Ford THUNDERBIRD 1960 Shop Manual Download Page 224

Summary of Contents for THUNDERBIRD 1960

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Page 3: ...tions contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing The Ford Division ot Ford Motor Company reserves the right to discontinue models at any time or change specifications or design without notice and without incurring obligation SERVICE DEPARTMENT FORD DIVISION FORD MOTOR COMPANY ...

Page 4: Light Gray Metallic EMGI E V 352 cubic inch V4 430 cubic inch 4V Vi ZM Light Gray Metallic White tM Dark Gray Metallic White JM Red White Mi White Red CONSECUTIVE UNIT NUMBER JA Red Black RM Yellow White The assembly plant with each model year begins with consecutive unit number 100001 and continues on for each unit built RA Yellow Black XM Burgundy Metallic White liM Rose Beige Metallic White ...

Page 5: ...rc eptem er D April K October EM Medium Blue Metallic White May I November ME White Medium Blue Metallic F iune M December FM Light Blue White MF NE White Ice Blue Light Blue Medium Blue Metallic TRANSMISSION EN Medium Blue Metallic Ice Blue 1 Conventional Drive FE Light Blue Dark Blue Metallic 2 Overdrive SM MS Dark Green Metallic White White Dark Green Metallic 4 Crulse O Matic TM Medium Green M...


Page 7: ...obable occurence Therefore in most cases the items should be checked in the order listed For example under Poor Accelera tion the ignition system is listed as a probable cause of the trouble All the ignition system items that affect ac celeration are listed These items should all be checked before pro ceeding to the next probable cause listed ENGINE TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS GUIDE ENGINE WILL NOT CRANK Th...

Page 8: ...e fast idle cam for binding Thermostatic spring housing ad justment Fast idle speed screw for proper adjustment If fuel is not discharged by the accelerating pump disconnect the carburetor fuel inlet line at the carburetor Use a suitable container to catch the fuel Crank the en gine to see if fuel is reaching the carburetor If fuel is not reaching the carbu retor check The fuel filter The fuel pum...

Page 9: ...ct Fuel inlet system not operating properly Dirt or water in fuel lines fuel filter or carburetor COOLING SYSTEM Check the cooling system for in ternal leakage and or for a condi tion that prevents the engine from reaching normal operating tempera ture ENGINE Perform a compression test to de termine which mechanical compo nent of the engine is at fault MISSES AT IDLE ONLY FUEL SYSTEM Idle fuel mix...

Page 10: ...OLD EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust gas control valve inop erative or sticking 352 engine FUEL SYSTEM Clogged or undersize main jets and or low float setting Clogged or undersize secondary jets VACUUM BOOSTER PUMP Leaking pump lines or fittings ENGINE Loose engine mounting bolts or worn insulator Cylinder head bolts not properly tightened Intake manifold seals leaking 352 engine Leaky power valve gaskets o...

Page 11: ...eck Ignition timing Spark plug condition and adjust ment Distributor spark advance opera tion ENGINE Perform an engine compression test to determine which mechanical component of the engine is at fault COOLING SYSTEM FINAL CHECKS FUEL SYSTEM Check Fuel pump pressure Engine idle speed Check thermostat operation and heat range TRANSMISSION Check band adjustment matic transmissions auto ENGINE TROUBL...

Page 12: ...emove VALVE LIFTER face of the valve spring retainer If the lifter is not functioning prop erly a shock will be felt when the valve seats Another method of identifying a noisy lifter is by the use of a piece of hose With the engine operating at idle speed place one end of the hose near the end of the valve stem and the other end to the ear and listen for a metallic noise Repeat this procedure on e...

Page 13: ... draw Check coil output X X X X Part 12 I Part 12 2 Part 2 1 Perform a primary circuit resistance test Perform aspark intensity test of each spaik plug wire X X DISTRIBUTOR Check the condition of the breaker points Replace the breaker points and the condenser X Part 2 1 X _ X Lubricate the distributor cam Oil the lubricating wick Lubricate the dis tributor bushing through the oil cup Operation Per...

Page 14: ...t ger is completely bet tomed Fig 2 Hold the lifter in she bully collapsed poti non 3 Insert the correct end of the clearance gauge between the valve stem atad the tucker arm of the valve heing checked 4 If the first sEep of the gattge en ters a standard length push rod may be used If the first step of the gauge does not enter replace the standard posh rod with a 0 060 ineh shorter posh rod if the...

Page 15: ... to obtain the highest reading 5 Repeat the test on each cylin der cranking the engine the same number of times for each cylinder as was required to obtain the highest reading on No 1 cylinder TEST CONCLUSIONS A variation of 20 pounds from specified pressure is satisfactory However the compression of all cyl inders should be uniform within 10 pounds A reading of more than the allow able tolerance ...

Page 16: ...hten push rods CYLINDER KEAflS CLtANPNG AND INSPECTION With the vs lves installed ro p rO_ cut thc valve scars remove deposits from the combustion chambers 352 engine and valve heads with a scraper and a wire brush Be careful not to scratch the eylinder head gasket sur face After the vs vet are removed clean the valve zuide bores with a elve guide cleaning tool Use clean ing solvent to remove dirt...

Page 17: ...ats of hoth carte cc and hr intake a3ve eea s of the 4311 na nr on tram 15 IC Fig 9 Cried the iatake die cf the 35 engine en mc 30 anz c PEa 10 Re move affic er ourrh aft k tsr clean on p u o aves or to correct the h soit rausoun After the _ 4L a rr a ed rca the acer ii th Tig Nanow the in ccc sair o bare width limits If the vslvc seat i 10th c cedc the nnximuac ii n i H rumocu C nougb 4 cececac a...

Page 18: ...n all ha parts in lean solvent and wipe Ihem emit h a clean lint free cloth spect I tie parts a td discard the enlire lifter assembly if atty part shows siassof pittine scoring gall ins or evidence of non rota ion At an reptt ce lee en 1 re as sem hly if the plutager i e not tree in else Isody fhe plnnger should drop to the hot n n of he body by its owti weight Assemble the litter asseni h y and c...

Page 19: ...i the pisiOtl pt Re place the conocetin5 rod if tIe pin i rcis not within speeifie ttioTis ae place ICc pkton and pin ii cite pin Is i Ot w isltin specifications ro check the o r fa rerice lit f the pin in the colirireting rod refer to Repi tire defective coal neet ing ituts tttI After else coIsnL cung rods are as tens h ted to the p1 sloe ci cs I the con necling re or bend or twist on a ea itabea...

Page 20: ...4ffl the ea ie an a xc sith she tif b co roaiue dac psI eCaa or d to retnac rae farm nbboa Fi 18 In T b n 5 ic diaama i tines rep resent fare rt bbons of stiotas their neesca the braze ne s L aze reprt elst the pessod poll nd the StliC d ines represent the ctc rarace To dcie mae th a rarace bmcte the i ne repeeuer eiap the ticunth p0 1 ece ed to rent nec he cc Ca tibbn from the cvi ide re tolhsw t...

Page 21: heajiag clearance Svk etiec ftc he sriti are av i I tbic F a aran ecnda d tzfl unit Standard bearings are Irsr lsit Into tWO tiltC Cmi ale identiñtd by a d aob of red or blue pains Meter in Putt 1 5 for the aveiiahk iees lied barked beaño tarmac the clear nocet blue m rked hearings deceta e the cliasruace Cndersized hear nge which are nos secztne nt are antI ahkts r usa on journals that has s b...

Page 22: ...r for ito retc itisttg cL ttsua t tia reds that te quire new hoaritig FLYWHEEL MANUAI SHlfl TRANSMISSIONS INSPECTION Inapect be flywheel for Cr aek a hear check Or other atcta ther would osaka it wait for furTher sets ice facEi ita the frietirtI asniac rot the flycheci a it is uaaored or worn II ii necessary to rtutbve more than 3 045 inch of LTuL from the ortasr thickness replaca the fty wheel In...

Page 23: ...d and oversize therefore arlss us sIred pLc tous eaa he lntenh lxed wi Ito at upset ting engine balance Refinish the cylinder witls the most wear first to deterni i se the niaxi mu ni oversize It the cylinder tvLtl ties clean up when rdflnishrd Lor the maximum 0 scraire pis ton reconi ole nded repi thc block Reftni sh the cylinder to ith tn ap proximately 0 051 5 inch of thc re noire d ossaraizc d...

Page 24: ...TEM MAINtENANCE leFt t y u uup EC th t e FIG 21 Rotor End Ploy tiiila iae inrenait for tlraiiitett sttce lie brenlher cap I i s u it d on the oil mier tube h ou g be atcaned with ana at lw rot mnilear in to tyal i e c oLn o i the Tlul ant cnn n the r p siati light cngt se tail he moatl draft ttLt e setduni re quires cleaisiria except dun or a Ia i i ic Je esr overhauL Ho ve sen if tia re is e fien...

Page 25: ...hes r I ss a cc ra aorsbu l Otto ol 9 6 1 The paced plate syml IC theenr es MAN Fans The a ntake man lo Id v u zh a so carves as the vafte push rod chant tier rover eor tauni a passage tnast lu she cenaar lariat SOC 503cr the carburetor thaouah wht h ho exhausr cases a a dire cccd to in vsa rinng the irominc oacaraa Fcc 3 Toe nancu a caces are dci ted inau a ana e n aJoae bt a d nrnic u crctics eC...

Page 26: ...beMiogs prtsicd the block The can PUTt iS driven v k ji d kt t tue chio rn meab sprocket on Liw Cr anicshafs Can shalt end play controlled hr a thrust bsntoo and spine c aans be puss 00 C Pt ml Ga pwpIGas Scala 55 C tHe FT MIt CiRCLE 512 4 A FIG G Valve Port MTang EUOPTI a Sen the camshaft sprocket bolt and the cylinder irottt cover Hydraulic valve iii cr5 art ulal which provide zero vavc lash and...

Page 27: ...ter bore boss traps nil so liar oil is available for valve lifter luhrieatton so soon as he cmi gioc atarts An oil passage is drilled From Al 246 A No 5 canushalL bearittg web to lie left cylinder head between Not 5 aod 6 cylinders to lobs ste I he valve rocker aim stiact assembly in the front of the crankcase A spring I Fig 9 The oil passage in the yl in d Cr head is drilled from the cylin der he...

Page 28: ...ank case Warm vcntilsting air minimizes the fonnatlotu of crankcase sludge The vtndlaiiog sir is directed by baffle located on mdenide of the iniake manifold ujaw rd usia the front of both valve rocker ann chhess The baffle abc d aect air 0 the root or the lower crankca nd mia the timing chain chamber Air fron lit a else soeker arm Ha lO Cn kc eVanlilelie System dtrmha and hosa t in eninkease rear...

Page 29: ...emove the line 13 On a ear with an air condi tioner disconnect the nmnsgnetic clutch woe isolate the compressor 14 macnuances the heater hoar at the water pump and at the intake roe iii fold is Dirconrtect the generator wires at the generaTor 16 Diseorm sect the engine tem perature seundirag unit wire at the reradittg unit 11 ten move nh e e rIgi ne groond stralv atW the rtarter cable retal a i ti...

Page 30: ...Remove uhi l ps ai orm the mnsnamission and Lower the 0 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY ENGINE REMOVED INTAKE MANIFOLD AND DISTgIBUTOR I Disconnect rhe wire at the spark p1ugs and rena ndr the wires from the iqmsmmioin tiaronsa bracket on the vatse rocker aria C55 Yr rs 2 Rcnioye the distrihtrtor c p and spark plug wi m e axceigblv 3 Diseon utt en the diatri hutnr vat onu line at the di I rr hu rttr I Sc mr n ...

Page 31: ...YLINDER HEADS L R n o thc thma L rr irs od an a b h reface the c chamt fafli Rc j c the pa c pI Us 2 R r o e y mr er hand bol end then i u UU time ey ied miu jao a ea iU z I 3 Li the llnde head off the h x c Do neat pr between the hand and the block Remove amad dasard OIL FILTER AND AflAPTER adap e n Re 3 C rj e nd_pier acne a and ad Fre re up a ana cc This Dar S the OIL PAN AND OIL PUMP L ta crr ...

Page 32: ...or lartollolion 7 Remo etae hea maa iiteeht f om she a e c mm moth cni C RA N SR 4FT I Re moe he ninin hear nmecp 2 Ca efr y rise he ratieth ft 001 of h S rt e i ec so ft t the oen in aged Itandk the cnolahut jth cant In awold pes6ble Iractuer or damage 0 he Iitdshed satisan 3 tom ace the rer joimaol oil ii btoek arid rena rino on p and nnto c the can to black side 4 chp Remove nial heruing in fro...

Page 33: ...mer and cleave 3 Compress the spring a it5t irs stall bc tejainer ocks cFig 4i 4 Me nun the assembled height of the valv spring iNn the surFace of the cylinder head spring r md to torn V MCE V At V C 51263 A aIim om Ida i ida of the spri rm a retalnet with dividecs Ipig 6 C hrc L the mhtirkrs m LiJtst a sck If he assem Em e d tis iflir it greater than P t inches Install the necasary mm c I Ti inch...

Page 34: ...t ring PISTONS AMP CONNECTING RODS S ISASSIAtnY t laml he pilnesis aM pins Ci LEn rnaHr SANe OOl5t OR sGe V L DB4IAT1OI4 10 Otr OF b Ce4 A 1271 A FIG 30 CoflnecIin9 Rod and Ltssure asse sibly ills the s s me rod end innstanlta ienn o the same oyEinder torn w Er lets r Ire y were removed 2 Remove rtse piston Tinge Re nt a r e i he piston pia retninere hens drLvc rite pin out of tIre piston end mm r...

Page 35: ...ings are loans lied Be sore the camshaft front beai ing is imictalled 0 0050 020 eels heloav lie frniti face sf the cyliitder block big 32 2 Cleana out the c ansahaft rear hear i ag bore ptog recess ntaoroughly 3 Coat ihe flange of a new p1ug with water retiathnc seaier and in ttsit it with nbc flnngc facing in Fig 33 4 Drive he plug in unnil it is flush or slightly below the casting arm rfacc CAM...

Page 36: ...r so that II Con tee L point nests ag s mist the ranks Inc n I angc end the indicator axa i lai relIct to the cranksha ft ax Fig 391 t3 Set the dial at zere Posit the ci amiksha it forward and i0 IC Else readi m on nbc dial 14 If the end play exceeds the wcnmr limit replace lie rlmrust bear ing the end Pt ay is less than the minm nom limit inspeem th boaring faces for Rena mchca ho rrs o icks or d...

Page 37: mm 8 Turn the cm ammk h nft JirQW to the bottom oF i a Sr rs ke her t the piston iii I tI no way down unit it mIte coniNc m log n d lmea ii rag seats On Ii renL sltaf I oil real 9 lmnsr tl the connecting no 1 cap then tighten the nut to pccm Ic it ion I0 A rer he piston and connect Ing rod aecemblies h nrc been tn sialied ejieck the mdc clearance be rsaeen he connecting rueja on each crankahair...

Page 38: ...haft front oil stinger CYLINDER FRONT COVER AND FRONT OIL SEAl FRONT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT It is good practice to rapisce the oil seal each time the cylinder front cover is removed I Drive out rho otd sent with pin punch then clean cirt the recess in the cover 2 Coat a new teal with grease tostalt the seal Fig 4 5 3 Dtivc the seal in until it is fully seated in the recess 4 After installation ch eD...

Page 39: ... flea tons 2 Oin a flywheel for a manual shift treetetiulna ion Use toot 7563 to locate the clutch disc tususti the pressure plate Tighten the retaining bolts to spe ciflcat inns OIL FILTER AND ADAPTER The oft filter assembly is shown in Fig 50 1 Clean the oil filter adapter gas ket nurfacen 2 Apply sealer to a muetv adapter skc L and install tine adapter as nethbty and gasket 3 clean the ad aiste...

Page 40: ...3 Position ne snls on ho cvi roder l nJ a s akem n hr c i nde ime da iih the caster east in an the cy tde head ea r tabs Dc ao r the hue in tb r rts are U nA H mdc he c ts bc eslin do ho es The 0 i ellntioas rho a ke a and teas rc ahn in I tea d the ne icein in the in ole maniloli and r moh the engine Ejnir a no sad arefott a aer the r a ne Fit 15 5 Pothn th in cai e man it d he inee rimiz t ns r ...

Page 41: ...mbly isna n al h u L tie not tighten line mate a tar 0 C ogi nnc oekw urn era a ntd bo is If both Cu ppor na ha se been tensesed install the bolts un Ihe opposile aide be tare px occediing with step 2 2 Luwor the engine then insLall the nioderhudy to insu ator lock washer and not and tigheeim the nut in specificsnmnna Tighten the insula tor no enginc bolts tn specifications EKOINt RAR SUPPORT The ...

Page 42: ...k and the radiator 2 Remove the drive belts On a car with power steering re move the power steering pump pulley from the crankshaft damper 3 Remove the cap screw and washer from the end of the crank shaft Install the puller on the crank shaft damper Fig 19 and remove the damper INSTALLATION 1 Line up the damper keyway with the key on the crankshaft Then install the damper on the crankshaft Fig 48 ...

Page 43: ...i the h dNUoflr valyc ret Scm in a ruci ao hat ret Day Ft I j in thcfr 0 1cm i bore It ii uct nrc csser n rammer_a hffle t on he pliab rod C her floor in rIms the vahe Iiiiei The miami pan of nh hvdnafr ahe 1111cr assemiffl nfl male had s Do met inint jr the pans Krp ne nate nLeeI ouI they cm 10 be ekaneiL 4 Ca enH te ro rrsljsfi b Ioard the fart of the IN tAiSATlOH a thi he cen hait end cpp Y La ...

Page 44: ...rr arm a he ncese ry tSaI to r e T the i__oica e Creck the c fl evet ann dl the crankcase ii OIL PAN AND OIL PUMP 11110 VAi I Oral I the 00011ng cm and he erantse kner nor the a l a an Joper bose at the radi ator sonoti a nx 2 Rcmn c the oil ton re ainin nuce nd never n_se oIl r roche ur ndcHod crone a cm r oe ti e Sc nT Tn e1 o het n c _ unsmr_ wilm r cr Sc oil pan and mnae Va TO erd 3 Remose the...

Page 45: ...ntake manifold it Water heated to assist in vaporizing he itt 001 ijig trial charge The water pasTagea are located beneath the fuel passages Refer Tn atcooli g System in this see floo for a description of tha water circulation through the manifold The intake malt fold has IWO SCIS of fuel p ass I get each with its own separate mId cdn nection to the car bursnor Fig 2 The right side of the carhuret...

Page 46: ...s s TIc r aTash IT supported by fir bra ii as isressed into the block l s drisem i y a clTro iel and liming chain in mesh at itli a sprockeT on the cci o k shalt Cams heft end play is con I roll cd ilic vsmshaft lobes The angie at salajeti 11 0 camshaft lobes are graTiliTal orces the canrs tcC s cns srd the carac_ rt 00Cc i ar the Thu sares e ce on the _ tt1h ia _kc controls the distance rIte mabi...

Page 47: ...1 42 GROUP 1 ENGINES AND BHAUST SYSI JA steot I C a A 305 A FIG 1 ceeUao Systeni ...

Page 48: ...Ok a parTlal a rsrim rate brIne act thr colTs niec Ir fret rhr ansrase I ire taroont a tLo tat he airalin h aiuch tf re T ne Iran 5t tal filler ca raTed the ranl C lie n aiee nIar aTC IC flit C Inc filler rap TTaatrla fi Te T el vnf ch Tilren tb u incontln air Err s he filler nap fe P l ad ri sIte nuan rod chance ehereir is dccc by ladle Icr re on The vaaseis fr d ai I e door ir hree C eaTon L Lns...

