Adjustable by-pass
The boiler is equipped by an adjustable by-pass. By-pass operation can be inhibited.
Pic. 15A shows an adjusting by-pass screw set for by-pass operation preclusion.
Pic. 15B shows an adjusting by-pass screw set for by-pass operation.
The boiler is supplied with by-pass set to closed by-pass.
Flue options
Air intake / flue gas discharge system
As far as flue gas discharge into the atmosphere and air intake / flue gas discharge systems are concerned, comply with laws enforced
in the country of installation, which are considered as fully transcribed in this manual.
In accordance with BS 5440 Part 1 and BS 5440 Part 2 the boiler is equipped with safety devices checking correct flue
gas exhaustion. Should an air/flue gas system malfunction occur, the safety devices shut down the boiler and flashing
red light 4.
It is strictly forbidden to tamper with and/or prevent operation of such safety devices.
Should the boiler repeatedly shut down, it is necessary to have air/flue gas system ducts inspected, as they might be
obstructed or inadequate to flue gas discharge into the atmosphere.
In air intake/flue gas discharge systems, specific, manufacturer approved, condensate acid-resistant systems for
condensing boiler are to be used.
Flue gas discharge pipes are to be installed tilted toward the boiler so that condensate runs in the direction of the
combustion chamber, which is designed for condensate collection and drainage.
Should the above procedure not be possible to be implemented, it is necessary to install, in condensate stagnation
areas, devices designed for condensate collection and conveying to the condensate drain system.
It is necessary to avoid formation of condensate stagnation areas in the flue gas discharge system, with the exception
of the condensate drain siphon eventually connected to the discharge system itself.
The manufacture shall not be held liable for damage resulting in incorrect installation, use, modification of the equipment or non-observ-
ance of instructions provided by the manufacturer or applicable installation standards involving the product.
pic.15 A
pic.15 B
pic. 16
Air intake -
Flue gas discharge - Condensate - Rain