required to supply sufficient heat) place a small, pea-sized, solder fillet at the
upper corner of the juncture of each of the four side panels. Flip the assembly
over so that it is right-side-up, and remove the aluminum spacers. Add small
solder fillets on the upper corners of the four side panel junctures. Inspect to
assure that each joint is flush and square, and re-adjust the solder joints if
necessary. Re-invert the assembly, and attach the circuit board to the side
panels using solder fillets about 1/2" inside from each corner.
It is NOT recommended to solder the entire length of the joints. If it would be
necessary to disassemble the enclosure at a future it would be nearly
impossible to do so.
Locate the threaded nylon PTO coil form, the remaining 26 AWG magnet wire,
the brass screw, and the two leads from C15. Using an indelible marker or
hobby knife, mark the nylon coil form 1/8” (3.5 mm) from each end. Screw the
brass screw entirely into the nylon spacer, finished end first. Fix the nylon
spacer horizontally into a bench vise, clamp, or 'third hand', so that the marks
are at the top.
Take the leads saved from C15. Straighten them as much as possible. Take
one lead, and hold it vertically, near the top with your needle nose pliers.
Position the bottom of the lead on one of the marks on the nylon spacer. Touch
your soldering iron to the lead about 1/4” from the bottom of the lead to heat it.
As the plastic of the spacer melts from the heat of the lead, firmly and quickly
force the hot lead straight down into the plastic until you feel a slight resistance
before it bottoms out on the screw inside. Immediately remove the iron, while
holding the lead in position until the plastic cools and sets. Check with your ohm
meter that there is NO continuity between the lead and the brass screw, while
rotating the screw through a complete turn. Reheat the lead and pull it out
slightly of continuity is present. Repeat with the second lead. Leave the
assembly in the clamp for the time being.
Take the 26 AWG magnet wire. Strip and tin 1/4” of one end. Bend the end in
the middle of the tinned section into a sharp 'v'. Place this over one of the newly
inserted leads, so that the end of the 'v' points away from the center of the coil
form. Hold the wire about 1/16” (1.5 mm) from the surface of the plastic, and
crimp in place with the needle nose pliers. Solder into place quickly, and
promptly remove the iron before the lead loosens from the plastic spacer.
Remove the spacer from the vise or clamp, and remove the screw from the
center. Wrap the 26AWG magnet wire 22 turns around the spacer. Strip a ¼”