419-01B-2 Anti-Theft — Passive 419-01B-2
E6478 EN 07/2001 2002 Bantam
Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS)
The Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) is fully
passive in operation and requires no special
procedures by the driver to arm or disarm the
system. It is invisible to normal scrutiny and is
operated by a miniature transponder within the
key body. This communicates with the module
through a transceiver mounted around the
ignition switch lock barrel.
The PATS functionality for vehicles fitted with a
manual transmission is incorporated within the
powertrain control module.
PATS may be identified by the ignition key, which
has an imprint in the casing (usually red)
indicating the presence of the transponder that
controls the system.
The transponder code reading is carried out
when the key, having been inserted into the
ignition lock barrel, is turned from position `0' to
position `III' to crank the engine. If the control
module receives the correct code signal, the
engine will start. Should the code received not be
recognised, the engine will not crank as the
PATS is still armed and the engine is still
The 2002 Bantam have two keys allocated to
every new vehicle. Both keys are required to
programme additional keys by the owner /
operator. Up to a maximum of eight keys may be
programmed to the system
Key Programming
Additional keys can only be programmed
with the two `known' PATS keys (A and B) or
with WDS.
This procedure can be repeated after 20
seconds. If programming is unsuccessful, the anti
-theft indicator LED will flash when the ignition is
switched on with the key that was being
Insert key A into the ignition switch and turn to
position II.
Turn the key to position 0 and remove key A from
the ignition switch.
Insert key B into the ignition switch and turn to
position II.
Turn the key to position 0 and remove key B from
the ignition switch.
Insert the new key into the ignition switch and
turn to position II.
Remove the key from the ignition switch. The key
is now programmed.