Page 49: ...e the car end pl iee CT Oil safety tend a 12 Disconnect TIle flexible It d line at the fuel tank hoe 151 iaa hall cap on the Tine 13 Rensooc II eua aLkciiac scTLiil L ion rube autIsm Tt is laretI Til iTTtC the bTook 14 DiacoloTeel ttTs saai iar etahlat all Its Ii II lacunneet the muffler inlet pipes frosts the exheust mathfotda 17 Itomnove lw idler LirtlI bracket to is nd erbod y rots in ing be It...

Page 50: also LI Install wire kxnm an the ci on thr left vaiva racker arm 22 litctaU the cnine tem erature and oil pessurt endthg unit sre Connect the r l primar are 23 On a car with powtr bnatea roancal be gr rer hrtc t ecislam ir To the intake maTr k4 nntium fitting 24 Connect the hanery ground H a the engine 2S InsiaD he n a alor and the I 2 FIll ens bleed the c00 ing an tarn 27 Fill the crankcase dt...

Page 51: iisdcr front Cover 11 Discard the cyl Ill d Cr root cu cr gasket IlL 1 5 c mkthofl Sprod t Removal Rem evaI A1309 A tiller GROUP I ENGIIIES AND EXHAUST SYSTEM Oil FILlIP AND ADAPTER Lnsrts a t aced ñlisi from the adapter its In a a the oil Lii i r adapter assembly antI oiL glass II t sa send i unit as sI a enni 5IY Dise itrd the gasket Oil PAN AND OIL VACUUM PUMP 1 ln erl the ccci n ihn e one l...

Page 52: ...Tel arv iii c svetss Of 1 32 mdi whea t aodag ridga has be wa tea Into ss J cr1155 the _ e itcr eon Ihe caai lae aee burn then turn he caarl_aehal t u lI lt aeni Ea_eo i at the ap of its saa 1cea d at ciuly temose he cloth sith the airlt nae D DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY OF COMPONENT PARTS oo con se eo FIG li Valve Rodser Arm Shqft Assembly satE tlG WA5E At 261 A 6 Make 50ev a hearing itnita and c eo...

Page 53: ...r sprint_a es cIlahly a ali an L aIls vales Dicc r l he el o leI asc a l CiL Sir AStM l Y 1 I tlhricatr the caine gtlidn tend valve items with enenillc oil r ph p1cc to the rip at the alOe 2 I taI each cci in Fin I fl Ihe pta l ro ra henil IL SI as rclrtiarre or ho Fuel it a a Filled Inala l a torn seat Ion Lie sa Ice 3 Ii the a n er eN s W I Ta mos ed earn the c c sranae lanai e daticrer sprang i...

Page 54: ...r the lilac and spring a rid push the retainer down lila place oil the plunger 4 Place the plLloger tprJn Ihen lie plIlilger Open end up inrb the lifter heidy 5 P acaa the posit rod acttt in Ihe plunger 6 Depress the p onger then poai I tea a F lae closed end of Ihe lock ring inn nine groove of the lifter body With I he pl U aneer still U cprcaaed a petition the open ends of the hack ring in the g...

Page 55: in the slots provided OIL VACUUM PUMP DIEASSEMOLY I Remove rile oil inlet tttbe and screens assembly from rhe oil ptlmp and U sc rd the gaskeL 2 iisosilnlnecl the VaclilIm pump in let litne fnnio the vaCuna an Dump bndy 3 Rcnno ve the screws and locking plates I hat secure the vacuum porn p taaembly to the oil pomp bndy 4 Sr nbc an index mark tan tine aidc car Lhe cuser plate and the vacta mu ...

Page 56: ...Oct ne carI s f aM pry Lrah i_ pl_ net aB tEa lobee th aearc rdh sUde ft throaah isa bear oee CRANKSHA FT The r nakha t Ld reisced varni areninFtzS2 Al325 A FIG 33 seol to Block InsinUation I Be sore tin rhe Ic jnrInn a ar raaa he Il rs I a ice a C rear main bear rim ear l an 4f e e a a a the aU 2 if I lie ci ankI a a rnace a e er eon deir ire ucereze n srai Ue ccnt C sa arnn Be mm the bar ing in ...

Page 57: ...Urn nicks or furcign matter tf the I hrust faces are nut defectWe ur dirty time y probably w erL lent ttiignnesl properly I ncr a I 11w thrtmat bcarii g and align line tnncCa foliowi ng lie rceo II nuenided proced uI c steps 1 5 P a usE I 0 tlieti pm check the sind play IS Dip the rear bearing cap aide seals hi light engine oil then immedi ately install them in the gruuvcs Do not use sealer on the...

Page 58: ...nranr cleanscn age to spec ibca nn ppms Fight coat of engine oil le he cnurtnals and ar logs 8 Toni the er Fr bhafr throw Co he bOttoei at mm iFruks Inush nEtr pu ion all the Way altrwn unpil the L iamr Freeling rod t ean ing seats on tine rr irrkshafn jottrmial 9 install Fins e ennee rinz ra LI Cap nine S 0 0 Afncr reerr in aLcni chc S ii e e J cjea r _ e C _ se a rods c sn crsnbnaaü jouraal hi a...

Page 59: ...ver and the rylinrier hioc k g ieknsn erIe faces 1 CosT nrc gasket clnn f nc e of nbc Hock anti cove 1 inn I he cover ho in rhreads winin sealer Pinci mnin a sew gsskrt on the block 3 hula11 the cylunder fF onnn aligumenl pilot on OIL rime cylinder n rannn Lnver nn nlnat nise keva av in nhc piinnr m igne vanli nbc Lee inn line en n sin a in rosin inn nbc Loser 4 nd pilot over the end of F he ersin...

Page 60: ......

Page 61: ...rt in K cab at rem na unmaniar c calor h_ mine ENGINE iTONT 5uPPCfl rn ear r Iroat e h r I aaus r in F_nor Tue ocin r em o piy _ e 0 ala flirm aI a tiL o Removal I Rcnraae he rma mtmc eambI Foun crcac rr mungnom Ta moe r e me o ed ipso bath rmmai am ore en tar e c can u a aisea 2 Ram c 5 Cr re aharn ha a wd bIcck si_aced ce n am ran thur r cmmmrave rEd reps Lneu atrr crace a o nea_ Inatatilon 1 P ...

Page 62: ...on T D C at the end of the compression stroke Ro tate the crankshaft damper an addi tional 450 Starting at the No 4 valve rocker arm shaft support loosen the support bolts in sequence two turns at a time After the bolts are all loos ened remove the valve rocker arm shaft assembly then remove the valve push rods in sequence Starting at the No I valve rocker arm shaft support follow the same procedu...

Page 63: ... oil pan and related parts as outlined in this sec tion 10 Install the sleeve on the crank shaft then install the crankshaft damper Clean the block water pump gasket surfaces Apply sealer on new water pump gaskets and position the gaskets on the water pump Position the water pump pulley and fan as sembly on the block Install the water pump left bolts finger tight Position the windshield washer pum...

Page 64: ... in this section 3 Remove the engine right and left support to underhody nuts Raise the engine with a jack and wood block placed under the oil pan Posi tion a 1 inch wooden block between the engine front support brackets and underbody and block Remove the jack from underneath the oil pan and allow the engine to rest on the wood blocks 4 Remove the oil pan retaining screws and lower the oil pan to ...

Page 65: ... c en is U7 o _P T s tn cor iets of aara en u er inI t ee r n and n u a ouc eI p re nth o d 11 a r a a i L nict pipe rdrj e s a C en h and an xa as I he exhaa 2 a oiaLnn On ur er Sac v_ s cn ed e eea c iLcan manhfct nj ihc he i Eake an d d rr hea eth thczcfore an cx h ails e as cau wi v4ve S 001 UC an th 5 40 I el I el V 7 I 3 A i A 347 A ...

Page 66: ...R AND OUTLET PIPE REPLACEMENT MUFFLER INLET PIPE lie rieh I And left mi Lifiler inlet rIpe irellat SCCtIOflS crc acie cd at cite piece I U9euL I lie ma uflier En Let pi P C front bracket cIa r tp boil tad 5 ide the ciomp from the brackel Disconnect Lite Inlet pipes at the eshLie Sr Itisali folds 2 Remo Ce the rc Lain Ing cianip ftom therear sact tort of the tt let Ia Ire Discotitceci die relir l r...

Page 67: ...uipped with air conditioner it should be run for at least 20 minutes before setting idle speed ENGINE IDLE MANIFOLD VACUUM Minimum Inches of Mercury Specified Engine Neutral idle rpm SEA LEVEL 352and430 18 GENERAL Continued INITIAL IGNITION TIMING B T D C 352 Conventional Drive or Overdrive 3 Cruise O Matic 6 430 6 352 and 430 Minimum 20 Maximum 10 CRANKCASE OIL CAPACITY 352 and 430 5 quarts 5Add ...

Page 68: ...ESSURE LBS 3 SPECIFIED LENGTH 352 94 104 3 1 820 Wear Limit 89 3 1 820 180 198 3 1 420 Wear Limit 163 Co 1 420 430 66 77 11 830 Wear Limit 60 3 1 830 240 260 a 1 000 Wear Limit 225 1 000 VALVE SPRING ASSEMBLED HEIGHT 352 11 6_127 3z 430 VALVE PUSH ROD RUNOUT 352 and 430 0 020 VALVE TAPPET STANDARD DIAMETER 352 and 430 0 8740 0 8745 VALVE TAPPET TO TAPPET BORE CLEARANCE 352 and 430 0 0005 0 0020 We...


Page 70: ...9763 0 002 Oversize Color Coded Yellow 352 0 9770 0 9773 PISTON PIN LENGTH 352 3 156 3 170 430 3 480 3 500 PISTON PIN TO PISTON LOOSE CLEARANCE 352 0 000I 0 0003 Wear Limit 0 0008 430 0 0002 0 0004 Wear Limit 0 0008 PISTON PIN TO CONNECTING ROD BUSHING LOOSE CLEARANCE 352 0 0001 0 0005 Wear Limit 0 001 PISTON PIN TO CONNECTING ROD INTERFERENCE FIT 430 minimum of 20 ft lbs torque RING WIDTH Upper C...

Page 71: ... VALVE ROCKER ARM COVER 352 and 430 5 0 8 0 VALVE ROCKER SHAFT SUPPORT TO CYlINDER HEAD 352 and 430 45 50 VALVE PUSH ROD CHAMBER COVER 430 2 0 2 5 OIl PICK UP TUBE TO OIL PUMP 352 and 430 10 12 FUEL PUMP TO CYLINDER BLOCK OR CYLINDER FRONT COVER 352 and 430 23 28 ENGINE FRONT SUPPORT Bracket to Engine 352 and 430 35 40 Insulator to Frame 352 and 430 40 45 Insulator to Bracket 352 and 430 50 60 ENG...


Page 73: ...en The high voltage flows through the coil high tension lead to the distributor cap where the rotor distributes it to one of the spark plug terminals in the distrib utor cap The process is repeated for every power stroke of the engine Ignition system troubles are caused by a failure in the primary and or the secondary circuit or incorrect ig nition timing The Engine Trouble Diagnosis Guide in Part...

Page 74: ... connections in the cir cuit as outlined under Preliminary Checks If the connections are satis factory proceed as follows 1 Leave the jumper wire connect ed and leave the positive lead of the voltmeter connected to the positive terminal of the battery 2 Remove the ignition switch from the instrument panel leaving the wires connected so that the switch terminals are available for test con nections ...

Page 75: ...of the test set manufac turer REMOVAL L Disconnect the high tension lead and the primary leads from the coil 2 Remove the coil mounting screws and remove the coil INSTALLATION 1 Place the coil in position and install the mounting screws 2 Insert the high tension lead into the coil socket Push the weather seal tight against the socket 2 4 I 3 Connect the primary wires to the coil Be sure the wires ...

Page 76: ...Ike rethtuiive or the wins or wbcn Settbc ignition dmln1 do to poor tore the si jith a probe Ibe prob may fuse a p ruiion In the condor lot A park r cite seE is avai able for c reice FIG l Spcek Plug hisdioa ha e little eUect osu plug paforusanen However proloegS high speed high ira d a r ra ion will iuse hr se deposits to fetm a a glare At hig ttmpettore this glaze may be con diac s e rsulbng In ...

Page 77: ... r marks Fn 90 an from o do h cc c T flO to h fo p n sr R TX us 2 _et Lc_ eoac cc e c has 10 ag dead oece i jj C 3 be a np sr T 2 hO Rofen no Par _ or he darns sena a5bOO5 CMCKSNG IGNItION TUSiNG L DLs onne t he dsTH r 0 a u Jm Zen dnar ho anne fin hich ea ots Iea w the a aj 5c e _ o cafe of tie cdne hc to th 2 C eon dna oni h e inn nsk on me 5 n a ne pin on the as1 r 3 Operate ne selainc a i dsce...

Page 78: ...1ing the flcnsIm advanre CeniIjFIIai Advance I CLot ono td ocr ser a urn toe to the o rod ra 5 Operate 55 d 5 o s 01 n the SIt t _ttOP 0 to tion co wcr k ekwise t en n rm a Sc he rpm until the wark bros road o e then reduce tile rpm ur tb th te js 3 the ad vance scale in zeco 2 Slowly rt reaSc he tpn to the sea 5cc 5 I r the lint cds_ n e ro dtrt Is eted n the spceineslinns Par 2 3 3 If the Conner...

Page 79: ...eriodically Excessive steeat ransfer heta an thebrssaker poinu is ernerally caused by incorrect a j it tnees u tan t C I lab itLIjag that is incs ec a co dcnn Ln alle I to the d str hu side of Lhc coil ais fIt t0n o no 11 of improper capacitY or cstcaded L7T a I COgkEcr ALLGNMPNT MAu N n cl5TtR5 _ __ MISALIGNMCN OF POINT FACES 51019 FIG 1 S Breaker Point Alignment operation p tjse e I I IC at 5t d...

Page 80: of power tnstall the distributor on a test set and check the accuracy of the catn lobes following the instnactions of the manufacturer If the test indicates ttttt tIny lobe is worn replace the etnI DIAPHRAGM LEAKAGE AND FREENESS OF OPERATION distributor ittstsllesfon the engine or ons distributor test set The tests stc sttffic I cci for sn engine to ne up How eVe if there are isdicabtons ihat t...

Page 81: ...k advanec ss1cms A go rrDQr L a rn rzugdl ad anec m n m 1 ci edc the talionafl sub plate Fi 2 and a vacuum operated saark eonani dia phraii is ecated on the side of La dbuEot beat Fir me ceattiluaal weights carnc rite m o asisance or move ahead with ed e disnibuinr drive idafi catases the ccm to open flR sIre C St e T cc en 1 flua YE 51034 A 5 cRs eLuuM T flMflC FIt 4 Veojm Advance Cediftek cncc t...

Page 82: ...ove the d is trihutor cap 2 Scribe a mark on thc disirihu mr body and engine block indicating he positiOn or the body a the block and scobe another mark on the die cribtitor body indiciting tIme position of the rotor These marks can be used as guides when installing the distriba tr in a cc rrecthy timed engine 3 Remove he distributor bold down cap screw and clamp Then lift the distributor out or t...

Page 83: ...ed air a ttt inc the ho shin g as trace or the distributor shaft and the hushing for at lie Iltilt imu En S tlowable alter diameterat ihe hositin ii U4 7 mcii and L he maxim tim a llowtuble inside diameter of the hushing it O 4d90 i tic h Repi ce worn parts Inspect the stistrihutor cans iotte for scoring and Cigna of sect r If api lobe ia scoted or worn replace the cant atsenibly Inspect the aut p...

Page 84: ... Check the shaft a nd play th a feet rr aug r pLaced between the coiii r and Ito di att husL t hatc If the tn t pi y is not a ithln iimita 0 022 rr t ie a ltd t h tar I 6 tess the gesr ott ttte chart trig III osiog tie marks made on the gear cuid shatt at guides to slign the pin holes 7 Check the gear location dimen sion With all cod play rensnved gear pushed tow atd the diettib uto r base tb s di...

Page 85: ...k r he con asecmb y P in 161 II It I a r s a rcrad sod break o _ ssc ttFo ir ca the oua csc i e 00 the hr ok t rOinta ti chic evr Lez the 5 a J ndeto at It Ap a aim o can ub ant mba thr c v c b trolls or the cob nj ate 13 Apiy a S n of c n uhria ant to the pace p nd chi e 14 Piaec the b re acer nia e on the s h pi te Pro ocr oeit n a L ee e mia by etieniar thd crer den er rot IS Pac the s rio as a...

Page 86: ...ACUUM ADVANCE Set test stand to 0 1000 rpm and 0 inches of vacuum DISTRIBUTOR Distributor Advance Vacuum Inches RPM Degrees of Mercury 1000 0 1 5 GENERAL 1000 5 481 10 1000 8 11 15 352 AND 430 ENGINES Maximum Advance Limit 11 Breaker Arm Spring Tension Ounces 17 20 430 ENGINE DISTRIBUTOR NO B9MF 12127 B Contact Spacing Inches 0 014 0 016 CENTRIFUGAL ADVANCE Set test stand to 00 Dwell Angle at Idle...

Page 87: ..._____________________________________________ Maximum Series Resistance Ohms 1 _____________________________ SPARK PLUGS COIL Type Champion F flY Size 18mm Gap Inches 0 032 0 036 332 AND 430 ENGINES Torque Foot Pounds 15 20 Primary Resistance Ohms 1 40154 75 F When a new spark plug is installed in a new replacement Secondary Resistance Ohms 8000 8800 75 F cylinder head the torque of the plugs shou...


Page 89: ...rily before taking a pressure reading 4 Operate the engine at the spe cified rpm Part 3 5 After the pres sure has stabilized it should be with in specifications Part 3 5 S If the pressure is not to specifi cations remove the fuel filter from the system and tnke another pressure test If the pressure is within specifica tions with the fuel filter removed the fuel filter was restricted and a new one ...

Page 90: ...l the large O fl end of the wand in A few hobbles may he noticed ins mediately updn attaching the vaeuumo from the discharge nozzles the tube and attach the other end of line The bubbling should stop within the tube to the fitting on the side of approximately IS seconds or after the Power Valve loved the carburetor the xntre Slip the rubber gasket fur air has been r joved from the sys Remove the g...

Page 91: ...nt POOR PERFORMANCE CAUSED BY LEAN MIXTURE Restricted fuel filter Sticking fuel inlet needle Low fuel level or float setting Low fuel pump pressure Restriction in main fuel passages POOR PERFORMANCE CAUSED BY RICH MIXTURE Excessive dirt in the air cleaner Worn or damaged main metering High fuel level or float setting jet Accelerating pump discharge ball Fuel inlet needle not seating prop check and...

Page 92: ... are lined in Faa FORD CAMJaETOR Reler to Fig 4 for c caon af aCl C cmer r 5_rI S lOll AD iS ST SiftS For poc of a cne nme up the tdea u Tcr caohouif he made in ScqEltnca i Fme Idle SpeS The eruinc icie speed be ajus ed to pftpcr hot ni Id seeaings I O rratc the mne ne for 30 mm u cn et U X rpm 2 When the erene tpeeanh has sie ciiizrd ci choke fast irne am a slum pce uots bonoIn up on Lm OrracZStl...

Page 93: ...leos n mixture Do aol sn s needle agnlesm the lent d mi etiougI to gtoo e Ike polo II a needle is dima d must be replaced before ptoper mixture adjuattmmemml cee tic obtained Tutn lime iieedks 0551 cJttlt And staB Dasbei IliIt Made FIG 8 Ford Aubmelic Ch Adjulnnt the cnsine begins mc oir from line rich mátort 115th i itt em the n ret I 0 until the c rag re rianc nsrnsal hi Al s e311 fe or a 1g h s...

