厦 门 四 信 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:J1-J2,3rd Floor,No.44,GuanRi Road,SoftWare Park,XiaMen,China
Zip Code
Tel:+86 592-6300320, +86 592-6300321, +86 592-6300322 Fax:+86 592-5912735 http://
www.four-faith.com www.fourfaith.com
after the configured reconnect interval
AT Command:
xxx : reconnect time interval (unit is second)
3.3 Functions
Clear Output
Clear the output information
Version Display
Show the software and hardware version
Signal Value
Display current wireless signal value
Factory setting
Restore to factory settings
Show Config
Show current DTU settings
Show Baudrate
Display the communication baudrate
Auto Detect
Simple way to determine whether DTU work fine
Save Output
Save the output info to a file
Save Config
Save the current settings to a file, you can restore it from this file later
Restore Config
Restore settings from a previous saved configure file