When the LED light on the Joystick flickers, it means that there is something wrong with the wheelchair. An
alarm may also sound from the rear motor wheels, brakes, batteries, wire connections, or from the wheelchair
itself. Below are the diagnostic codes to help you identify any problems you may be experiencing while using
your FOLD & GO Wheelchair:
Joystick Diagnostics
Power Light Warnings
Description & Troubleshoot
Flash Once
Joystick cable is loose to black junction box under the seat
Flash Twice
Left rear motor wheel is not connected
Flash 3 Times
Right rear motor wheel is not connected
Flash 4 Times
Battery is not getting the correct voltage to charge
Flash 5 Times
Check left rear motor, power cable is loose or not connected
Flash 6 Times
Check right rear motor, power cable is loose or not connected
Flash 7 Times
Check left brake motor, power cable is loose or not connected
Flash 8 Times
Check right brake motor, power cable is loose or not connected
Flash 9 Times
Contact FOLD & GO Customer Service
Flash 10 Times
Contact FOLD & GO Customer Service
Beeps in Any Direction
The rear wheels are in manual mode. Move the red lever backwards
One Click at Start
This sound means the brakes have released to start driving...This is GOOD!
One Click at Stop
This sound means the brakes have engaged to stop...This is GOOD!