• The control solution range printed on the test strip vial is for control solution
use only. It is not a recommended range for your blood glucose level.
• See the
Meter Maintenance
section for important information about your
control solutions.
Out-of-range results
If you continue to have test results fall outside the range printed on the
test strip vial, the meter and strips may not be working properly. Do
test your blood using this meter. Go to www.foracare.com, or call your
customer service for help.
4. Read and compare the result
After counting down to 0, the control
solution test result will appear on the
display. Compare this result with the
range printed on the test strip vial. It
should fall within the range. If not, please
read the instructions again and repeat
the control solution test.
Voice Guide
The blood glucose is (number) milligrams
per deciliter.