Page 94: ... she ut the choke plate Lintil rrsie at ce 5 s movement a felt At atits pial tt ttto ctear atace between Itse n ruatI rdc tar nbc chokc plate sItU the lair horn should he ink It Check the cI et rance with a nch drill os tool TtOtJ_t54 3 If I farce aa no e nntsgh clear come hold the rhaak lttnnasittg levee llrsiih a1aaintst the siap its the choke 3 7 055 the ci ee Cr000 o e ni the rarr 5 amount Loo...

Page 95: ...lever and the top surface of the air horn To adjust bend the stop Es og on the opposite side of the lever arm Fig tO Aeceleraling Pump Stroke The acceleratt og pump operating lever should he in the top hole of the ac celerating pump link for all climatic conditions For other accelerating pttenp stroke adjustments refer to Bench Adjustmcnla for the Carter carburetor in Part 3 2 Aotomatic choke The ...

Page 96: ...duct from the air cleaner MAINTENANCE Refer to the procedure under the 352 Engine TESTING THE AIR DUCT L Place the air duct assembly in a container of cool water below 75 F Be sure that the thermostat is covered by the water 2 Place a thermometer in the water and observe the temperature 3 With water temperature at 75 F or below the valve should be in the heat on position 4 Using a hot plate or oth...

Page 97: ...with a constant supply of fuel In addition an automatic choke system provides a means of temorari ly enriching the mixture to aid in starting and nperat a cold engine FUEL INLIT SYSTEM A separate fuel howl is provided for the primary a id secondary stages Fig 4 Each howl contains a float assembly and a fuel inlet ned e and seat assembly The fuel brat enters the primary fuel bowl through the fuel i...

Page 98: ...r moats lii elt5k don I wecha fiSt ii IL OuUIWJ on the sri Sin body Fl 5 The bi metaI tisermot I eric spring nseclsstnisio unwinds when cold and WIll ls sIp when warns Whets Ihe cx o a Is cc ri the thteritto sI stic spring clsrousls stttacliisig Ilitlagv ltolds he clsiske pltil i a closed asitien When rh a Cit illC 5 ST sirted enough air is drawn ti KS Ligh L lie ho Ie ill tlis choke plate to enab...

Page 99: ...of the idle lube meters bite flow of fuel Air enters tIle idle system trons the air bleed which is located directly abc we the idle tube The sir bleesi so ticts ts tt went to prevebs L si t ho is dsp at oil idle or high speeds and wit en the engine is a topped Ad di I ioiial air is bled i nro rhe aystcm throttgh tn air bleed be a ted a L lid hoE 50p0 of cite diagonal pasaage in I e booster ccli to...

Page 100: ... feel flours op the rise its at Il toho pas air hited hoca F i ersd air iron the high spec sit bined enters the furl in the ty n a sen cbe thro eh h sIeP in the side tiar she The H h spsad cren_sinc amoco of i o se ii ei 5 e n uriva uUcn sore sc s saints Li Ho the reooired duel as bTlO The 55 State of foai hflZ air iii cure ti_a raw us i d revoo n di las err 50 ohs neee in t UN vaeUnm_ It also a r...

Page 101: ...i i tcstottt is in creased the i ta l Is it set t roted iDle the secondary loonoer enlstt i I uel from lltm lt ilisls i balms i tlscma of and the isolns 0 1 of odutitioi r I i i bleeds When ti err lri itin v riisin in the primary vent u 1 me r C l5L s and the seeoisd stry C Its oti Itt p Is lea bc gi n to ciDer Tite ball check itt tie dl a phrngsn housin lists igo will sinse it when the shrostle i...

Page 102: ...d Afl FIG 13 Ford 4 Ernie Carburelor Assembly cit 5OEN u r Tco so U Si 4U i Net HO tie ite FL 0 r F uS 1 S F Pt e a Eto t ASS 540 _ er Do et__ oteF t so r ssc w an C Si A51 ta a Cia t C at 500 C 7 7 C 5 F El SC SW Co ism I ir tk _O_r a_i 0 1 _s 4 S1245 A ...

Page 103: ... atop cod sPie the beilct tnk oI the r o a se h s i riithalt 12 Remove the retatnet from th e choke houria shi c t tU iid the shaft esscmhlr out of the choke holis inc Remove the pa er lever nod onion spring horn the shalt 13 Rmytuase he fast iujm cam re tainer and side the ram otf the bars on the maw body II Remo e ibm Our and secetjoc the i_ idle adiortin lever asterts to Y to the pthmarv thrott...

Page 104: ...7 I nsiti on the to i sio epri tag on the thermostatic apring with the long tang against the lug on the lever Fig 7 A S Slide the lever and spring as sennblv on the choke housing elsa ft with the short cog of the spring rest ing nfl the 1ug on the elsaft and the itt p pot1 I toned in the slot n the thor roostalic apting lever Fig 17 8 Place the pacer nn the choke bout iutg shaft Slide Ihe assrmhly...

Page 105: ... nle nor pit err ins oh the choke p a_c rod to choke ho asinz ice eta tad the air cisacem ausbar sster CAflURETOR UI4CH ADJ USTMINTS Ate the carburetor has been ove teaakj the fc tv mio alier mmcts are peal made or ths bench an e e the a iimc mentt can am mdc sith th c arhorctor in stifled on abe cosine ROAT AOJUSTMDIT I Remove the sir hoot 2 Place the Soar easer in theses ner 5 theeiiit eed end s...

Page 106: ... a u tuttle tic ehss te System ptov ides the co i eet it st ore nec essnry for htiic k cold i gitis tIc rtlog and w arm up Vac tata tt it era ted me terh ng rods t Vaeuitte tl a I iii tit main ItcteritI ci tai i i f I uet admita cccl iI e ttt reli i i r I laitti dvc alit ttiiiti a i l I u e tI I aol isa I liii ti a it s A lttd inlet pro iI_ tlte esrt 5Ue t iel imu ii miq sya ett ia s i Ii isiiit t...

Page 107: ...tle is tteeehsr i ted ii U ri tlg the warn up pe tiud the con espond op drop iii ntsudfold vacuotit siluws I lie thermostatic spt hlig CO t iont en t irihy parhis Ldy Close t hi choke plate providing a riclag itt ixh tare A balTic plate located to the choke ttstitsing passes the sit èdilaer direethy or mdi rL ct tv tt atu the the rtii nstasic sp rd lag At low temperature when the hs k e place is c...

Page 108: ...vnt dFr sab and nt ii orecs he so er a ot rc a s dee i ohih order hone eto pra to rC S ACCnAflNG PUMP SYSTEM Ta acosierti tin p cup 5 stem ifie n oca ed an the pr_mae_a tdc a measured e ac it of foci n e eta rV for sencoth c trio en ceierauca ttW pCcoo t etc thr thro the ti cloeed pomp ptto er noes use_are i cbnder and f jri a daa n into the pump ltr der throegh the intake dice k a a e t h e d ise...

Page 109: ...e are aeaeb 00 Ce in5 second a_ thou rUe piaaies joe be is he see 000amc house er me tatetii A caoat na eirhc is looted on etched of the au_claim thmo t e pi e shaft Toe a raxliio n throale p ate start so ce_en shea h r preasore atop of the P 5 tes IT ares cnc tzh so ie cr on me the effeet C the cc Jo cc ci gal When inc pnm r _ core r plates ale a0 0 tbrc t c and the onaKe p ste 5 Open it econditr...

Page 110: ...e the air horn Irons rise main bnd 5 Remove the arc C rat i pg pump plunger Flit arunreter assemblies the hoot it the fte in let needle and teat assemblies and gasket It en me n ove the air horn ga kes lisa needles end teals ore matched assemblies U they are to be used agala be sure the correct and ii kept with l seat 6 Remove the fuel inlet fitting and gasket 7 Remove the choke plate con oector I...

Page 111: ...Jn ce eti f 4 t cTi_ 13 ar a 0 i Ia cc I trim c cc a c cc a r r m W1JSAS Thu C dflOO fl v v sara 51 ri tiC 5 IV W V Etr C a 3a i_Cc i 3 s T aa ca ac rcC ccc a 513 a c s c t1 5 Ia WOO r 5 a 0 C a Dc ne a 5 13 a a s c c Nti ...

Page 112: ... but not tight H nld the It tOt Lie plates tightly ci used and tap hat It pitt es with a sc rcwd ricer handle Vhcn the plates arc correctly scared tighten the attaching screws then at ake them 2 It all the fast idle adj noting screw r tic the hot cni or i dc adjust I ng set ew and spring 3 install the see ondat y Is rott it lock out it Cr on the boss on the at is hod ith the identification C to th...

Page 113: ...l dasispo I spring in the daslapot chamber on right side of cs F ut s to td Place the st shpot pinnger on tIle spring 24 Install time ide adjust itig flee dIes and spritigs l urii cacti needle iii gent iy with the ogers until it F tsttr h es the seat then hack it OUF I _atA rktrns 25 Carefully position the air horn on the main body Be sure the anti stall d ashpor plunger stem and the accelerating ...

Page 114: ...ith the 1r hvtu in o teni the air ks aaket in po c d the fuel in c nctilc sc4ts d check the clear oxn La ceo the end of each and the air h m caak a Fa The c arn esiac aid b Hv inch a jtci to AOtUST wtSt tt 0 lS lE o ato ass pratsact FIG 45 Float a op 2 With the pump link in the CCFS 5cr hole medium stroke of he pump aim neasarc the disiance torn the top of the sir h q to the top sat lit rlt ioc h ...

Page 115: ...h the primary and eec ondary throttle plates at e 00 nuptetelv closed thero should he 0 Ot 0 I l 030 inch clearance between the positive closing shoes on the primaty and sec ond dry throttle tevet s Tn adjust bend Ihc shot on the secondary tllroltte lever Fig 52 FAST WIt AJuSTMSt t With the choka plate tightly closed and the fast idle adjusting PRIMAtY CLOSING SHOE rae I I 09 59 screw re ting on t...

Page 116: ...peration If the throttle shafts are excessively loose or bind in the main body or if thc plates are burred preventing prop er closure replace the main body Check the floats for leaks by hold ing them under water that has been heated to just below the boiling point Bubbles will appear if there is a leak If a float leaks replace it Replace the float if the arm needle contact surface is grooved If th...

Page 117: ...Poet CLONING I P UM WAS HE5 e L __ SC DY FIN tiNt P 41 O L SEAL SEAL I WiHEC aetelNEe SPACEK FUEL N vP aocrat a ttut blPHkACM tOCKaB SPEtNG I SPE NO AIM _ SP5LNG FUEL POMP DIAFFSKACM Vit CASKEtS aasaaaety POSL jLaerOE r POLSATOS Lrar l aVAaHFE CHAMBER H l Tse r CT PEN etaEw OASKer 5tD ssEkt JCWL tAIL ASSEM5LY _Th4 R1227 A FIG I 352 Enala Combinpljon Vocoum BOOSIeF and Fuel Pump the cover retaining...

Page 118: ... pulsator diaphra and the puhator chamber Be ama the scdbemsikson the putcator chamber and the pulse cover aligned IS Insiall the flilrr scredo ho i aasket ssr e nicoc bowl Rouse the against the gasket before tirlienine the bait nut so make area the bowl seas evenly against the gasket 430 ENGINE FUEL PUMP The fatet pt p Fig 6 0 05501 S on the tS flrn Os the cylinder front rover and is t ILaaECd by...

Page 119: ...rocker arm pits to fail our If the pin does not conic nut freely use needle note pliers Fig 5 7 Press the diaplarsgm tt ro the fuel potlap body and pull the rocker arm out to unhook the rod front the rocker anna link Fig 9 8 Remove she fuel ps mp dia phragm atsenihty Do not disasseni bte as the diaphragm and spri g are serviced as an assembty CLEANING AND INSPECTION Ctctsn the fuel pump hod valve ...

Page 120: ...utleA The heat syatem nstaitatann is shown in Fig ii FUEL TANK kEPLACEMENT L Retnove the fuel ask finer ap and the fil er pit rLEaInrs th ti nita end trajn all the foal froas th tant Disconneca the foal iitae a the tank 2 Pnniuion a jack urasr nbc tank then rasaso vs the rwo nun rta ni ng the rank appon nspn to the body finer pan a tEe rear the sank aod remove the sani Lower she rank amid disconne...

Page 121: ...ely the same length as the original allowing extra length for flaring the ends of the line Square the ends of the line with a file Ream the inside edges of the line with the reamer blade on the tube cutter Be sure that the metal chips are removed from the inside of the tube 3 Position the wire wrap on the new line Place a new fitting on the line for the tank connection and flare both ends Bend the...

Page 122: ...IFICATION NO PRIMARY 0 5000 feet 5000 10 000 feet 10 000 15 000 feet SECONDARY 0 5 000 feet 5 000 10 000 feet 10 000 15 000 feet METERING ROD 0 5 000 feet 16 99 5 000 10 000 feet 16 99 DRY FLOAT SETtING 0 172 0 203 inch between end of float and surface of gasket Air horn inverted FUEL PUMP STATIC PRESSURE PSI AT 500 ENOtNE RPM 352 Engine 4 0 6 0 430 Engine 4 5 6 5 MINIMUM FUEL PUMP VOLUME FLOW AT ...

Page 123: ...osite idle port HOUSING INITIAL SETTING At index with fast idle screw opposite index mark on cam ANTI STALL DASHPOT VEHICLE 600 650 RPM in drive with CLEARANCE Yg i6inchbetweendashpot fast idle screw on the first operating lever and air horn step of cam with throttle wide open i6 7 32 throttle closed FUEL TANK CAPACITY INITIAL IDLE MIXTURE ______________________________________ ADJUSTMENT 1 2 turn...


Page 125: ...automatic transmis sions Also water formation on the oil level dipstick could be an indica tion of internal leakage Rust and scale that form in the engine water passages are carried into the small radiator passages by the circulation of the coolant This clogs the radiator passages and causes overheating If the coolant has a rusty or muddy appearance rust is present A defective thermostat valve tha...

Page 126: ... the radiator Drain the cybndc block by removing the drain plugs located on both sides of the block Fig I To fili the cooling system close fhe radiator drain cock and replace the ctrain plugs Disconnect the heat er outlet hut at the water pump to bleed or release trapped air in the system Fit the system u msth the cool ant begins to flow from the hea er hose then connect the heater outlet hose Run...

Page 127: ...Suspend the thermostat by the lee I stock in tne Qonibinor or Wet Cr so I hat it is completely so hose rgrd and I to 2 incIse s from the bottom SLsapenstnn of the tltern oatat in this manner will give en accurate indication s heIs the vet ye sLmsrts to opem Tltt thermostat will drop off ths ft tic r stock when the valve starts CO open If the thermostat will oI stay on mttr feeler stock when it is ...

Page 128: ...s 4 Position the fan belts on the pulleys then adjust and tighten the generator adjusting arm bolt and the mounting bolts FAN BELTS The fan belts should be properly adjusted at all times A loose belt causes improper generator fan and water pump operation A belt that is too tight places a severe strain on the water pump and the generator bear ings ADJUSTMENT Loosen the generator mounting bolts and ...

Page 129: ...g boILs and slide the fuel pump out on he hdts SHAFT AN SSARINO SLINGtR HOt PUMP 500 o rae inch for access to the water Pu FTtP lower left retaining bolt 3 Remove the generator bracket retaining bolt at the water pump Loosen the generator bracket retain jog bolt at the cylinder block and move the bracket away from the water pump 4 Loosen and nave the water pump by pass hose front clamp to the rear...

Page 130: ...ess It Into sIege holding the specilied d lataite from cite ho using moult 0 face to cite front fLico of thr hub Pig 9 7 Coal II new Lii Se s IC I Llien plate and gasket INSTALLATION I Install the generator slisating lti llt iso spilLer and pulley to he water pu LISP 2 Remove all the gaske I material Irotti the mounting Ljmt 1c55 of he eels r pump and he cylinder block l oaiIi1ti nw guaskets coate...

Page 131: ...ront face of pulley hub 430 Engine 6 404 6 424 inches from front face of pulley hub IMPELLER TO HOUSING CLEARANCE 352 Engine 0 080 0 090 inch 430 Engine 0 095 0 105 inch DRIVE BELT DEFLECTION Between Generator and Water Pump Pulley Right Side 352 and 430 Engines inch Between Water Pump and Air Conditioner Pulley 352 and 430 Engines inch THERMOSTAT 352 AND 430 ENGINES Low Temperature Opens F 157 16...


Page 133: engine oil SAL lQW II the bce of ec are P5CC inaa Fl 2 With iht cnsne runr ir jri ress the C cLcn unit LI1re TVer radne may he caused by Lrrrnrter Irae a2 Leri nh ei CLUTCH NOISY WHEN is taken out This bring the rek a4 fl i Sal afloaT or sa ntproperlv PIAL FREE TRAVEL IS arin in contest wiTh sre sese n oamed hearing n release er 1 TAKEN OUT aT ruid e he to spi 1 54 cccurs n the SLV the cluich r...

Page 134: distance is not within spcifiea C Ofl adjust the re tainer Fig 3 3 Depress the pedal just enough to take LPP the free travel and note the reading on the rater Ihe differ escc be tweet this reading antI the reading when the pedal is released is ho clutch pedal free travel 4 If clutch pedal free travel is nOt Wlhin specification adjust the clutch relesac Ic a Cr rod 5 Tn increase free travel turn...

Page 135: ...ver is grooved to 0 050 0 070 inches deep at the pivot point Miss hg st teni be twttn the cn ne attd tea nsntission can cause release heani tq failure Oi her symptoms of nil sat Igmite nt are excessive transmia siota ges Wear transmission jump lug ottt of gear especially in third gsaar vibration in the drive line and cxceasi e wear in the pilot bushing PRESSURE FLAtt AND COVER Inspect the St I nta...

Page 136: ...1 Disconnect the push rod from the brake pedal by removing the ec centric bolt lock nut the eccentric bolt and 2 nylon bushings Remove the push rod from the master cylin der boot 12 Remove the steering column bracket from the instrument panel and remove the 2 pedal support bracket bolts 13 Slide the support bracket out of the mounting holes in the dash panel pull the clutch pedal to the rear and r...

Page 137: ... the bore alignment if it Ja ste Wi lion Fins i Is now replace Else hnuai tag if bore alignnaetat Ott of limits and face align metal is within hmits shins the flywheeL housing to the limit of face naisatign meatt and check the bore alignment It it is not within limits rep ace the lousing If bare align mc nt is within limit and face at igitinent is out of limits urea should be placed between the ie...

Page 138: mounling bolts ansi nuts Irs I he specified torque Check he con alit ion and the level of the lube call t Drain and tel It i t iec r sa ry or add t ubrisant it the level ia low Tran na iasion in oLse na a y Isa esu by ayo in or da In aged parts Replace the parts a icsluiNd to correct the noise nr overhaul tiac t rtansmisaion as se instaLy TRANSMISSION SHIFTS HARD Cheek the C rat sta issiun and ...

Page 139: ... dam aged parts Cheek for excessive end play TRANSMISSION LEAKS Ftuid teaks may be caused by over may allow tlte tubriesJat to escape be filling the transmission or by using a tweeta the Jaoosiatg and the tranam is taahricant tltht foams and expends 5iffl1 case Tighten the screws if they while the car is ma operation Check arc looae the t tbricant and drain sad refltt wiLh Cheek the eondi rinn of ...

Page 140: ...tears the ear or the eate I he tttl Cr gear will drop to lie bottom ot 1k cIsc Take he e Ir out of the Ca cad remove the spescer washer bearings and thrust washen Remove the Wood tuft key reltI lw ihuft FIG 5 oji seo Removal 9 Using a hess drift drato out the dice ga shaft and rerno III 3 u L 01 0 R moc the snap tit Sets heist the asnconi er ots he iaafi and rtnsove the sn ton zeF abe blocking rin...

