Ensenada Ottomans
The parts that go together have the same numbers written next to the predrilled holes they attach to.
Align the parts with the numbers as shown for ease of reference
Tools required
: ½-inch ratchet
and a mallet or small hammer.
Your ottoman was partially disassembled into 3 parts
and hardware (ottoman, two legs, 4 carriage bolts,
washers and nuts). Unpack your ottoman and make sure
you have all the parts. Turn upside
down. You’ll notice
that each corner has a number that corresponds to each
leg. Match the leg number to the corner hole and attach
with two carriage bolts. Align the predrilled holes, lightly
tap the 2 bolts in. The bolts should tap into their holes. If
you have to force a bolt, the leg is probably not oriented
properly, is in the wrong hole or it is turned around.
Make sure the bolts are tapped all the way into the wood,
then add washers and nuts and tighten with a ½-inch
ratchet. Do not over tighten or you’ll crush the redwood
and weaken the
ottoman’s structure.
Thank you. If you have any questions, please call or
email us.