Default: 250)
Use this item to define how many milliseconds must elapse before a held-
down key begins generating repeated characters.
Security Option (Default: Setup)
When it is set to “Setup”, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup
screen; When it is set to “System”, a password is required not only to enter
CMOS Setup, but also to startup your PC.
APIC Mode (Default: Enabled)
This option is used to enable or disable APIC function.
MPS Version Control For OS (Default: 1.4)
This option is used to set up the version of MPS Table used in NT4.0 OS.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB (Default: Non-OS2)
This item is only required if you have installed more than 64 MB of memory
and you are running the OS/2 operating system. Otherwise, leave this item at
the default.