The signaling relays MAINS FAULT and GEN FAULT will enter inactive mode (the status of the
relays can be checked by measuring the resistance between the relay terminals with a multimeter).
During this test, the equipment connected to the power supply must operate normally.
Signaling and operation when the battery is disconnected: with the device powered by the mains,
disconnect the batteries. This must be detected in the next test, which can take up to 100 seconds.
In this state, the LEDs on the front panel should be as follows:
: on
: off
: off
: on
The signaling relays BAT FAULT and GEN FAULT will go into inactive mode. During this test, the
equipment connected to the power supply must operate norma.
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ZSA-200PS_MANUAL_(EN_ES_FR_PT)_20191128-2.qxp_Maquetación 1 28/11/19 11:27 Página 7