Translation of the original instructions
Protect your eyesight with safety goggles
Wear steel toe cap safety shoes, insulated from the ground
Wear a respirator if there is a risk of toxic, irritating or suffocating fumes
Suitable clothing
During maintenance operations and in any case when the machine is
running in various modes, including its normal operating mode, avoid any
clothing or accessories that may get entangled in the moving parts of the
Declaration of conformity
The declaration of conformity, including the rules and regulations considered in
the design phase, is shown at the end of the manual.
Noise emission
The electric pump generates an A-weighted acoustic pressure lower than 70
1.1 Delivery and packaging
The product is supplied in its original packaging, which includes this instruction
manual, and must remain packed until it is installed. The packed product must be
stored away from atmospheric agents.
Remove the appliance from the packaging and check that it is intact. Also check
whether the rating plate details match the desired ones. To properly read the
rating plate, refer to the instructions in this manual. In case of any discrepancies,
contact the supplier immediately, specifying the nature of the defects.
If in doubt about the machine safety or integrity, do not use it and contact
a professional service centre.
The product model, main service specifications and serial number are shown
on the rating plate. It is important to provide these details when requesting
interventions or support and spare parts.
The product model is identified by an alphanumeric code shown on the rating
plate. The meaning of the characters making up the code is explained in Fig. 1.
2.1 Pump rating plate
To properly read the rating plate, refer to the following instructions (Fig. 2). Please note that the information provided on the rating plate may be arranged differently
from what is shown below. Refer to the symbols describing the reference fields.
Some information may not be available, depending on the model considered.
A) Pump identification code
B) Serial number
C) Production date
D) Product code
E) Rated power
F) Operating flow range
G) Operating head range
H) Minimum head (according to EN 60335-2-41)
I) Maximum head
J) Maximum pressure in MPa
K) Maximum pressure in bar
L) Maximum operating temperature
M) Rated power supply voltage
N) "3" (three-phase version) / "empty" (single-phase version)
O) Maximum power absorbed by the electric pump
P) Rated power frequency
Q) Current consumption
R) Insulation class (motor windings)
Fig. 2
S) Degree of protection of the electric pump
T) Degree of protection of the control panel (if present)
U) Capacitor capacity (single-phase motors)
V) Maximum capacitor voltage
W) Electric pump weight
X) Maximum immersion depth
2.2 Other plates
On the surface of the pump, there may be other plates depending on the model
that identify its features, compliance with rules and regulations or installation, use
and disposal provisions. See the following list.
Pay attention to the risks associated with the product installation,
maintenance and disposal.
Before installing and using the electric pump, carefully read the
instruction manual.
Rotation direction of functional components (three-phase motors).