Forma Scientific, Inc.
The defrost switch must be turned on when the temperature
setpoint is 10°C, or below.
The defrost indicator lights when the defrost switch is on and the incubator is in a
defrost cycle.
3.4 Overtemp Safety Control,
Indicator Light and
Audible Alarm (Refer to
Figure 3-2)
The overtemp safety
thermostat should be set
slightly above the operating
temperature of the
incubator. In the event of an
overtemp condition, the
overtemp safety thermostat
1. Activate the audible
alarm and the overtemp
indicator light.
Figure 3-2
Temperature Controls Detail
2. Interrupt power to the heaters and maintain the temperature at the overtemp control
The overtemp control is not directly calibrated. The numbers (0 to 10) on the dial
for reference only
and do not correspond to any specific temperature. If an overtemp
condition occurs, the cause of the problem must be determined and corrected before normal
operation under the main temperature controller can be resumed.