Page 141: ... hc nt grooved or has badly worn bcarlng surfaces C heck the end pl uy bc rween the cltt a ncr geaa and he C hrust washers or the trant nalss ioni c aaee lithe end play it not bc awee 0 0040 01 B incIn re ptace the thrust washer Replace the reverse Idler gear I the gear is badly worn or if tite gear teeth are chipped or burred Replace the reverse idler gear shaft If It Is excessively worn or score...

Page 142: se de a soarer ts her etara he tool sod aroaber s of 0 rei ra in each end uf a_ac gear Instan a apsarm aSacron ear end of the too and hold FIG l2 lnpot Shoft S d rnt eas in place eitb Lu oripiaae or a ar u oric nt aF g 9 8 Cc hr C crrh jr eear hoi ri Ii bray lubbaanr aad raasnioa it in the fran ep d of the ransmission aas with tha asshem tab in its lea 7 Coar the ao an ereh ri ear i thnasa ache...

Page 143: ... transmission Install the speedometer cable bracket cross member bolts and the rear sup port bolts to specifications 4 Install the exhaust inlet assem bly and torque the nuts and bolts to specification 5 Connect the parking brake cables the parking brake adjusting rod and the drive shaft 6 Fill the transmission and adjust 13 and 14 3 Install the cross member and the shift rods fl GEAR SHIFT LINKAG...

Page 144: ...kwise or counterclockwise PAWL ENGAGEMENT CHECK Check the mechanical engagement of the pawl with the balk ring gear using the following procedure 1 Turn on the ignition switch and raise the car 2 Shift the overdrive control lever to the locked out forward position and shift the transmission to neutral 3 Remove the cap from the over drive solenoid 4 Turn the drive shaft clockwise and at the same ti...

Page 145: ...inal The lamp should light If it does not replace the relay 5 With the relay working prop erly the solenoid should click when the TH SW terminal is grounded If it does not connect a jumper from the SOLENOID terminal to the short blue wire separated from its connec tor near the solenoid If the solenoid doesn t click when the relay closes with the jumper wire connected re place the solenoid If it do...

Page 146: main shaft a e ntio of Oflø l In ovesinve the ovcaninning clutch is uncaupleil because the Outcr race overdtive main shaft is tm s ing faster than the dutch cam Vans muss on otstpiu thatt Overdrive is two av dui e the engine can drive Tear wheels and the rear wheek can drive the engine To thur from overdrive hack to direct the paw is distngaed from the balk ring gcai penniiting the aim gear to ...

Page 147: ... hold in coils The pull in coil is energized only white the solenoid plunger is being pulled in As coon as the plunger is in a set of points inside the solenoid opens the pull in circuit As thc plunger is pulled in an en gaging spring and a return spring are engaged Under pressure from the pawl en gsging spring the pawl is ptished in until it strikes the balk ring of I 51 70 I he sun gear and balk...

Page 148: ...ectors near the solenoid I arnes from it chip on the root nI isslen 3 Disconnect the overdzlic con DISASSEMBLY I Mount ha uansmlssl t on she bench ftxtore Drain the thotml lon 5 17 Al 3 LCE C_SM plot DL I ti a ic 5N ThNO Ss Nn r PLt swo_lEt ç D tIV C 00 r _ o sat it S V 0 5tA1 Cna sn l tin 5OLaNO n SON PLAfl 5 550 TeOG i MI NO sn5 IT SSf WOMHL I OSIVING GIst N cIbfl A 2 Remove the overdrive wfring...

Page 149: ...ough e gear rant boats tO r open Tn 0 10 Remo c a ukaster gear from the 21 D the e era_ 0111 Ibrogh the ear of the case Remn e he Vood a ite y row le ada joe coon a s iT cier here Sc 22 Rcro e i e map sing h_ to 5125 the a ochroni er oenrbiY toct e ourpu h S ide the a ncnr ontzr bo k t t rine ternte cc a and oor c a CL 4e50a eta is no he t ans o sio I 23 Rernaco tbr soap ring ti cc nina cli rautpl...

Page 150: ... Enpgt he ovttd i conical h4t and kscr bt psashing it inss d Install list rewinin pin 25 iftcplscementof eveedrimt It I housing hushing rid or seal is rteres safla late the tools shown in to Iotsrn tl cr lt ns Seal causal Fig t Pr 2 Bushing removal rig 5 Part 3 1 H ithing inslallalion_Itil I 3 Part 5 Seal lnstall o n_Fig Il_Part 5 2 26 With the cap drain hole at the bottom r at etc Ic solenoid tur...

Page 151: ...s Spring Color 352 V 8 11 9 Pea Green 12 Blue TRANSMISSION GEAR RATIOS Engine 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear Reverse Gear 4th Gear Conventional Drive Overdrive Conventional Drive Overdrive Conventional Drive Overdrive Conventional Drive Overdrive Overdrive 352 V B 2 49 249 1 59 1 59 1 00 1 00 3 15 3 15 0 72 LUBRICANT REFILL CAPACITIES Pints Approximate Conventional Drive 3 Overdrive 4 TORQUE SPECIFICA...



Page 154: ...G 4 Plonelary Gear Train The conipound planetary gear train transmits power from Lite torque con verter turbine shaft to the transuils Eionoutput shaft Hydraulic ciuiches aod servo operated bands drive or hold certain gears to provide the vaNous tran smission output ratios ou of lie converter is maintained Sonic of thc fluid coming out of the converter is forced through a cooler located in the rad...

Page 155: application Fluid pressure is exerted against both the apply piston and the accumulator pis ton at the same time However the apply piston offers less resistance to the pressure than the accumulator piston and rapidly moves out to start band application Fig 6 When the fluid pressure overcomes the resistance of the accumulator pis ton this piston is forced to move out At this time both pistons ...

Page 156: ...Second gear ratio is obtained by driving the primary sun gear and holding the secondary sun gear Fig 8 The primary pinions drive the secondary pinions causing them to walk around the secondary sun gear and to carry the internal gear and output shaft around with them POWER FLOW THIRD GEAR In third gear the primary and sec ondary sun gears are locked together and driven as a unit Fig 8 There fore th...

Page 157: ...d by driv ing the secondary sun gear and hold ing the pinion carrier Fig 8 The secondary pinions drive the internal gear in the reverse direction The pri mary sun gear and the primary pin ions rotate freely and have no effect on the gear train POWER FLOW PARK POSITION When the selector lever is in the P park position the parking pawl engages the external teeth on the in ternal gear to lock the int...

Page 158: ...ditions by compensator pressure DOWNSHIFT VALVE The downshift valve is in the con trol valve body bore with the throttle valve The inner throttle lever con tacts one end of the spring loaded downshift valve Control pressure is directed to a land ot the valve Linkage is connect ed between the accelerator pedal and throttle lever The do vnshift valve is moved to open a passage to direct control pres...

Page 159: ...ft plug pressure force at the 2 3 shift valve When the shift valve opens control pressure flows through it to apply the rear clutch and release the front band With both clutches applied the transmission is in third gear HYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM D2 SECOND GEAR When the manual valve is at the D2 selector lever position control pressure to the 1 2 shift valve is cut off This condition permits control...

Page 160: ...m tfl 551011 1 Remnve the cover from the tower frooc side of the converter boos iii 2 Remove one or the converter drainplopslNg If 3 Rotate th ëonvener 180 and remove the other blug Do not at tempt to turn the converter WI tIE a wrench on the convener shod hula 4 Disdonnecf the fitsid filler tube from the tr an st I scion oil pan 5 Wtten the fluid has stopped draining rro at ii e t tt Ia tn i eden...

Page 161: ...rcibcqidtitscleanncc a 9t 9 a iJ t m er üst daJtp çdunet operating ken and the top surface f the air born It ckanncci set ithth limit rein to Pan for sdjustmcnt pro tednews 6 ObeonceE the thieitlc csn tsc I rod cIa is fsooj I h oe kraaon As embly 7 Disconnect the carburelor con nrc n lInk Iro lie atoleroior is scnshl S Insert a gaute phi nd II rod lhrotish the auing hole a than in Fi 2 9 ut the ct...

Page 162: ... tsouble may exist in the rraniaii ion and normal diAghsoi procedures should be followed If sialI weed is not speti ficadons normal dbgnoais pr a cdure must be followed Do haul upelale the c i For long pedods ol in s uhtden Sthll on partial awlI roll dl I so Oh t i t peesurt rndhigs qukkl mid decrease engia speed to hilt MANUAL LINKAOt ADJUSTMENT 1 V mth the engine stopped dh connect Use opper end...

Page 163: if It is in good conniltlois 2 Remo e and thoroughlY clean the eLI p o and screen lJi ward the p o gosket 3 LOosen Coo front c re adjlsat inrsc recs lecknLIt ran Itifi turns áth a cob wrench Check the adjust free rotation in the acttittlinz ever after the adios N oeeene d ao free the cre5 ii Dates wry 4 rtill the adjusting screw end of the ot 4acit Z lever away from he str O body and th erl the...

Page 164: ...nly if it is in good condition REAR BAND ADJUSTMENT 1 Rcmovc thc front consolc Fig 9 to expose the access hole and then remove the cover from the hole 2 Wipe all dirt from the rear band adjusting screw threads and oil the threads 3 Place the socket holder on the inch socket Fig 8 Insert the T handle extension through the 4 Place the 4e inch 8 point socket on the extension Place a torque wrench on ...

Page 165: ...converter housing may be caused by engine oil leaking past the rear main bearing or from oil gallery plugs Be sure to deter mine the exact cause of the leak Oil soluble aniline or fluorescent dyes premixed at the rate of tea spoon of dye powder to pint of transmission fluid have proved help ful in locating the source of the fluid leakage Such dyes may be used to determine whether an engine oil or ...

Page 166: ...l if the drive shaft speed in first gear is relatively higher than engine crankshaft speed Partial throttle downshifts in Dl may he checked by using the service brakes as a load With the transmis sion in third gear Dl and car speed at about 30 mph depress and hold the accelerator at a half throttle posi tion At the same time apply the ser vice brakes to the point that road speed is slowly reduced ...

Page 167: ...cated tlisiugb a series of checke by stahst toni iig air pressure for the fluid pressure to determine the location of the mel function When the selector lsvor is at 02 a NO DRiVE condition may be caused by so inoperstive front clutch or front band A NO DRiVE con dition at Dr may be caused by an inoperative front clutch or on v ay clutch When there is no drive in L the difficulty could be caused by...

Page 168: ...e which should be followed for Guide next pagc lists ha niost coin dcc I Ill In ccl by eXumin sitton lu ick cl results ftc letter symbols moo trout Ic symptoms that may ho ontl i lions of improper operation are explained in the key bowo hetow foultd assd gives lie items that should noise Ut nO external fluid leakago are ire nil A It C K and the seett test be checked to ud the 000se of he listed In...

Page 169: ...iveinL CHIER ci NoDriveink No Drive in Any Selector Lever Position HIER bcf A C W F ER c LockupinDi LockupinD2 LockupinL Cu bge hgci CHIJ GJE bgc LockupinR GJ agci Parking Lock Binds or Does Not Hold Engine Does Not Start by Pushing Car C g e c A C F Transmission Overheats 0 F n Maximum Speed Too Low Poor Acceleration n Transmission Noisy in N Transmission Noisy in First Second or Third Gear F j a...

Page 170: ...rhr oil p150 nnd drain the mU from the transmission If the soaae III id is to be used again lilter lie loUd theotlgh a I UO mesh screen as It Irallis from the transmission Make slUrs last the container is clean Re lice Its Its ltd on f It Is in good con_ ditton 3 Remove tIle nil n sn Isj g Iakec nd discard the gaskei 4 Remove t lac Eli si cc Net retain ing clip and iht screco Remove the two cubes ...

Page 171: ...nual lever actuating pin as given above in OIL PAN AND CONTROL VALVE BODY REPLACEMENT 9 Install the pressure regulator lubrication tube Fig 2 10 Adjust the front band follow ing the procedure on page 6 12 11 Install the fluid screen and oil pan and fill the transmission with fluid using the procedure given in Part 6 2 12 Adjust the throttle and man ual linkage REAR SERVO REPLACEMENT 1 Drain the fl...

Page 172: ...akc equalizer rod from the equalizer lever cooler lines manual and the transmis 8 Disconnect the from the transmission 9 Disconnect the throttle control rods at sion 10 Disconnect the speedometer cable at the extension housing 11 Remove the two engine rear support to transmission bolts 12 Position a transmission jack under the transmission and raise it slightly to take the weight off the cross mem...

Page 173: ...ower front cover to prevent the converter from falling when the housing is removed 3 Remove the starter cable then remove the starter 4 Remove 6 converter housing to engine block bolts 5 Work the converter housing off the engine dowel pins and remove the housing and converter BRACK ET TO UN D CR60 DY UNDERBODY REINFORCING BOLTS LOWERI CONVERTER INSTALLATION I Place the converter in the hous ing an...

Page 174: time move the converter a vay from the flywheel Secure the converter to the converter housing 18 Lower the transmission and remove it from under the car 19 Remove the converter 20 Remove the coverter housing from the transmission case 21 Remove the vent tube 22 Remove the engine rear sup port from the transmission extension housing Fig 6 INSTALLATION 1 Install the engine rear support and suppor...

Page 175: ... seat to prevent distortion ol the pdng s nL end the sodden release sr the apriags Re move the ptetture regulator springs and pilors but do not remove the vaLves 4 Luosan but do nut remove the control vs body attach i up ho I 5 Retove the lubricuciot tube leers the rc r lrtr Cod rear pump f sec r U ry lap he tube with a soft hammer flu CtTeYIJ 0010 bend or distort tile tithe 6 Lilt lie rear pump i...

Page 176: ...also attach he rear pump to Ii case Hold the rear ptitiip ut sLaSitU I and relirove the IrouIitt 3 Reeiuovc C cc reedol Sr cc si gvut arr t sir IrE 31 rc J t cIsc out put sIt clt cilhotit mo ing the spetd dicc scar Place one hand a ns r the Qu I p t stu u he lot the epeedoucrtrr Urise qear Tt co Ldstrote he speedometer rlrsce gear IC tim drive gear d r e sail doe rust fal out reI Lorr the hull r r...

Page 177: ...RIMARY SUN GEAR SHAFT I inspect the thrust surlaces and j ottroals for scores I napeor tile ti termial gear for brokcn or worn teeth 2 Inspect the altsnuinum sleeve for scores or leakage I tispeet the r i ttg gmoves for burrs 3 lospLst the keyway and drive ball pocket for west a i d inspect the splines for hurts or wear 4 intpcc I the output ahaft sleeve for alignment with the governor drive hail ...

Page 178: ...icate all internal parts or the frananliasion before ssaensbly with transmission fluid Do not use 5th other titbricants Thrust washers may he coated with petroleum itlly to facilitate assembly Always iastali new gaskets when assembling the parts of the fransmissioe Tigitress all bolts and sct ews to the rommended t Orque PRIMARY SUN GEAR SHAFT I Position the primary sun gear shsft in the clutch be...

Page 179: ... tht retaiicr to avoid interference of tile retaiitter with the snap lug groove Make sure lisa snap ring is fully seated lit the groove FRONT CLUTCH I Remove the clutch cover sm cp hip with a screwdriver at LI remove I he turbine shaft fi oni the clutch LI CI 2 Remove be rhl ritst washer from the t tsrsl at aurface of t he clutch hub Insert onc ftnger in ttIe elotch hob end lilt the huh straight o...

Page 180: ...roo rise ptlrnp body The front seal is rids little I Clean the tnttmp body coua lerbore Then inspect he imora for b1047 A rough Ipots Smooth up the cotsnft j _ bot e wfth crocus etcamli 2 Re nap he pump body from he anmtnisei an case U Crsa the omt sor disoteser of a new seal with t oMoCia Scaling C om Pound Or it s equR c nI then position the seal ums the pttmp borfia Drive the seal into the pump...

Page 181: eore ae a the ate to the ir ger Nt 3 Reo e the rUe F _ The phstc is swing leaded Apiv pmsesm to the plait hile remodag be attacW screa3 4 R oa SC the ann a cn r n ae the comsm I m sat n c pr a Remote the c_cnpr a hve_ 5 Rca_ca La_c ad a o vs as serabiv Ramnar the aaa n i ad ac a ml a h c ph S knn o c He rico mehieb atts h he rbn i evaivc remus to e r ad aid eno the pro kerr as bc enac n na arre...

Page 182: ...rIM m OA5ImIG c amtOL VALVE me 5 D mOmmtE VALWS 555155 5 PPM VO LOCtOLIT VALVe 5 5 PT OEM VALVE mHkoTltF OUCJ4O WaVE c nAil Tim o TILE VALYr SPRING Ct CO 5 msSm Ct S CLII el CS nIos1 A VA L teE SEPARATOP ftAmt EA COVES tb_aorTaE save sitiNG Wt55Htrm VALVE 0 a C C C C C rNANqIlON VALVE COM PENSATOR SLEEVE _o PLUG 0 0 C C C 5 a MOOOtAO 15555 EOD FIG 28 co tirol Vain lot ...

Page 183: ...c apmga 5 n n e mc rslccsc ad pEa nern u _iar a_m rem bod front rI 17 let I me n ar aa GOVERNOR I Rarrao mm mb_a ate nc a_lee body o Rro o e roe b dlma n U r nanrer e cii if 21 1 Rrn ao e cite ironi abe body 4 Ine ecr are a r I ch c end a_a scorer Minor arm may with c c ac cloth Ra plsec if tht abc cm mind dcc p c a ed S C neac ma free moaetmas nof etc a la the ba c Inn mire mid a rs ad aod cma tr...

Page 184: tO 4 immI m t where gloove net act de tI Lip II mim oe 1 sc a_anms_miatm m aiRman a mnd ha Tm marmm Be girt that the phi an titles Irrel in mb_c bore 13 I mstall he c ccc UL m mi p ie s in the acn n m i a on 4 isaaC SEW Seat a mr on mha_ mt s op tta m Is n i h slat pit nail in abs sect p body I ml hr m the per Cc to facili Ste as etnhh Imssma_tt tIm crt o eptima m p imma the ann ti ac it d rtmd...

Page 185: ...the primary sun gear shaft Lubri cate all parts to facilitame ameenmhly 2 I UsIa IL the ne r eRich on the primary coal gear ah s m Center tIle seal rings oii Cli p primary ii Im gear shaft to prevent hresksge If the sear clutch hub Is equipped with a needle bearing that contains louse needles be sure that all the needits are in place before assembling the clutch nasenihly on tIle sun gear shaft Ne...

Page 186: the tolled edge tewnrd the t nasaulsslon m aMaire a dghl sL 16 Positiomi t Ia L re r hand in the case ifte 3 it Install the primary Iilaur easing ad race and the otie rruyc lcsmah iccr in he ion c TJm re mrtc 311 17 Imlsmnli he p o F nc lrrier ache and am arc the pin inn cariler saint pilot in cenler support bsishin Depress the I her and work he PIn run cattier tOTWaM unmmi the sprnp arc atasie...

Page 187: support and clutch assem blies off the bench fixture and insert it into the transmission case 19 After the assembly is firmly seated forward in the case turn the pinion carrier clockwise from the rear until the center support bolt holes are aligned with the holes in the case 20 Install the center support bolts and torque them to 20 25 foot pounds 21 Install the selective thrust washer on the pi...

Page 188: Li 2 J a i on the rr a a La_atde a th aiser n he an ai r c and ata h c Ese Eii Lcr n_c _ nr j S fcc F PRES5UE REGULATOR BODY Lfrr Ji the p esrre rca_I IL hoc a _ r _ in ir La the iuhehe en the _ e rl or bov an fr r c Then icrane he in bo Le m 2 f o l pacnde 2 nate 1 nbc ran co and aide and caine_i nirni the 3 In bnc teal rena on the rtr Pan neea iabe ala La L _L CONTROL VALVE BODY 1 tn ri ronac...

