Security Profiles
The recommendation for a typical deployment is 30 clients per radio, or 60 clients per AP.
The recommendation for high-density developments is up to 80 clients per radio, or 160 cli-
ents per AP.
These recommendations for FAP-U422EV are for both MCA and virtual Cell.
The actual number of clients recommended per radio depends on number and types of appli-
cations in use, SLAs, client types, etc. This subject is discussed in detail in the guide titled
"BPG - High Density Design and Deployment," which is available for download through Cus-
tomer Support.
Security Profiles
To ensure that you are benefiting from the VHT data rates available in 11ac, your security pol-
icies need to be configured to use WPA2 with AES-CCMP. The AES-CCMP requirement is
part of the 11ac specification.
Signal Strength
The recommendation for 11n networks is typically that AP signal strength be -65 dBm or
greater everywhere that Wi-Fi service is required for voice or video. This recommendation is
influenced by the knowledge that 11n uses highest modulation rate of 64-QAM.
With 11ac, a higher signal strength is required to achieve the highest modulation rate of 1024-
QAM. This is because 256 and 1024-QAM employs a much denser constellation than 64-
QAM, which makes data corruption more likely at lower signal strength when using 256 and
1024-QAM. How much higher signal strength is required depends mainly on channel width.
Wider channels will require higher signal strengths to achieve 1024-QAM rates.
For networks using 80 MHz channels, the widest channel width used in Wave 2 APs, a signal
strength of approximately -51 dBm or greater is required to support 1024-QAM. For 40 MHz
channels, a signal strength of approximately -54 dBm or greater is required to support 1024-
Modulation Scheme
11n 64-QAM
11ac 256-QAM