Section K
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Horizon & Sundowner
Owners Manual
K - 3
A. Transom Drain
A transom drain with plug is provided in the engine com-
partment to allow water drainage. When the boat is out
of the water, the boat and trailer should be positioned so
any bilge water accumulation during dry storage will flow
towards the transom.
Be sure the drain plug is securely in place prior
to launching the boat. Upon shipment of the
boat, the drain plug is usually taped to the steer-
ing wheel.
B. Bilge Pumps
Bilge pumps are provided in the bottom of the hull to
remove miscellaneous water accumulations that might
occur during normal boating or weather conditions. The
bilge pump is controlled by the Bilge Pump Switch on
the dash panel. See Section H-3 for a detailed descrip-
tion of the bilge pump switches.
Bilge pumps equipped with automatic switches are stan-
dard on the Horizon and Sundowner models. As the
water level rises, the automatic float switch will activate
the pump.
When leaving the boat unattended for long periods of
time or during excessive rain storms, it is a good idea to
check on the boat for excessive water accumulation. Be
sure the bilge pump and automatic float switch (if
equipped) are operating properly. The operating time of
the bilge pump will be limited to the battery capacity.
While at rest, any bilge water accumulation may
flow forward. Therefore, operate the bilge pump
shortly after getting underway and while the boat
is at a substantial running angle. DO NOT al-
low bilge water to accumulate. Damage to the
engine or other components may result.
Periodically, clean the bilge pump strainers. DO NOT
allow dirt and debris to clog the bilge pump intakes.
Check operation of the bilge pump float switch often to
ensure movement of the switch is not restricted by de-
bris, portions of the hull, etc.
Wipe up any oil accumulation in the bilge prior to activa-
tion of the bilge pump. Pumping oil overboard will pol-
lute the water, and is subject to fine.
After winterization of the fresh water systems, be sure
the bilge area, bilge pump and associated hoses are
thoroughly dry. Damage to the hull, bilge pump and other
equipment could occur if water is allowed to freeze in
the bilge.
C. Liner Drains
Fiberglass liners are standard on the Horizon and
Sundowner models. Liner drains are provided on these
models with fiberglass liners. Fiberglass liners can be
cleaned easily by hosing the floor. The water will drain
into the bilge and be pumped overboard by the bilge
D. Bilge Compartment Drainage
Certain bulkhead areas of Four Winns® boats are sealed
in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations effec-
tive at the date of manufacture. Drainage is provided
and water can be removed with the bilge pump.