Page 189: ... in D2 Di and L only 1 l nt passage is he 101 ci iir b and zoearno erpo v 3 Rent ve tb c it he nnncnuei c r cc oar f c Tn o ac pnT an an C i Ot v5 l0 rent rn ii a rego the Feniett rerasnaison a_eThis operation dix in 4 iroal he pressure 2 u c So ea TfL hP nEt 7 PRESSURE lISTS Tarn ha frona pump it 25 O en and ic 4 c eainae rae in 51 be a 0 sin ii fr Lrnirs rt for a nra ni tr teds n n the on Err ne...

Page 190: ...2 3 shift valve sticks in the open position the transmission will start in high instead of in intermediate A pressure gauge installed on a trans mission with this condition would give a normal reading All on and off valves in the control valve body are manufactured so that their ex haust ports close before their inlet ports open Scratched valves or valve bores seldom cause low pressure in the tran...

Page 191: ...6 40 GROUP 6 CRJIS O MATI TRANSMISSION fri_t55B 7932 A BUSSING grarat nLUrnH INNER RAO END PLAY CHECK STATOR CLUTCH CHECK DI064 A FIG 1 Convener End Play oS Stotnr Clutch Check arernB ncR WAY nLUtn ...

Page 192: ...HECK 1 Pos i do in a from putltp assembly no a ite inc cvi Itt ihr splinc end of Else Staror theft painling up Fig 2 2 Mount a convener an the pump so that tile spilites an the anc w sy C It Itch ncr race engage the mating ipi ines of the it atnr support attd the Converter ho h engages the pusap drive gear 3 While holding the pomp sta tiuasry try to rotate the cnnyet ter cauaLercloekteise The conv...

Page 193: ...Lad in tiaas tbni She aclth Ga cher rare eonye rler hour_ icu are Ieai i as toe lotloivitna cheek sEouih he made before the astir is repIaceth _ e L chec rng te Ig a_ a b BflJA so a x Lat a souA Hnso so ssMc it ssfl e a sao c SY F1 5is5ES 15i OD Dl Oót A FIG b oovflr Lea Che ing Tool frIoBoIio be made fsorn st nderd parts rac taoicaab cad tachecL th Cause 0 Mole on Ferdern_tie o 1 isnail the pius ...

Page 194: ...Stator End Play Check 0M60 inch maximum Front Band Adjustment Use inch spacer between adjustment screw and servo piston stem Adjust screw to ID inch pounds torque and back off one full turn look nut to 20 25 toot pounds Rear Band Adjustment Adjust screw to 10 foot pounds torque and back off 1 turns lock nut to 35 40 foot pounds Primary Sun Gear Shaft Ring End Gap Check 0 002 0 009 inch Accelerator...

Page 195: ...l0 13 Case Assembly Gauge Hole Plugs 7 15 Rear Band Adjusting Screw Locknut 35 40 Front Band Adjusting Screw Locknut 20 25 Manual Control Lever Nut Inner Throttle Lever Nut Front Pump Cover Screws 35 40 17 20 25 35 80 9O Rear Pump Cover Screws 20 Rear Pump Cover Screws 10 24 25 35 Governor Inspection Cover Screws 50 60 Converter Cover Drain Plug 15 28 Converter Housing to Engine Bolts 45 50 Transm...


Page 197: ... t sed on the 1960 Thunder bird 7 FIR 1 Deep Ofls t Hypoid Rear Mie fl TROUBLE SHOOTING Certain rear ade and drive line ou hi e syntplotat s are do commoji to the engine trans nais ion tires and other parts or the c r For thjsreasno be sure that the ati Sc of he C tOU b Ic is in the rear axle Or drive I inc be ore adjusting repairing or replacing any of Lhe axle parts _ REAR AXLE tROUBLE SHOOTING ...

Page 198: ...or ussr licen checked utud itated and the rtoise still exisi pourl test Lhr mesm axle littler ull loam dna u eot diCions eo isl Then repisose i 0 s Lthlc ittei tn peet the axle EXCESSIVE REAR AXU BACKLASH xccxsive hack la_cu i u II a I ide pinion and I r i Sc gear excaslve htL in5 paris si ay he caused by a orE axle lash in I tie d II crenc i 5 pea i or bear shaft spiioes loo e nLc stt ilt Ileoge ...

Page 199: ... Cleats the oil seal seal 9 Co s I she otu tel edge of the new Sr I with oil resistant sealer Then I C he se uI using the tool show n in Fig 22 Part 7 2 Iti Align the U joint flange murk wiFh Ihe pinion shaft mark and install the U joint Fig 23 Part 7 2 11 Install the flat washer autd the pioious slsslt ccttr lightett the ttuit Luntit the marks are alig sed fue ste p II 12 Conner I the drive shaft...

Page 200: ...on fluid does not wash away the spline lubricant Fig 6 Install the yoke on the transmission output SNAP RING WRAP TYPEI El 173 A shaft FIG 6 output Shaft Spline Seal 17 Install the U bolts and nuts which attach the U joint to the drive pinion flange 14 Use the same procedure to 15 If the rubber bellows type remove and replace the rear U joint seal installed on the end of the trans 18 Grease the fr...

Page 201: ...carrier in the axle housing 2 Torque the carrier to housing attaching nuts to 30 40 foot pounds 3 Install the axle shafts and drive shaft and fill the axle housing with the proper amount of the specified lubricant see Group 17 U DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY INSPECTION BEFORE DISASSEMBLY The differential carrier should be inspected before any parts are re moved It should also be in...

Page 202: ...s und list necttlMy are epi u l It the s cmbly procedures Got tooth nanossi Ca eomnmta he dct by an ert cie pacftrfl On hr teeth However a dial inda Ot ihuoW be used m measore Ihe run ut of I back i the drive us shown tn Fig L Th uu n out ahcitd u c escad 0 5E3 inch Ioo co the differesstial hearing cap bolts and uncut ukt to fl toot pouod Rtmo e adjmijng nut locks C gduily loosen on of the ad 7 7 ...

Page 203: houaing Measure the u au n trnekness with a micrometer Be srrv carejuel nor to damage the mooatin iutfMcn of be retainer and carrier 10 if he J lu ut Fur u uuu k ho be replaced the the tool shown in l2o dri e iluc pukuL l cu urug aurd ulue bee Li 1 retainer out otlirr i It Ilte hc uuitug use the tame tool uFi ii anti drier lit lic litig itt rely until a bottoms Vutli lw letS insLall I c c uilur...

Page 204: ...ores gsIiuue u erratic wraI pat terns Piution euups must be solidly aeated Cl seek he aLt cmp ting to un ser t a tItIO 5 inch feeler between the Ce cups rid t lie holloms uf their bores CONE ANn ROLLER ASStMOLI Es When operoced its the Cu pa these p arts osust tu F u u s it Lieu t ru ughncss Exana Inc the roller ends for wear Step wear ott lie roller ends indicates he bc uri tsga were riot prelosd...

Page 205: ... iochcs long thrnogh the diffet etu ti flaogc and thread them 3 or 4 tntuss 01 the drive gear ass guide its ohigus i ng the drive gear bolt holes P555 or tap the drive gear into posit joul 6 Install sod i gh cn he drive gear hotls and saahers e eoy and torsue the ni a Itet oc rely sucross the gear to ti5 75 foor ptslttlds 7 If the dilferettti eI bearings have been teto oved p rest then nn as shown...

Page 206: ...on und Ike ddsn gear The number r i s ui tite pinion pea tin Ft 2ut uudicaLe that a shiusi tttett thicker LhIL i u standard lt bbi inoh iltim should be used with iltn L utioti gc s r A positise u num ber alsrsya ttieaLsa ilsac a thicker shin ittsl uits st to move the pin lout geuur tlss uy from he drive eLLn A tueg ilisc H number meant chiLls ii inc r shim should be used tu move ultc pinIon gem cl...

Page 207: ...ches below the position where it first contacts the bearing cup Ro tate the drive gear several revolutions in each direction while the bearings are loaded to seat the bearings in their cups This step is important 12 Again loosen the right hand nut to release the pre load If there is any backlash between the gears tighten the left hand nut just enough to remove this back ash Carefully tighten the r...

Page 208: ...a Drive pattern moves toward the top of the tooth face contact and toward the heel b Coast pattern moves toward the top of the tooth and slightly toward the toe If the patterns are not correct make the changes as indicated The pinion need not be disassembled to change a shim All that is required is to remove the retainer assembly and install a different shim If the shim is changed the differential...

Page 209: ...Bearings 17 21 inchpounds Pinion Bearing Preload Used Bearings 8 12 inch pounds Differential Bearing Preload 254 3 notches tight Used spacer It this torque is not possible use new spacer PINION AND DRIVE GEAR IDENTIFICATION Engine Transmission Ratio Number of Teeth Drive Gear Pinion 352 Std 0 D 3 70 1 37 31 10 10 352 Cruise 0 Matic 3 10 1 430 Cruise 0 Matic 2 91 1 32 11 DRIVE PINION ADJUSTING SHIM...

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Page 227: ...nsion Ball Joints x x x X Bent Spindle Arm X X Unequal Brake Adjustment x Sagging or Broken Spring x x x x Lack Of Lubrication x x x U STEERING ADJUSTMENTS STEERING WORM AND SECTOR GEAR ADJUSTMENTS The ball nut assembly and the sec tor gear must be adjusted properly to maintain minimum steering shaft end play a factor of preload ad justment and minimum backlash be tween the sector gear and the bal...

Page 228: ...sir s_h i 0 zr L110a and th 2 7riag wheel spoke hc uId be in ib i r or aaI irun smith he c 0 sr ann roir iin direcift fr rd U the sn kcs renal in their cumIn coiiin the cc n ho jiusred d s 3rhth the toe in 23ett Part BALL SOCKET PlUG ADJUSTMENT llic baI care so hr eerinc erm ann red ball cock es mc pnac Ioaded to oarreflsa czuft niar a oto coi Ac m the sa kei p u rain cecer 1 _n 23 0 13 has end p ...

Page 229: ...he oar STEERING GEAR DISASSEMBLY I Ro the doe 15 shaft turn r r nl either ronr r he er r ad mlin _ rkriru nrj tin hoos 305cr h01 ci tht 3 3 10 shaft with the cover Remow the from the shalt hi mnin Re sc crcJo k Se keep the thim s dih the serew 3 Looser Si _OU ISUI cri 335 rile adjuster aacel v and the cr I situ adn I C m t J pull the sJocrin shaft at ball u corn be housing an lower steering shaft ...

Page 230: ...i ng cover boi IC and nIt sector sd just i ng acres with a suitable oL l resis n ant an peuod Do net apply sealer to lemnie threads end cepe daily void getting airy train on Ihe steeim shaft boarh s II c t the hearings htisbinigs and act eeth sith light engine oil IL Cl nrr nite hotisitig I 2 will the sector shaft axis hori niai end posidon the qelerns sh iln lesser hcanng in its cup Ii Position n...

Page 231: ...RING LINKAGE REPAIR 1 e minran u amr0 iirl_ Fc It coasille M nbc Sector a talr I P I as I he Cr coin arms so rsaruic ft r ccflr iaer area the spiadr Oar_errn c a pc roth an ones ccc eDit di l rir i ir c Iii SPINDLE CONNECTING ROD END REPLACEMENT mc _ nd e nrse n2 taj ends h a reah eried sIr h cs c en c rue roe uie e aee rIce ao ue aHe A red _ ii ial be e eC when e e I 1c ioce r eee a us n eij I Re...

Page 232: ... ab a Ic 0 Se pm nrcuzh the cad the reeL 6 u uhn s e li c nC udna_qa in nc eaS e an i na toe s eocsa rk go SPINDLE CONNECTING ROD REPLACEMENT es _n Ce o a _ icr ros sb 2 hrc Car On tot atteDpt to ait en e beat rod I Rce o e the 0 0 1 andn u I ac ma be a Tap thc ha rad u c the cd En casnfut not to loosen or bend an paris an the altering ann to idler arm rod 2 Laaee erhe aa se asn se ac a 2esote nhc...

Page 233: ...r or dam age A check for excessive movement or sloppiness must be made with the weight of the car on all four wheels The idler arm and linkage may seem loose if the car is on a frame hoist 1 Remove the idler arm bracket Fig 14 from the underbody and then remove the bracket and rear bushing from the idler arm 2 Unthread the idler arm from the bushing in the steering arm to idler arm rod and then re...

Page 234: ...left tori rhe ales spool overco rites cite press ire of the centering spring and moves toward the right hand end of the e As a result pleasure is exerted on the right hand side of the power cylinder piston and fluid in the left hand end of the cylinder retorns to the reser voir Fig When the direction of the pressure on the steering wheel Is reversed the front wheels di return 0 the straight uhrad ...

Page 235: ...ld he adjusted to the proper tension The following procedures are for neces sary adjustment 1 Loosen the bracket adjusting bolt and the pivot bolt enough to permit moving the pump Fig 3 2 Adjust the bracket until the pul ley slips against the belt friction at 25 foot pounds torque CONTROL VALVE CHECK VALVE IN CONTROL VALVE HOUSING VALVE RESERVOIR FLUID FLOW LEFT TURN POWER CHECK VALVE IN CONTROL V...

Page 236: ag inst the edge of the ci etvc slot Ihe roll pin ntay be rt i iisg and the spool is binding n the I ousi check the spool acj ustitle nt ti adjustment it cn iect overlI iul or replace ilcc en litsol vs Is should be replaced Check foi sector shad a the ball replace the ball stud a liv of tIle idler arm bushings are svor s or damaged rep lace all the jot ertrrcncc be l scr n the arm and the dust...

Page 237: ... them if if necessary necessary Check the power cylinder piston Check for looseness in the idler rod insulators for looseness If the arm rod connection Looseness at this insulators are worn replace them point may be due to worn mounting 11 the mounting nut is loose torque bushings or improper mounting nut it and the locknut to specifications RATTLES Check the control valve spool cen Check tor loos...

Page 238: ...AND FLUID RESERVOIR REPAIR PUMP AND FLUID RESERVOIR REMOVAL I V th 0_a 2c acnr much teind as pos u c tarn thu rn 1 I _ro rr r u the 2 hoses at and feea hem u ised p_le o to cca fluid from 014 3 L cc_ n r d remove he ru nir 4 Rcso e the r bolt nj bc Out the pu_mp rceer or sod PUMP DIA5SEMSLY Handie alt pae sen reIuIlv to avoid rk buns seaeth and FIG I Pump Hooslit Crier and Shoft FIG 6 floid din wh...

Page 239: ... install the rein u carun in h lelenor The cars on the reinforcement should lie facing upward oser the outer hale in the reservoir 12 Position a new rosa i_ CI around ne r t ce of the r Install oois the dip stick type cO cr ws htr and rethrnirs bolt at his lime itt corer moss be tested sedy and tiflhly on the re en1r PUMP AND FLUID RESERVOIR IHSTAL ATION 1 Position die pump rcerlojr and braciccL i...

Page 240: ...force all the fluid frona he aye tern 2 Loosen dcc cta mtpin clot and bolt at tIle right hand end of the cIcero 3 Remove the roil pin front the siccri n arm to idler arm rod through thc sjol ut the sleeve 4 Remove rile ootr Id m from the Irul alvs ball stud otst Looss o the nut and hack it off far enough to cosvr the threads on the end of the ball stud 5 Hold a colt hammer against the fonsaard sid...

Page 241: ...cemhlilmg Usc control vs tie coat all parts nj th Ford Au to tflstic Tranansission PIslid BSA l92 A Insert name of the ball stud seats Ilat end firsU into the ball stud socket and insen the rhl eaded cam of the hail stud j nto the socket 2 l l ace the sucker in the cull t Lul vaj ye sleeve so that the tIT i ceded cod or Ihe ball stud ten be pulled out chrough tIme 5101 in the sleeve Fig 31 3 Place...

Page 242: ... Automatic Tn a I s 1 Ehaid j 5S2 A to point inch 0III the lop 9 Stats the enRinc and rue at dk specd br aat 2 lilamluass 1 weam the thai a the power steering to flun thc alcering whccl all the I as It bc jell and nrht several Ijutu aa i check the Sien or Lluad 11 Increase Ctind speed to about lO rpm and turn he steer mng wheci all lie w y so the lets and reht sr cr nines II S0p the cacme imd ehec...

Page 243: ...qte Ti se 4 Install he wisp nn at the end l l Itt c l atde POWER CYLINDER HOSE SEAT REPLACEMENT It either hc nt is rI rn sa den sged both seaT l osald be mc pi as ed I 1 ap the hose stats with a tap otyr tT ahtL sice sure to rt nse chips front Ire iI Il titer Itt1aplng 2 pta re a a 10 a nd I ll acasher FIG 19 Power Cylinder large onou IS ma SI aver the eta L port on a 1111 CII applaaprlate tire Th...

Page 244: ...n i the bllshine from the bracket rod in the same manner 5 Posilion a new hushing in the No I spacer of tite tool Ott tire upper side of the bracket and install The rear of the tool opt The h aetet at shown in Fig 3 Make sure that the ClietlIrer Ott lime s Tec Cr is neat iu the slanted tide of the taracket a 1rd ti at ITC SI ri r on mop of he hushing is nasty at sled ot the hush inp rIse nunttxn 4...

Page 245: ...the center of the stud at the inner end of the left hand spindle connecting rod Fig 17 Be sure that the measurement is taken parallel to the centerline of the con trol valve The distance should be 10 inches If the distance is not correct disconnect the steering arm to idler arm rod from the idler arm and the spindle connecting rod Then turn the steering arm to idler arm in the control valve to inc...

Page 246: ...r Arm Rod Bolt 85 100 Idler Arm Bushing to Idler Arm Bracket Bolt 85 100 Steering Wheel Nut Torque and Stake 40 60 Steering Gear Housing Cover Assy to Housing Assy Bolts 12 20 Steering Pitman Arm Nut 110 150 Steering Gear Assy to Underbody Bolts 28 43 TORQUE LIMITS Continued Description Ft Lbs Steering Column Bracket to Inst Panel Screw 5 7 Idler Arm Bracket to Underbody Bolts 25 30 DIMENSIONS Sec...

Page 247: ...Crankshatt Pulley Single Sheaf Drive Pulley and Crankshaft Pulley to Crankshalt Double Sheaves 55 65 Pump Adjusting Bracket to Water Pump Housing Bolt 20 25 Pump Adjusting Bracket to Water Pump Housing Pivot Bolt Hose Insulator Bracket Mounting Bolt 20 25 12 15 TORQUE LIMITS Continued Description Torque Ft lbs Pump Valve Retainer Pump to Adiusting Bracket Spring Cap to Valve Housing Bolts 30 35 20...


Page 249: ... e PULIMINA Y CHECKS Ch c the lud eve iFa ne macter a Jar and dd bea a u I thr r requ red P ah the h rate I dci icr FE O aea1e the Cal s aod n Jr rhe ad I a bp a bed do n Flare than L y b a aeen flare add a sn and the aeon adju the U e brazes vi J ipaft to ro hr afcIy p i zerr a a retj 1 about 20 mph s as e the r 5 0 p in a stneight linu I the mr pr c one ide imcc dab a e FOdeTe m ne he IreelbIe p...

Page 250: ...inder res ervoir Refill the reservoir if neces sary with heavy duty brake fluid Check the entire hydraulic system for fluid leaks and make the necessary repairs not held firmly in place when the brake shoes are serviced A defective check valve can cause a loss of resid ual pressure in the system causing air to enter at the wheel cylinder piston Bleed the system to remove air from the lines and adj...

Page 251: ...e shoe linings for wear or damage that would affect brake operation Do not let oil or grease touch the drum or linings If the linings are worn to within 2 inch of the top of the rivets replace the brake shoes lithe drum and lin ings are in good condition install the wheel and drum The condition of the drums and linings of the other three wheels will usually be about the same as that found at the w...

