System Information:
This page contains all details about the system, such as, for example, the software version.
If you contact our Support please add this page to your E-Mail to ensure a fast response.
Restart of the media player.
Display of IP address and hostname
When booting the HTML player‘s current IP address and the host name of the HTML player is displayed on the screen for about 5
Touch Sensors
BLO-Line monitors in 24“, 31.5“, 42”, 46“ and 54.6” are also available with touch. Depending on the panel size, different touch systems
and touch technologies are used. If the monitor has been ordered as touch screen, the touch sensor and touch controller are installed
at factory.
BLO-Line Video PME:
The drivers for these monitors must be installed on your PC system. HID devices do not need drivers for Windows 10. Please contact
our support center if you are using LINUX based computers.
Note: All drivers for the touch sensors can be found on the enclosed DVD.