Version 1.2
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Content Auto Update
VideoPoster-III can periodically poll a remote FTP server for new playlists using a given interval.
This menu allows you set up the connection to a remote FTP server that provides playlist
To setup content auto update the following form fields must be filled out:
Check the
Enable polling
checkbox to activate polling (disabled by default)
Enter hostname or IP of the FTP server in the
FTP server
Enter the number of the FTP server’s port (usually 21) in
FTP port
Provide a valid username and password in the
Playlist dir
provide the path on the remote server where the PlaylistContent directory is
located. Please do not append “PlaylistContent” to this path and make sure that the folder
Polling interval
field is used to specify the interval between polls in seconds
On submit a connection check will be executed. If the browser lists the contents of the
PlaylistContent directory on the FTP server all settings are correct and polling will be enabled. For
backward compatibility when the PlaylistContent directory is missing the device will use the
directory specified in
Playlist dir
directly instead.
VideoPoster-III uses the following sequence for content update:
Check the
file on the FTP server. If its size or last modified time has
changed since the last download, the file will be downloaded
Verify playlist file properties to make sure it can be played on the device. If it can’t, it will
be discarded.
Check which media files are new or changed and thus not available locally yet
Download all new media files and store them locally. If any file is missing, the playlist will
be discarded.
On success stop playback and move all downloaded files from the intermediate download
directory to the live directory.
Delete all outdated media files from the local storage and schedule new show for playback
Restart playback with the new playlist
The device is also able to just update individual files in the playlist. This is intended for situations
where some items of the playlist are provided by a third party. These items must be marked as
in the playlist – please see playlist specification documentation for details.
Audio Settings
This page can be used to set a master volume level for audio playback. Its allowed values range
from 0% to 100%. Volume values given in the playlist are regarded as per cent from this value.
Display Settings
This page can be used to set a master brightness level for video display. Its allowed values range
from 0% to 100%. Brightness values given in the playlist are regarded as per cent from this