Mifare pro card specific function
Function Name
Reset Mifare Pro card
Information transfer between Mifare Pro card and APDU
Mifare PLUS card specific function
Function Name
Personalized setting
Submit personalized setting
then upgrade to level 1
Verify the secret key of the level 1
Upgrade to level 2 from level 1
Upgrade to level 3 from level 1
Upgrade to level 3 from level 2
Verify the secret key of the level 3
Update the secret key of the level 3
Verify the secter’s secret key of the level 3
Read in clear text in the third level
Write in clear text in the third level
Read in encryption mode in the third level
Write in encryption mode in the third level
Intialize a block to value block in the third level
Read the value of a value block in the third level
Increment the value of a value block in the third level
Decrement the value of a value block in the third level
Contactless CPU card(ISO14443) specific function
Function Name
Power-on reset