Page 252: ...all air is eicpelled from the brake cylinders and lines The hydraulic y tem can Ft bled ni anualtv or with p rc t Ire bleeding eruipniem MANUAL SLIEDINO Dl ccd the lone t lines free Keep the j Las er cylInder rue rvDi r filled with Fir w I Lea vy il ty brake fit id duN tnt rhe bleeding opertelicn Neser use brake laid whIch has been dralpted front the lsydnislle system FIG 5 Parking Broke Linknge I...

Page 253: ... er bar aver the cod or the push reek enCage the crIir der on the oaoaanring baits Install the n ounhng nuts and Sormre thrm to 12 Install the brake nt lr e kri and lash an the lore sri era of the e flrder Do not tighten the hrakc halt F ilL e mtc ci4thd reset to with av _dutv Drake fluid to within inch o the 3 of the firer neck 7 Push thswn me broke ads ev eral ne5 i rena n rØfl c Linderar the dr...

Page 254: ...oes not ouch the muter outlet pipe or shock absorber and 3 attaebing belts Lower lie parking brake conu ol h etdl e tilt the panel outward at the bottom and ftmose the panel 4 With a screwdriver unseat he reixarting spritig from The brake pedal and rena flee hole in he pedal step port bracket eFie Ill 5 Remove the leair slae ieTg clip spring washer and pl esic washer from the Lore end or tl e r e ...

Page 255: ...connect the push rod from the brake pedal hy recnovi eg the ec centric bolt locknat enrentri r bolt and 2 nylon bushings 13 Remove the 2 Si eering col e eno amounting screws anti remove the steering column bracket Remove the 2 pedal suplrt b rackec bolts at the inslru ncnL paneL end of the support bracket Slide the support bracket oat or the muunt hoists in the dash panel turn thg support bracket ...

Page 256: sho h c I hub cap ud then luster the car AKE DRUM RUmNISHINO Mthrr aro ee on a raE e drum na he er orea wth tin c rtacrv ke h r nide I he eace is t ure u th lv the mIlls _ter the apenc Oar if ins been dr e t boil that he b sr dram re ui ee tu e n5 the fol maine p e autinas alaocalJ be cxc 1 1 ke scare the b ake dnsemt u n is ebnip Dcii eoJ bia taEIt in i tarrop mm u face 2 The cra ti eei and id...

Page 257: ...e pa n ro Itni ci a lii up wish the nee Cr of the Do n at met calL or vwase touch the brain lining If a hake lining kit is ud to replace the om mithmm in slaji all the pass smipplied in Li 5 C nck an l eranje cLc ant the emend inc hon riot Tn icabac must arsc rc acaaar e icy hE a c neru eiaa0 0 car ia h pnraejua as 1 as sy hetcare any rae Sets Ford act a e aeeT liaise axe ye an ace ad do not recea...

Page 258: ...unit Fail the ear can till be braked ArMOS7HEIiC PtrsSlJtt VACUUM _ 10 1 HlO 4 I HYD AUUC FLUID nmo T Si C OMP ESSAc NC Feet al lao ugh grctm en peda L prcmssmre by the oNralor will be necaaar to a ziveLm app icaEiOo When the pedal is in I he a Iaa e t position he bellows chamber is Open to atmospheric peessure anti vacuum prc aure is eat off hy time vseutsna site which is held closed by its sprmn...

Page 259: ...ion may result from a clogged sir cleaner or improper mas lightly with crocus cloth DO NOT OIL Replace if necessary SLOW BRAIa PEDAL RETU RN OR FAIL TO RILEASE act cylinder push rod ad usrmcot In ternal catt tea OIH V he a restricted air passage SILcky valve plunger broken return spring on the a omosphe re pop pet valve stuck in a closed position he air passages shoLt Id he checked for restrict io...

Page 260: ...s he pision and vac uum cIindcr 6 mull out ha vacuum piston irons the cylinder and emote the vacuum boa Remove he piMon Itum tpnn LMOVAL OF FElT RITAINER FELT AND EXPANDER RING I Sgning he fels retaloang ring sijfficiemIa ly to disengage the rIng from ttTMNING AcNe fELT E aJ1on esNu FIG l Ratia uiiag Ring Rameval FIG 5 End Plote a id Piston RenseyS ten saltow the groc vet in the boss on he rr pLtI...

Page 261: ...mble the front piston plate to the rear piston plate to Center the poppet spriog on the front piston plate and nter the valve plunger stem in the hole of the piston II Hold the front and rear piston plates togeilaer and iottslh dcc six pi ton plate cap screws Leave the screws Ion se 12 Insert tite rubber reaction disc In the I xe55 at tlce cesater of the front piston plate Use care ant to ose the ...

Page 262: ...e of the master cylinder housing and assemble the master cyl inder to the vacuum cylinder tatiog lockwathers and nuts Securely tighten the nuts PUSH ROD ADJUSTMENT The pusla rod is detigtaed with a ieff loeking adjdstniCnt screw to pro vide the correct re I atiosssh ii between the vacuum po er piston and the master cylinder piston I he adjust ment screw is set to the cot reef height at the time of...

Page 263: ...aioo he bellows chamber is epen ao atmospheric preaaure and Vacuum prsalre is cut off by the vacuum yaks which is held closed by its spring tn a With the coginc riennirls and he brake pedal depressed the air salve closes and the vaccasim valve opens Thus vacuum from the intake maoi fold U r the tecti Lena rs scrvo in re air from be belloa w chanaber Alt VALeS El ITOH U TROUBLE SHOOTING PRWMINARY C...

Page 264: fluid as possible from the master cylinder into a suitable container by pushing all the way down on the brake pedal sev eral times 3 Remove the 4 nuts and lock washers which mount the master cyl inder to the dash panel Remove the cylinder from the mounting bolts sliding the boot from the push rod 4 Remove the headlight beam se lector switch and remove the left cowl trim panel by removing the 2 ...

Page 265: ...t Removal With Conventional Drive or Overdrive 1 Remove the pedal support bracket mounting nut and lock washer above the master cylinder opening in the engine compartment 2 Depress the clutch pedal to re lieve tension on the assist spring and back off the nut on the forward side of the spring link Remove the spring spring link and spring retainer 3 Disconnect the clutch pedal to idler lever rod fr...

Page 266: ...he right d tie stepper hracket rnh the shift All the wey ihr i tb nad sccue 1 1 the tell b cd end with tbe spring end t p tt lintajiatitea With Con eadoa J Dii e Ove ntis 3 Posiiion snp aol as in Ft i cb ti p ets the m Jcjalint huh ajad drove a entose the one the cee l Qp aeher and he rtthher top easi t from the guide dce e 4 Wi te hold it tee tata 0 tIet h eb down agsin I ne ret a ts spring re me...

Page 267: ...n Fi Il Asthe sirvalve ispushed iovard two d enu te S Inges eltolt Id be feIt Al he hei In I ng of ajr velve travel amy the air velve Control spring ir being csstttpr t sod When the air voive eon riots itt e vacuum valve and moves it ol it ic tic the vacuum vs lvg spri n it I Iso hr itig CcItt ipressed When the valve is released it slsottW sntip back road ii Hare the unit in the vise Posi I iuc t ...

Page 268: ... a tie re power i ever r ton the r 6 Separate the power lever from rl bake pcdst remoc h calve aol stiot eccentric cm the r eht side ofiheb take acOal extension in FiL 4 The micromecer reathog should be 0 930 inch tin or minus D 3 if she en crortaccer read tn is nor wha ttt the jim tt bend the toe r 0 the c xree posit on or on OP Ll e pcdSl 8 Rv4 embe th pu acr her to he he nRc nalal 9 roach one t...

Page 269: ...rance Midway between Rivets Maximum 0 005 inch Lining Wear Limit From Top of Rivets Maximum t 2 inch Master Cyhnder Hydraulic Master Cylinder Bore Honed Diameter Maximum 1 003 inch Power Unit Pedal Trigger Location 0 950 inch 0 005 inch Air conditioner equipped vehicles only TORQUE LIMITS Description Foot Pounds Front Anchor Pin Bolt Spindle to Brake Carrier Plate Upper Bolts 80 100 62 72 Spindle ...


Page 271: ...d equipment U TROUBLE SHOOTING Possible causes of trouble in the generating system reveal themselves in one of two major symptoms Either the battery has failed or is low in charge or the charging rate is too high First determine the correct symptom by testing or by analyzing Once the symptom has been con firmed isolate the cause by following the road map which illustrates the procedure in outline ...


Page 273: ... as a poor commu tator can cause excessive brush wear If the positive brush holder is shorted to ground repair the insulation if possible If not replace the end plate and assemble the generator Install the generator TEST GENERATOR REGULATOR If the generator output i5 normal test the regulator to determine if it is properly adjusted If the regulator is not OK proceed as follows TEST CIRCUIT RESISTA...

Page 274: ...ermanently lubricated ball bearings which fit into the end plates Fig 12 The shaft is keyed to at integral pulley and cooling fan astembly The pulley is connected to the engine crankshaft pul tey with a bolt The generalor mounting is shown in Fig 4 GENERATOR TESTS The access a ry equip moot used in the six gcncrator tests outlined below is as folio 0 lU p i no Ammeter 0 215 Vllmetcr Growler Tester...

Page 275: ...c_A nsaore as ire tosumutaror Turotno and Und_c t and Bsush R s L cc can be n h 5 i g4thsjus an I tt a elteh a ror d I aa ns e_ e5 the Btn Cr cr is abc 0 0 RI_ovAt sliD INSTAISATIOI4 Di ocne he een a jrc ac d and sreur_j si as he So or le r o ethc ad Ls nsev as5t to ceet bolt e oct and the t otsIoln Ito os he moon ag h aoke riae rcmu e the gm er ster FiG 4 To __ _e us ao o tire us airla e5 of tue ...

Page 276: ...MSOATIVR ten SOS ItlY E LEAD II OO A YOLtMEtER 4SOATIVE SAD II RE svsR TO ansi IN SCReW RECeSS 6 Check the field windins for worn insolation and w sotdered con nections at Ihe term j Isal screws Re solder amy Coil led ions es requ red 7 Replace I he aim atore or the fletd re jts if the insulaliun is worn 5 Check the commutator for run out aa d uneven or scored surfacçs Turn down the oon nsutaror a...

Page 277: ... I air U t cna urs and iron ram plate ass en F i nod I be brush end aLEc l ri g the dowel and Ih g boss and the frame doter a ia tar e th cuh bot t sIEb at 9 I_se a n e_c ut still be ith a iac ched d to ro dra uclt th ent laTissssjoisaad oaiI cn u _ebrtish sp Lr c po top the h u her 0 EA2G 5 FAc 5 5 Cnr Ce caeas d 00 CT_T hal tA GROUP 11 G9IERATING MIO STA2TlN SYSTTMS ftny ttslnah to she field tS ...

Page 278: ...o v Il Clt nr nfier tttr trs ui IIcr Its been healed unTil mL becomes e Llto csl CA UTII sN For correct OISEC ru1culalon adj iisilliest feat be sore the the rc ulsor las reached Ncr x tl apertlitig lemperuture as Just dcfined t loll oak the ejtage id 1oct11 selting to coIncide jib the n l IctiI air tempemnire Talsie I disses tile rOp r vcila v limits for wto a ambleal air em petlurcs Cal THE CAt O...

Page 279: ... TERMINAL REMOVE BATTERY LEAD FROM REGULATOR TO GENERATOR ARMATURE Reduce the resistance in the field circuit to zero The ammeter should show an approximate 10 ampere load Read the voltage regulation on the voltmctcr scale Speed the engine mo mentarily to see if the voltage re mains regulated CURRENT LIMIT TEST FIG 11 Regulator Test Schematic Connect the carbon pile rheostat across the 1 ohm resis...

Page 280: ...4e AflJVST CUT IN VOLTAGE flae cur in vol ae reas d by or d crea ei by ben ne ii C ADJUST VOLTAGE LIMIT eke a ret1 Cc te with the co eroea U th ietai or to ue no within the imz as i ire ta n e fe e ambi cot It mpr U C a j ed rumpate to d rrerncc as a o_t o ccc a roTecüO Reroac the regL elCr roe and nrc e a new reaCaurvo are limit trw Aditee ne aew is sing either alp or do n by the emoamr hr ocr co...

Page 281: ...asuri n p the terminel voltage at be ktnerv ttmler bed A high rate discharge re or in coo unction v xiil a vol F meter is used or this purpost I itllr _ l iCl t tue exit r Battery Co roe i Test in outline forn IF the h ttny sanction it sot withh to I ItO5 F let It itnfil verul before I IikI ig this 1 Add wets s if neeesasy Co brlag lie I ttture sohuLitin to tlse proper Ies eI III only to the narro...

Page 282: ...t surface charge in the battery will give a false reading To remove surface charge turn on the head lights of the car for the length of time indicated on the meter then turn off the headlights and read the state of charge of the battery A 12 volt bat tery can be more easily discharged to the point where it will freeze during cold weather than a standard 6 volt battery A 12 volt battery discharged ...

Page 283: ... AND REPAIR TROUBLE OVER CRANKING CURRENT LOW OR NO LOAD CURRENT HIGH OR LOW tREPAIR OR REPLACE STARTER TROUBLE OVER J1043 A FIG 3 Engine Trouble Shooting Road Maps The system includes the starter motor and drive the battery a remote con trol starter switch and heavy circuit wiring A schematic diagram of the start Cruise O Matic transmission have a lockout switch in the starter control circuit Fig...

Page 284: ... RELAY DOES NOT CLICK TEST BATTERY Connect a jumper from the battery Test the state of charge of the bat tery and follow the procedure that applies BATTERY DISCHARGED Make a Battery Capacity Test If the battery tests as having good capacity recharge the battery If the battery does not test as having good capacity make a Battery Test Charge Replace the battery if the test indicates that it is worn ...

Page 285: ...locked remove the starter from the engine and perform the no load current test The starter should run freely Com pare the reading obtained from the ammeter with the no load current draw specification for the starter If the current reading and no load speed are below specifications the starter has high resistance and should be re paired If the current reading is above normal and the starter is runn...

Page 286: is OK roe enf_c has eaceiai efnc thn am b min be dclet mined Repair or repine e floflIy fl STARTER AND CIRCUIT Heaw cablel colinenars end arc need a the usrin s cm b eti e c c the high Circe eun Ab the seer while s c a the enn ne The smaonini da e en mc aiafloflg eLton L muSt e icpc to an absolute minimum in pro vide max mum ccci mr arane op rt nn Louse cc naeccns 00 des nIae aa pnaaIs b reen c...

Page 287: ...arter No Load Test on Test Bench to prevent the starter drive from en gaging the flywheel With the engine idling make the ammeter connections as shown in Fig 7 The no load cur rent draw on the ammeter should be 80 amperes maximum NEGATIVE LEAD STARTER POSITIVE BATTERY On Test Bench Connect the starter to a battery with an ammeter in the circuit as shown in Fig 8 The starter will run at no load and...

Page 288: ...e salle InStie lr etstt s iun dipitick lithe bracket is L5 out U under the slane Heir titeetLolint 101 Make cettaiLt IIL L ilie rubber seal CE JIr 1eriy pustiO LCU hitfore rnOntt ing Ihc H rlL r Zr loohie c encoun tered In keopiog the SEal in position rt bhrr eet L 0 both the 10a1 the CLULtc itiock Lu huld the seal Ii P LI 5tfl niaL t lasountin abe ttnrier COMPLEtE 011 S EM3LV tier follthcing proc...

Page 289: the speinc ifthc enie s e o thin L LflT 5 7 Inspect theield cotlsfor busted or broken litsuLatton Check the field brush so L tier con nec Ii esn cod lead nsul at on A SB C ID b I I I nsiaLI the to aninsi acre se v I rh insulator CubeR and e minal nut Be sure to position slot in he screw parallel to the frame end stir raCe 2 Po4Nen he edra Lielti coils with the te eL Ln the terminal scrcw sLo...

Page 290: hold ers Be sure to center the bruth spring on the bnishas IS Isisrall the cover hand tighten the clamp screw Q STARTER DRIVE lie starter drive is the Fob nina type sttnw 1 in Fir IS Iha uFolo_ I1Ina drive Is senieed only a a complete pill because of the calibradon reqotromente on the lock pin and asisi drlft pin springs REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION To remove the PoIo Thra drive compress the spring...

Page 291: ...14 6 15 4 Current Regulation Amperes 28 32 33 37 ALLOWABLE BATTERY FAST CHARGE TIME Domestic Only Specific Maximum Gravity Fast Charge Time Below 1 150 1 hour JJ50 to 1 175 _____ hour 1 115 to 1 200 2 hour hour 1 200 to 1 225 Above 1 225 Stow Charge Only VOLTAGE REGULATION SETTING VERSUS AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE Ambient Temperature Voltage Regulation Setting Volts 25 15 1 15 9 35 15 0 15 8 45 14 9 ...


Page 293: ...1 NOT LIGHT 2 Loose or broken wire from the 5 Defective beam selector switch battery to the headlight switch Fig page 12 7 1 6 All headlight bulbs burned out 3 Defective headlight switch page This may be caused by a defective or 12 7 improperly adjusted generator volt age regulator page 11 11 INDIVIDUAL LIGHTS DO Check for the following 2 Loose or broken wires to the NOT LIGHT I Burned out bulb bu...

Page 294: ...1 Indicator bulb burned out 3 Defective oil pressure indicator 2 Loose or broken wire from the switch page 12 10 CHARGE INDICATOR Check for the following armature terminal of the voltage LIGHT INOPERATIVE 1 Burned out bulb regulator and or generator 2 Loose or broken wires to the 3 Generator armature not grounded Check for the following 3 Loose or broken wire from the 1 Loose or broken wire from t...

Page 295: ... 2 headlights Locating tabs molded in the glass allow the mounting of the No 1 lights in the inboard headlight sup port frames only A conventional beam control switch is located on the floor board near the left Quick disconnect terminals are provided at the front of the left and right lender aprons and at the rear of the left fender apron The termi nals are color coded Like colored terminals are c...

Page 296: ...IGHT FIG 2 Dome Light and Stop Light Diagram BULB REPLACEMENT Replacement of bulbs in the light ing system is illustrated in Figs 6 through 11 These illustrations cover headlights parking lights tail stop and license plate lights domelights and instrument lights HEADLIGHTS Remove the retaining screw and headlight trim ring Loosen the retaining ring screws Fig 6 rotate the retaining ring counterclo...

Page 297: ...el light bulbs can he replaced by pulling out the individual light sockets from the rear of the panel Fig TO SWITCHES lllustsated procedures for the re placement of he headlight swi oh beam control switch stop light switch dome light switch sad igtd tion switch ara given here HeADLIGHT AND REAM SILSOTOR SWITCH TESTS The following tests may be made to determine whether a headlight swi IC h 5r a bea...

Page 298: ...head I iehr so c is ii ret t cd n a uthn Inc FIG l2 H adgM Eeom Cm frel Switch IGNIEION SWttCsl The Il on has reo e and Le i at the 0 the iraTran ea pao I Ojicoancet b2ILer Press th r e rh i hc there s i of ne ea se Rotate I itEm 3ui e a e F r 14 then ye move the j cI from inc rear o inc illnt Itl tile betel and nt uctcttig nIlL Install tile ktvlt sod silati a see hv tttcrIIitg It itit nile w Iv i...

Page 299: ht lIlIrn t aro Cdntarr sl nftr etson ICjth the 1i_ n orac wire b means of a iidioc 0072cr I iuuatrd 04 a PLaeIIO plate whiab is no the end 0 he stet e celunin en the hoot rlnr in dc p nesI the o n rifle ConuOt ma useeuun tth rour d brouCh a by elippe to the wheel hub more the horni Ire per cal tine eec ra I c Co r a _ the thc stctñng ri tri tori rerno es_he er fletn the aorrine ear 5 Ce liE Kt...

