Do not use starting fluid such as ether in the air intake system. Such
fluid could cause immediate explosive damage to the engine and possible
personal injury.
If you should experience cold weather starting problems on E
and neither an alternative brand of E
ethanol nor an engine block
heater is available, the addition of unleaded gasoline to your tank will
improve cold starting performance. Your vehicle is designed to operate
on E
ethanol alone, unleaded gasoline alone, or any mixture of the two.
Choosing the right fuel
in the
Maintenance and Specifications
chapter for more information on ethanol.
If the engine fails to start using the preceding instructions
(flexible fuel vehicles only)
1. Press and hold down the accelerator 1/3 to 1/2 way to floor, then
crank the engine.
2. When the engine starts, release the key, then gradually release the
accelerator pedal as the engine speeds up. If the engine still fails to start,
repeat Step 1.
Guarding against exhaust fumes
Carbon monoxide is present in exhaust fumes. Take precautions to avoid
its dangerous effects.
If you smell exhaust fumes inside your vehicle, have your dealer
inspect your vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you smell
exhaust fumes.
Important ventilating information
If the engine is idling while the vehicle is stopped for a long period of
time, open the windows at least one inch (2.5 cm) or adjust the heating
or air conditioning to bring in fresh air.
Use of an engine block heater is strongly recommended if you live in a
region where temperatures reach -10°F (-23°C) or below. For best
results, plug the heater in at least three hours before starting the vehicle.
The heater can be plugged in the night before starting the vehicle.
2006 Crown Victoria
Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)