Page 300: ...ments are mounted on the outer surface of the cluster To re move any instrument pu1t off the bezeL Four mounting strews arc then exposed to view Remove the screws pull the nstnsment array front the panel and discos ore t the wires or cables When installing ea iostttjment fol ow the color coding as shown in Fig l or 2 for ttaehit g tite wir or assaIling the panel lights The fuel tank scoding unit i...

Page 301: ...ltec for vollage at the gauRe fecd wire black with green band St one of the gauges The voltage shoold Os cilIate between zero and about ID it does not the Conic ant vol age regulator is dsfective or there a short to grosnid between lie vol rage r egu ainr and the su gea IMtL GAUGE The fuel gauge consists of a sand ing uoiI located on the gas tank and t reasote register unit fuel gtuagc mounted to ...

Page 302: ...ize Combiathions To e_ the odonc acorn drive the elide over a eaaed milc s1 edotnerer a cr t ve an ie ed by companne the speed osne er In question i al ni one to t s c tat while two e a Lee are the ame iced or y na 21 Rent Vw 1 huslmmsm np the vehicle on a mea ea relle McYg ce of speedo tcr Ins cra y are due to a char ae us non nandard tire s zs symboL caansnn tar art e car 751 0 Raft us Table I f...

Page 303: ... the receiver for major repair If at least one hut not all of the tubes light up replace those that do not light up If the replacement tubes do not light up remove the set for major repair FUSE IS NOT BLOWN Check to see if the tubes are lighted If all of the tubes are lighted connect the test antenna to the receiver and hold it so that it protrudes out of the car If this cures the trouble make cer...

Page 304: ...d or garbled sound may be termine if the speaker is at fault caused by the voice coil rubbing on substitute the test speaker before re DISTORTED OR the center pole piece of the speaker moving the suspected unit When in GARBLED SOUND magnet by a torn speaker cone by stalling a new speaker tighten the foreign material coming in contact attaching nuts finger tight only with the cone or by a defective...

Page 305: ...eck the defroster valve is tight on the control shaft the NO DEFROSTING control cable it should be connected defroster nozzles are attached and properly to allow full travel of the that the slot in the windshield mould defroster valve in the plenum cham ing is free of obstructions A symptom of too much heat is correctly installed Bowdcn cable on TOO MUCH HEAT caused by a completely open tem the co...

Page 306: ...un the engine at 1500 rpm ice valve slightly Allow the gas to escape through the gauge port slowly observing the sight glass If bubbles begin to appear close the high pres sure service valve and make a partial charge of one pound of Refrigerant 12 The system will then have a corn plete charge If no bubbles appear check for refrigerant leaks repair the breaks if necessary and charge the system with...

Page 307: ...nt HIGH PRESSURE frigerant air in the system condenser and entrapped air ABOVE NORMAL air passages clogged a restriction NOTE Whenever the system has between the condenser inlet and the heen opened three times the receiver receiver or high surrounding air tem dryer should be replaced as a precau peratures High head pressures are tion against internal icing of the ex generally evidenced by a noisy ...

Page 308: ...embly If the lights now operate when the switch is operated the flasher unit is defective Replace the flasher with the new unit If replacing the flasher assembly does not cure the trouble the flasher unit may be assumed to be good Remove the wires from the bullet connectors that connect to the switch and temporarily connect in a new switch If the lights now burn when the switch is operated repair ...

Page 309: ...burned out or the wiring to the light is defective Repair the wiring or replace the light whichever is indi cated If the turn indicator cancels pre making positive contact with the maturely check the tension of the canceling pawls on the switch The IMPROPER TURN conical switch hold down spring distance between the lower edges of INDICATOR Fig 62 Stretch the spring slightly the steering wheel spoke...

Page 310: ... acce as hale 4 ljiarooae the soteona end taint tan Ira N ca a a are cable he i remove the receive W heel natal I ire the receiver it ach ths cables and leads before p1cc pg tEe reCetveI 0 ttae 000 us me anal Mke cenaln that the chassis makes noa j elecrcical coosaci with th isoa olerr panel as both the from sad ba ksupçertosidoos Aodlo aast AMmhly 1 To sir ceal o the nba_ale remoc t brie heat coo...

Page 311: ...t on bosn nC F B a the colic pin awayrmoin the tairjlrc enter hot so that ii win act crate aith tar ISUC collector Ipso ui i reae Cr 5th hubcap batch the bondbt ci siih Ii as t J uxiati as crew from rte oh ha nd _sde 01 LISTMANTS Be sure to wanas up the reccire for 15 minutes heiorc mikinethe Id ioainm aj u tnr no ANTTNNA TI1MMLR Extend the anwntla r tc t una catch Rats the radio plate Tune in the...

Page 312: ...i lie running the foil w dth of the cowl The grille is opsIn at elI times Any water that may cntcr is three Lcd to drain boles on either aide of the car The fresh air intake chamber con nects to the passenger compartment through a fresh air nuder on each side of tinc car under lie ends 01 the insrL tsme or panel Ats air valve in each outlet opens or closna the outlet Tine heater blower couples to ...

Page 313: ...y of tie con Irul switch and the current drLR s of the motor will he indicated on the am meter Normal Cu rrent draw should be 4 to 5 amperes for the high speed position 0 range wire The a ho s speed cur reeth draw red wire it 3 to 4 amperes kRAIER CONTROL ADJuSTIUNI The upper lever of the beater con trol asseenbly con ne ted to thc thermostat on the heater Figs I and 7 Looaen the cable chant p on ...

Page 314: ... the releigerant atose the hemporatute of the surrounding a hr rnua no hess can usnafer from the oussids Sr In the refrigerant in the receirer There rest a connecled tu the cx pa nao rU nyc in the e aporetor shere the co ot ne erie starts saci aus When the tx aneion a aRc is opened the high i couev liquid ru frigeranl frotn t s rec Is r p c through an r icr in the xpauIoLt ester which cte cs Etc h...

Page 315: ...PANStON VALVE Tue i s_ Jrat U cb siaE1on is cor trolted by n esp4aS0D el e F ZSi d h ajtowa only enMigh refatceran 5 ieji into Lit evaputa or to ee1a h evapozao r uper atiu cffic nti depcnntag on ITS heat load The espansion valve comat of the ash s md a teai e a ture sepasing tapl ian Isaac and bath Ftc 5 The hull is c smpa to the outlet pipe ui Its evaporator This the operailon he salve is ecatro...

Page 316: ... a nt gite t a itt t ch ptitley mounted its FIle caIIiIprcssrIt cranlcctisft itaict 15I The I1I ttt iriic 12 25 a kIllu LI Nc lO N EI F ION TO iiIi MuSiMIC Cccl ic H lsauet arl FIG 26 Sghi Glass F19 28 Mo9n tlc Clutch AJR VAt arIc a AIM ia a contract thi 11077 A clinch is coIs r itcd by a icnsins tub inantd in the tins of 1150 core ThERMOSTATIC SWPTCH 1e thermostatic t i clt 5F 15 mott rol she ope...

Page 317: ct nae front ace Hoc a at arc a nt_C the beater Sota tO I 5 ram L er rim enn ro knob I Fiz I i r o cr rio Wren cli itt It is puV e It oul uaa eOtnz tyOcl e y rat en i 1 a d of Stone the bL eeaa d l Sac ten isa re e ii ot r C i cc to he e eted to the b r FL Pttching the tmht nerd knob in FIG 32 ir Valves nod Al flow bloc Cr Ic ce re tt a t r tr the a ttd faces it Ibrota eb 5 hea e c ae to set c ...

Page 318: ...ed th t there is eaou5_i l a art a the stamen pta edia tEa to coo lbs 1 rat is tts ttrder bIas do tar n t ni R irigem fit the ai stc at unIil e b il lee dii pçuscr ha add an edit antI car acer let as rant FIG 34 lfrrner Themioctat Cable Adjiistn erit COMPRESSOR OIL LLVEL CHECK L rtter orm m raitrane r ic t ihe no aa iamta_t o th _ Ott a tca ar oil oselneedr o be rherin rd rnmrmis tao 0 be o ta La ...

Page 319: ...a taar 2 mal5Y cnjs ac ln1d atmnaaa m i t a ma za L a 0 ama toft os x tar PUPO 1 ta r u rfl isa cart aa m r5ia C mmc s mac ran car t S j c r ttt t lset U sa tparsfll amt C 0 tin loosed SiIflOiCId nil um trt a r v Frn 4r sljoq cc art 0141 Jar mat a pars Sc parac l oocar u sr ant eric t n hc c a taaio camarc tumaaar p t cp ar tla La jr nIJ sac ant Carat ttt L Ji t mjl iuniisnlpy Ao IIj JW IM0Y_E Wi ...

Page 320: ...t as the oil in th a compressor will he forced Out long with it Chiwgisig the vstem The proce dote for ohs tel up depends on w h esh at a psdiai charge or complete char me Ic being made McEtten a comp etc eh s rgs is being ni 5t r check for leaks h rai chtn release the pressure and ctst ie he system EVA UATING THE SVSTSl Attach be manifold paufe set a ta of MeCr an nsos t2 and a vacuole pump to th...

Page 321: ...ition Run the engine at 1500 rpm Set all controls at the maximum cooling position The actual pressures indicated on the gauges will depend on the tempera ture of the surrounding air and the humidity Higher air temperatures along with low humidity will give higher system pressures The figures given are for an ambient surround ing air temperature of 75 F 50 relative humidity For every 10 F increase ...

Page 322: closer to the evaporator temperature setting of 32 F Thermostatic Switch Test The switch must be removed for this test Set the switch cam at the coldest temperature setting Fig 42 Place COLDEST TEMPERATuRE SErTING OF CAM 28 P cAM AGAINST STOP APPROXIMATE MELTING ICE TEST POSFTFON OF CAM 32 F FIG 42 Thermostatic Switch Cam Test Positions the sensing tube in a container filled with finely crushed...

Page 323: ...telt do We cover inorati the soiahtg Lube niooiitio disc aid ectocea Atc ich sad aeLjcin ijie so rJ t bfe in tll the Liu 5 01 5 wios ndir L LI the switch flPAN5iON VALVE Before roplaci it tin expansie a sloe d c Itoc the rc ri crint Iconi i crn ii esa and ha Ia 51bt the r u er ihcuew valetis n ed Lr the oste t aith ett OF tt Remnyni Rome ye i Lu evaporator O ecra Care F i LI y slit Ito insulat o t...

Page 324: ... new evaporalor tore leak bet the ac semb t place the ecsre in the housing sins attach the two mounting screws 3 Attach the housing covers and mounL the assenthly to the dash 3 Attach the refaigerant hoses to the evapora 0r I FiC 15 3 testall the road d rafts abc to the intake msnifold and connect the ac celerator Ft ii it arc 1 2 32 DEFR0SrSR VALV cAlL HEAnSSG rhE ssecsrAT CAflil wires and contro...

Page 325: ...e until he compressor it ttk cd of refrigerant pressure CATIlIt Lw tcn the rap a n al amount oy gad d j not temo e It until lie preMure couaplctel re Bees To rinceC the compressor tieck into the system ccc ti t pns or at he Iiil pte F Sc scrcirc vaid gauge poe close the vacuum pileup vii v urn both see ice ale es to e tanianunt countercioct Ite ajid c p lw bisb pressuje teicr calve ure poet aa J I...

Page 326: ... two c i cii ccii plate boltt 7 lmirite he bolts to 6 9 foor 1mmmtaiidc e td connect the clutch wire lint ill the ttingaeli clu rh k I C Replace ascot I I smosc t he itaur conspreseor mmiii ty i ottc Qsrge arrows Pig 52 2 iimir the uoonpresinm toward the rcmtior ar ilte C mr and m emimus e the belt 3 ri tae ilte terv belt in position click th ercimrmpi eserir tiesmird rho taut place and s unsprcss...

Page 327: ...mosanti n g holes disconnect the cables from the motor drive put ley and remove the assemblies To gaits access to the left pi vol shaft assembly remove the speedo ni erer atcensbiy The pivou shsfL assem bly my than he removed rh rou git the speedometer mounting hole Before imtalllng new pivot shaft assem h lies loosen the u aotor drive pulley tension arms clamp sat cant prccs the tension arnt s wi...

Page 328: i Fir 9m The nose 0 nine u tmp a_St u co ara to b c c eached to the u ui r pioe ooiktt U MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES CLOCK the cia k auto ii the ci c tu ts s2oc cm cc Tb H i t Jium the C To re4ce use I fl iruiri 0 cc rc rufl pace p1mb c C ci Un froto nbc to mua e in he oLe a a pp wire u s r an t ima i FIG 6G oaa up L19b1 Switch I 1 c BACK4JP liGHTS TOC ba uo iu_h c t ounm ed of ch se of Ta iac b ...

Page 329: ...cnotac t support Fig 62 Unscraw the meltmutitsg remove the cia mtic m I rasioLt spri n g rh en remove the ass i tL lt actu atin arm The mum swlich may then be rant ovecl by remus sing che two mounting scacics Diteonnect the wtreq at the stceringcolumn uFto El arrach a heavy cord to the wire ends and psi l he 5 sc i uch wires front the steering column The heavy cord Is ussed mci pul the new switch ...

Page 330: ...oning Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker On Lest Air Duct Right Hand Side of Dash Panel Engine Compartment Convertible Top Control BULB CHART Unit Candle Power or Wattage Trade Headlamp No 1 Inner 375w 400 4002 1034 Headlamp No 2 Outer 50 375w Front Turn Signal Parking Rear Turn Signal Stop Tail 32 4 cp 32 4 op 1034 Stop Tail Only 32 4 c p 1034 License Plate 4 c p 67 Back up Lamps ill p 30w 1141 4405...

Page 331: ...t 12 volts 7 8 Amperes ati2 volts At Fast Speed HORN Horn Current Draw at 12 v 9 0 10 0 Amperes AIR CONDITIONER CURRENT DRAW At Slow Speed ID Amperes at 12 volts 5 Amperes at 12 volts At Fast Speed SPEEDOMETER GEAR REAR AXLE TIRE SIZE COMBINATIONS POWER SEAT CURRENT DRAW I At No Load 8 10 Amperes at 12 volts I POWER WINDOW CURRENT DRAW At No Load 8 10 Amperes at 12 volts 20 Amperes Max at 12 volts...


Page 333: 5 Replace all cracked fogged or chipped glass 6 Align hood doors and deck lid if necessary 7 Inspect windshield wiper blades and replace if necessary 8 Tighten sill plate and garnish moulding screws 9 Clean the seats door trim panels and headlining If the seats are worn or torn install seat covers or reuphoister 10 Touch up or paint chipped or scratchcd areas U EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR CLEANING E...

Page 334: ...ts side trim panel and spare wheel 5 Scuff plates After removing the trim the loca tion of most leaks will be readily evident Seal these leaks and road test the car on a dusty road to make sure all leaks are sealed The entrance of dust is usually indicated by a pointed shaft of dust or silt at the point of entrance After the road test check for indi cations of a dust pattern around the door openin...

Page 335: ...r best results apply a medium coat of cement to both surfaces allow it to dry until tacky and press both sur faces firmly together CLEANING SOLVENT B6A I 9563 D A general clean up solvent is used to clean off new or old cement smears wax tars oils grease caulk and sealer When desired it can he used to thin caulk and sealer It is harmless to cured paint and will he useful in new car pre delivery SI...

Page 336: ...nt breakage In severe cases reinforcement brackets and other inner construction may have to be removed or cut to permit restora tion of the outer shell and pillars with out excessive strain on the parts Straighten install and secure all such parts in place before attempting to align the body In cases of severe or sharp bends it may be necessary to use heat Any attempt to cold straighten a severely...

Page 337: ...f the outer panels and the realignment or replacement of sections of the sub frame When per forming repairs of this type measure sufficient overlap to assure an ade quate area for a strong welded sur face In cases where only a portion of a panel requires replacement a section of a service panel can be used Com plete service panels are available if the area is extensively damaged If a complete pane...

Page 338: ...PART 13 3 REPAIR 13 7 SPARE WHEEL MOUNTING EXPLODED VIEW AA N 1004 A FIG 4 Sealer Application to Floor Pan Body Side and Dash Panel ...

Page 339: ...w the con tours of the surface not more than Vie inch with a grooving dolly Metal finish the repair area and file it smooth taking care to produce the correct contour Grind the welded area clean and tin Fill in with solder taking care that sufficient solder is applied so that the final metal finish will not have inden tations Metal finish the panel to prepare it for painting ...


Page 341: ...the door Fig I ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE 1 Consul r ig I to determine which hi ite hot is must he loosened to move Ii e door in the desired di rec tinT I Loosen the hinge Itolta enough Co permit nioventeoL or the door wIth a padded piy bar 3 tove the door the diatance eatitt ot cd to h nsceaasry li gh ten laislgt ho Is and check t ti door fit 4 Repsat the operation until the deaired dt I obtained aod ch...

Page 342: ...lisa I 0 p ovid pr per esliag ALIGNMENT The deak lid capt be hiftcd fore and dt up and down j from idt Inside as al p io Fag I Cmrc should lie taken flop 0 dision or miss the dccii lid or body p i sa thai an Un iEthy appearance rcwlis STRlKE PLATE ADJUSTMENT The deck lid sisiker pb s I5jg 1 cars i c adjusted up or down by Oat ening the boha and mos ing Ii to he 143 FIG 3 Ded lid Striker Plete Adju...

Page 343: ... the rotor tctth ppir opse nr two di ntis ol fine oil ohs rolor bearhig 14 4 DOOR LOCKS LO CYLINO I MN1 NO CLI 05555 MtO NAMe Thw5S11F5 S AIJ s 7 oc t 45 Cstl irs FIG 2 Lock Cylinder Removal 3 Leek pptc three or dttN of L_ ck I I tie paib of h lock ntchanism or ipwpk the c c etc lebri catd at assembly nd require no funl er attention Hosteac ii necessary Lii IC P r r Or epIa at some pan ci lock n e...

Page 344: ...t aRSCIII1Ii L uer taming bracket bOILS mc duor part rI 6 Tpflten aba cci ren otc con trol reraioin screw Install the p w ncr soitbi i 4 G I 7 A cc i list loot silo panel anti oar i a re STRIKER PLATE ADJU5TMLNT L Hue door mull ba picp4y h roe adjIaaFng the Irrker plate 1 sthkcr 1p1a1e NO Wflflt II correct door a 2 Loosen the re and mote atnktr plate up or dowi Ia that the level the ati iL aazy pl...

Page 345: ...moval LOCS Nor N_ ____ ELEAS t erN VAVIOtE IRTA1NINO ictew _turtON HANDLE ftttAIIe SETAININO Cttw SUTTON SEAL 110 FIG 8 outside Door IlondI distance should be approximately inrh Fiehren the nut locking ba re lease pin in position 3 IrsoaslI the pads SOIL thu door hand It on the door C h cc the free travel of the push biuton to insure a tlight gap bctwee a the rele se pin and the lot k release arm ...

Page 346: ... lock ed position and insert the cylinder in the sleeve DECK LID LOCK REPLACEMENT Remove the three lock retaining bolts and remove the lock Fig 9 The lock is not adjustable in the deck lid Positioning of the striker in relation to the lock is accomplish ed entirely at the striker plate ...

Page 347: ...GROUP 14 DOORS DECK LID LOCKS AND WINDOWS VIEW AA ASSEMBLED 14 8 WEATHERSTRIP Ni 018 A FIG 1 Hardtop Model Windshield and Exterior Mouldings ...

Page 348: ... cow top versltlaror sstcoih v Install the right and left wiper shaft cover plates 15 Appty ruhhet csnstnt to the body right and left front pillar and install the weatherstrip 16 Install the windshis d upper and lower center ga Inish niouldingt tite tower extension part is mould ings LInd the inatr u merit panel exten sions 17 tnstatl the windshield side gar nish mouldings the rear view mirrnr and...


Page 350: ...ear corner of the door and remove the weatherstrip 4 Loosen the rear run adjusting nut and remove the window assem bly 5 Remove the glass frame the glass channel Fig 5 and the glass tape 6 Install the glass channel on the glass Fig 5 Using new glass tape Trim the excess tape Install the glass frame and the glass channel roller assembly Fig 7 if it was removed 7 Position the door glass assembly in ...

Page 351: ...w assembly can be adjusted forward or back ward at points F and 0 by rotating the adjusting screws clockwise or counterclockwise as required b The door window assembly can be adjusted to tilt toward the inside or outside of the body at points F and 0 after loosening the locknuts The vent window assembly must be readjusted simultaneously to obtain this adjustment 3 Clearance between the door window...

Page 352: ...ect the arm and plate door lock push lock and window and remove the assembly arms from the glass chan nel rollers by pulling out the spring clips Pull the roller clip out just far enough to release the arm pin 8 Remove the upper window stops From the upper rear edge of the door remove the three screws that retain the door outer weather strip 9 Loosen the rear run adjusting nut and remove the door ...

Page 353: ... requires replacement perform steps as follows a Remove the glass from the glass channel and frame assembly Fig 5 b Install the glass retaining strip install the glass in the lower channel and install the frame assembly If the window regulator doesn t require re placement omit steps 9 and 10 and proceed with steps 11 thru 17 9 Remove the window regulator retaining bolts and remove the regu lator t...

Page 354: ...ith the window in the up position o The window aasemhly can be adjusted toward the inside or the outside of the body at points G and M after loosening the locknuts b The front guide assembly must be readjusted simultaneously for proper window alignment 3 clearance between the quarter window assembly and the rear edge of the front door window assembly The following adjustment is performed with the ...

Page 355: ...connect a voltmeter from one of the red blue wires to ground Fig 10 If there is no voltage repair or replace the red blue wire from the 30 ampere circuit breaker The power window and power seat electric al systems are connected through the same 30 ampere circuit breaker If failure occurs in all the systems at the same time the 30 am pere circuit breaker is probably the cause nection at the inopera...


Page 357: ... motor follow the removal and installation procedures given for the manual window regulator Con necting the wires presents no prob 1cm as each wire is appropriately color coded If the regulator arm tension spring or the drive gear are the only parts of the regulator requiring replace 14 18 ment they arc easily replaced after the regulator assembly is removed 1 CONTROL SWITCH REPLACEMENT When a con...


Page 359: ... panel retaining serews tIuc corner moeldings and the great ret screws FIG l li sld Doa iondle Rensovol FIG 2 Door Trim Panel QUARTER TRIM PANEL REPLACEMENT 1 Remove the rear War cushion from the car Remove the tsar bact the six quanLer panel Rem rest tetsJmns arrea sand remove the arm rest 2 Remove the quarter window ititatalor bandIt tvtaining clip and remove the handle 3 Remove two garnish moul...

Page 360: ...headlining 7 Starting at the front of the car push the ends of the roof bows out of the side rails At the rear bow re lease the two rear bow retainers from the roof rear rail 8 If a new headlining is to be in stalled lay both the old and new headlinings on a clean work table and transfer the roof bows in se quence to the new headliner listings Roof bows are color coded at each end When ordering ne...

Page 361: ...e the package tray panel in position and install the rear window garnish mouldings From in side the luggage compartment in stall the package tray retaining wash ers nuts and screws 16 Install the windshield side and upper garnish mouldings sun visor assemblies and the rear view mirror If the hendlining is slightly wrin Med spray steam through the dome light opening As the headlining dries it will ...

Page 362: ...nel POWER SEAT MECHANISM roe Ce a is flLj led by a oerr aesi Lola 0 1 1 2 1 he rnrarea in for dcre uone The so ch it niosrue on the ear cushion sire Power or the t operatron is pr aaara dv t drain mo Ors one Or ttSl Verl eI mosenarat 2 2 one for seat nrr j onLl rio srn or L To a er sicT s_r a esa na b y raaa rolls the up and dossua nao en err to the sear truck assembi y a calu 11525 ran roe 01 20 ...

Page 363: ...wires as neces sary If the wires are all right check the black wires from each motor to the 15 ampere circuit breaker for proper connection Test across the terminals of the 15 ampere circuit breaker with a test light and if the circuit is not complete replace the circuit breaker Pull the black white band wire out of the switch and connect a volt meter from it to ground Fig 2 If no voltage is avail...

Page 364: assem bly for proper operation SEAT BACK AND CUSHION Repairs to seat cushions or seat hacks are performed out of the car and are usually limited to replace ment of torn or burned seat covers In a few instances the pads may be damaged and require replacement When installing a new seat cover or pad refer to Figs 3 and 4 for the location of listing wires hog rings anti squeak pads and seat pad st...

Page 365: ...springs and repair or replace as necessary 2 Place the new cover assembly over the spring and pad assemblies Attach the cover at each center bol ster wire with 6 hog rings Apply M 2G17 A cement to the bottom of the cushion cover inserts and to the old facing which was left cemented to the foam rubber pad Attach the outer edges of the cushion cover in sert to each of the bolster wires with 6 hog ri...

Page 366: ... attach the cover along the rings cover to each of the bolster wires with top sides and bottom of the spring SPRING BOLSTER HOG RING CLIP SPRING ASSEMBLY C 4 ieor Seat Back and Cushion WIRE PAD COVER ASSEMBLY BOLSTER WIRE HOG RINGS COVER RlQ34 ...

Page 367: ...he ear iu L rieae le e r in pressed We 0i U bode at the lot fito release lu_k fr h h so LIEn honid re eas ne h rih A sf_ Lea eh r Ied on the Ii ii of the hooa permi s ih hood to pap open onLy a jew ir ehs aben me arK To re ease Ue eaten a H bold he hood ona yasuy acd push Il e a eh ioaard Do sot IS the hood tnb It II may Ilk too f4 aM e the gd Ie upper panel HOOD REPLACEMENT 1 Remove the boa o hee...

Page 368: g rc r e pin remove h wring and the ri o Ike hinge 5 Posion he h nee in the the and posilion eu er ani 5PCLI1 a the hope 6 Cornpi 0 5 epri ne hold it n the ee rc e sed pesbion and Instil L e sp l c re r e pin 7 P n the binEc iembly on set and Iea ety jasiall he retain i ot5 8 F c licce the hood on the hinsn and Car rL insiall the retajain boh 9 Ad1LL C hood tit HOOD SAFETY CATCH Then izitslflii...

Page 369: ...ansfer the right and left hand bumper supports and parking lamps to the new bumper 7 Transfer the grille finish panel and the grille upper support brackets to the new bumper 8 Install the center bar and 3 vertical moulding bars on the grille 9 Position the grille assembly on the new bumper and install 10 retain ing bolts and nuts finger tight 10 Position the right and left air deflectors and insta...


Page 371: ...rcuit breakers in the following cir cuits 1 Control 2 Power 3 Ground of each reversible elec tric motor Battery voltage is available at all times through a circuit breaker for the power circuit Battery voltage is avail able to the top control switch only when the neutral switch is closed and the ignition switch is turned to the ON or ACC position This closes a relay that feeds battery voltage from...

Page 372: ...White Band Ni 046 A NEUTRAL SW ITCH ACC TERMINAL OF IGNITION SWITCH STARTER RELAY 40 AMPERE CIRCUIT AUX TERM OF HEADLIGHT SWITCH Red YeiIcw White Bond Yellow Wh Ic Band Block Green Band Green Block Greee Band Red White Band Block Black Blue Band LIMIT SWITCH TRAY MOTOR LOCK MOTOR Blue White TOP ERECT LIMIT SWITCH Yellow While Band Violet Red Yellow Band u I I 0 r fl I I 0 C I C TOP RETRACT LIMIT S...

Page 373: ...eck open and deck solenoid power relays Fig 4 actuating the electric hydraulic motor and deck solenoid valve Hydraulic pressure is delivered to the deck solenoid valve and then to the two deck cylinders Fig 14 rais ing the deck lid PACKAGE TRAY EXTEND When the deck lid is fully raised the right hand deck open limit switch is actuated opening the deck open circuit and closing a second set of contac...

Page 374: Open Top Retract Cycle 010 o TOP RETRACT LIMIT SWITCH 0 0 LIMIT SWITCH 12 AMPERE CIRCUIT Blue White Bond TRAY MOTOR N 1049 A 16 5 IGNITrON S WITCH ACC SWITCH BATTERY TERMINAL Red RIGHT DECK OPEN LIMIT SWITCH Red 0 p D Gray 0 FIG 5 Package Tray Extend Top Retract Cycle ...

Page 375: ...ed limit switch Fig 9 Current flows to the deck open and deck solenoid power relays actuating the electric hydraulic motor and the deck sole noid valve Hydraulic pressure is delivered to the deck solenoid valve and then to the two deck cylinders raising the deck lid As the deck lid reaches the fully open position the left hand deck open limit switch opens and stops the deck lock and electric hydra...



Page 378: ... BATTERY TERMINAL 0 TRAY LIMIT TRAY RETRACT RELAY Red White Sand 1 2 AMPERE CIRCUIT NIoSS A FIG 11 Package Tray Fold Top Erect Cycle DECK SOLENOID VALVE 40 AMPERE CIRCUIT BREAKER 16 9 0 RETRACT SWITCH Op d White Bond Green White Bond TOP ERECT LIMIT SWITCH FIG 12 Deck Lid Close and Lock Top Erect Cycle ...

Page 379: ...cts in the same switch are closed Fig 13 Current flows to the top solenoid valves holding the valves open to permit the hydraulic fluid to bleed off excess pressure in the top control lines Releasing the top con trol switch cuts off the current to the lacking circuit and top solenoid valves thus completing the cycle HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Hydraulic pressure is used to raise and lower hoth the top and de...

Page 380: ...s fail or there is an open circuit in the feed if a top cylinder fails or if the linkage fails Under one of these conditions proceed as follows 16 11 1 Unlock and open the deck lid 2 Energize both top solenoid valves using suitable jumper wires and a 12 volt source If either valve is inoperative disconnect the hydraulic lines connected to the valves so that there will be no hydraulic block in the ...

Page 381: ... should he checked in the order listed to avoid unnecessary disassembly Figure 1 shows the location of all motors switches and circuit breakers The control and power circuit wiring each cycle retract and erect are shown in Figs 3 through 13 When a power relay is indicated as an item to check by pass the control circuit at the relay as previously described and functionally check the relay When a li...

Page 382: ... system operation can be caused by lack of fluid leaks air in the system obstruction or kinks in the hoses or faulty operation of a cylinder or the pump FLUID LEVEL CHECK 1 Retract the top 2 Place absorbent cloths below the filler plug 3 Remove the filler plug and check the fluid level It should be level with the bottom edge of the hole 4 If the level is low check the system for leaks adding heavy...

Page 383: ...lust bolt and install the re as rvoi r and cover oh the valve body ud Fig the litses pr a iously seribed ts gui da Fi I F The ens bossed lines in the cover must c pusitionod as in Fig 3 After positioni ng the 555cm b ly horizontally ill the reservoir whIt heavy duty brake fluid to the level of the bottom of the filter llLu hole mel all the filler ping with s OCW scab INSTALLATION I After reolo vin...

Page 384: ...i4t st CC his S aked d e strm rsdingthc top oso or three ri ie and hck the fluid k I 6 Install rhr r r a back anti the cushion DECK LID LIFT CYLINDER RUhiOVAl I Iis oiiiIecb a hacrcry cable 2 Rejitove the back panel I r i board liii lhc side thaI trac Iirnlr i 5 to be replaCed 3 EtC PidT rae upper and losac Li 4 Remove lh C V 111 i lee irons the P500 It ting Ehen place lii cylinder mb a sUitable h...

Page 385: ...o _ iih h hsad r I With a pe cci stark he ea ie han id toe aide rail liii at irk rr a a i e tmu i 0105 for iduisciar or 2 Rasc the top to a tiu1a IorT pp in p a Iro a rsno rCCtTOaCtae ec rn uhCi hold u e lion pan I e ode ri oord a aah r Ia ftc dc rail and IIICU _ le how La iy 0 th er urc a thetsiri1i 3 n a PUiL ri ooan she front pan of he ce r ei rip from the side ra I and the ian drr 4 l isen hr ...

Page 386: ...JSTMENTS bracket fore or aft ac iick hL ighE and port provide or phi r ii the en Lire top asseni hly fort ollil sl b a ad ate rally lieco IS nioPement of l e main plnt hncltet wIll dbtsrb naerjl other adjuttnsents OI ISEC t his bracket euy altar offier adjustments base failed CI sfflvv a specIfIc lit Si Isle nt ORs ANO Aft ADJUtIMENT This adj ustntc 0 moves I he lop or nr reareii L liar t ñt hrr r...

Page 387: ...tistmcnt LATERAL OR FORk AND An DECK LtD ADJuSIMIPiT I Stighily loi neii the hinge retain ing hoLEs Fig 1 at the deck lid 2 Shift the deck bid eiiher later ally fare or aft is the enlarged holes until there is equal des jane along the sides and rear edges of ihe deck lid 3 Tighten ihe h iasge hoLEs securely FIG 1 beds Lid Adjusiment 16 18 UP OR DOWN ADJuSTMSNT OF liSt PICK LID I Loosen the sleek l...

Page 388: ...Ihe cud cii its ii esel agaldstt IiIe s d n Tighten the swi teli IttOU lit In SC i s st s and renio c Lie 511111 DECK OPEN WIVCHE H oUt right i nrl left deck ape sit ito I ica 5 rc 5 ibju sLed as follows I Raise lie deok IltI Lo the tall Open position 1 P155 U Lt II tisIl I Iscl shirt hetween lIt end of the switch shaft and the LIe tuLLtur 3 AU U St 11w Si C tsl i lur s u that the s its tush aft I...

Page 389: ...e ii Si ue C ss irit i ut iii 2 Posilion and 5511151 the oot panel n the o els ill Lns eh ths four etainie stttwj j der assembly to thr roof oars 4 Pc s u thc front slideL uu che lupper si h of theslideaaila ind in I ute i u ectsuiniog as f cu Linc ilihu 5 s u si Ti u i c chi ci dir Lot i_iurl IIC i iu iiil5 lIlt si u siu hahn Ilits I lIe I it C c i ii tu tIlt rout 1sp La tc e iuuue I ubICiu i iI ...


Page 391: ...dshield Washer Reservoir Fluid X Check Tire Air Pressures X Lubricate Front Suspension Ball Joints and Steer ing Linkage X Lubricate Universal Joints X Lubricate Clutch Equalizer Bar X Lubricate Door Lock Striker Plates X Check Brake Master Cylinder Fluid Level X Check Cruise O Matic Fluid Level X Check Power Steering Reservoir Fluid Level X Drain and Refill Engine Crankcase and Replace Oil Filter...

Page 392: ... Cruise O Matic Bands and Linkage x Clean Repack and Adjust Front Wheel Bearings X Lubricate Window Regulators x Lubricate 4 Way Power Seat Regulating Shaft x Perform Major Brake Adjustment X Check Headlight Alignment x Lubricate Slip Yoke Cruise O Matic Transmission Model Change Cruise O Matic Fluid Replace Air Cleaner Element x X Check Carburetor Throttle Shaft Wear Check Exhaust System for Leak...

Page 393: ...f the radia CHECK BATTERY WATER LEVEL The level should be maintained at tery cell vent well the ring in the bottom of each bat CHECK WINDSHIELD WASHER RESERVOIR FLUID Refill the washer reservoir as re Weather Windshield Washer Solu quired with water and the recom non Clean the washer nozzles if mended proportion of FoMoCo All they are plugged CHECK TIRE AIR PRESSURES The recommended air pressure i...

Page 394: ...te lubricants must conform to Ford Specifications M LUBRICANT LEVEL Ford Lubricant B9A 19580 A S A E 90 above 25 F B9A 19580 B S A E 80 below 25 F 2C34 S A E 90 or M 2C42 S A E 80 Clean adjust and test the spark plugs Check and tighten the intake the idle fuel mixture Lubricate the exhaust control valve by applying PERFORM MINOR manifold bolts Check and adjust lock lubricant or a mixture of pene E...

Page 395: ...the CROSS SWITCH TIRES All tires including the spare in Part 8 3 Torque wheel stud nuts should be cross switched as shown to 55 85 foot pounds PERFORM MAJOR ENGINE TUNE UP Clean adjust and test the spark ing with engine oil S A E lOW plugs Cheek engine compression at Check and adjust the point dwell each cylinder Cheek and tighten in Check and adjust centrifugal ad take manifold bolts Check and ad...

Page 396: ...ADJUSTMENT of the rivets replace the linings Lubricate the brake shoe backing plate contact areas with Lubriplate Lubricate the parking brake strut place if necessary Install drums and adjust brakes See part 10 1 10 2 and 10 3 for detailed brake adjust ing procedures CHECK HEADLIGHT In the interest of safety and con formance to highway regulations and equipment are available to effect alignment th...

Page 397: ... of oil or dirt before new inserts ones B8A 5586 A are installed Pry leaves apart to re CHECK CONVERTIBLE TOP OPERATION AND ALIGNMENT Lower the top to check its opera 16 3 for detailed specifications and tion Raise it to check fit at the adjustment instructions header and the windows See Part LUBRICATE SPEEDOMETER CABLE Disconnect the cable housing at cable with cable lubricant 115A the speedomete...

Page 398: ...stment 12151 12151 N Ni KRW Tension Scale Distributor Points Tool No Source Tool Name and Purpose T109 22 9564 A Carter Ni Bending Tool 1109 29 9597 B T109 193 9597 C 1109 28 9550 AJ Carter Ni Carter NI Fast Idle Primary Throttle Plate Clearance 0 020 inch Fast Idle Throttle Plate Clearance Carter Ni Float Level Gauge Q ic inch T109 35 9545 jb6I 9545 A T109 213 9979 B Carter Ni Unloader Clearance ...

Page 399: ...W 77565 77565 W Ni KRW Ni KRW 77763 77837 77837 W 77869 A 77869 W Ni Throttle Valve Stop Bending Tool Ni KRW Ni KRW Replacer Front Pump Oil Seal Remover Replacer Rear Pump Discharge Tube 6915 AA 6916 N M207 5 12 Ni KRW Ni Positioning Tool Overdrive Pawl Wrench for Overdrive Governor Tool No Source Tool Name and Purpose 2O86 L 3035 N CJ 94 3590 E NI KRW Snap On Ni Remover Replacer Brake Shoe Return...


Page 401: ...ONTROL 78 Bl R REGULATOR ARMATURE TERMINAL INDICATOR SWITCH V TO OIL PRESSURE SWITCH UNIT 78 W R KEY B C Black Green Band Bl R Blue Red Band C B Green Black Band G W Green White Bond R W Red White Band W Bl White Blue Band W R White Red Band V Yellow V B Yellow Black Band 1958 60 Instrument Cluster Circuit ...


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Page 405: ...THUNDERBIRD 1960 Deck Lid and Top Circuit LEFT DECK OPel LIMIT SWITCH Brown White Bond DECK 3lu eroff SOLDIOID VALVE L1 Orange ...

Page 406: ...ght Circuit 18 Green Yellow Sand BATTERY TERMINAL OF STARTER RELAY S AMP 70 Yellow H 78 O ange Blue Sand TO TURN INDICATOR SWITCH INDICATOR LIGHT 76 Green DOOR COURTESY SWITCH STOPLIGHTS 78 Black Wv Sand 18 Green Orange 78 Green TO TURN INDICATOR LIGHT V ...

