Focusrite Saffire LE Getting Started Manual Download Page 3

Inputs 3-6 are on the rear panel: 1/4” Jack Inputs (Inputs 3 and 4) for Line- or Intrument-level 
sources and an RCA/Phono Input (Inputs 5 and 6) for a S/PDIF signal. There are also 6 balanced
analogue outputs for connecting directly to speakers or an amp. Outputs 1 and 2 are the Main
Monitors Outputs and Outputs 3 and 4 are the same signal as that sent to the Headphones Output 
on the front panel. Latency-free mixing/monitoring of all 6 Inputs and 4 stereo tracks from the
sequencer (playback tracks) is available within the accompanying software SaffireControl LE.

S A F F I R E C O N T R O L   L E   B A S I C S

The upper half of the SaffireControl LE GUI is for setting the levels of Inputs and Playback tracks
(audio routed to Saffire LE Outputs 1-8 within the sequencer) on Outputs 1 and 2 of Saffire LE – the


Outputs. The lower half is for setting the levels of Inputs and Playback tracks on Outputs 3

and 4 – the 


Outputs. The central section of the GUI features level controls for the

Analogue Outputs (1-6), with Gain dials, mutes and sliders for crossfading between Inputs and
Playback tracks on Outputs 1-4. In the bottom right corner are software settings buttons 
like Float and Shrink, as well as sample rate options.

Input 3+4


Firewire ports
(use either)

(inputs 5+6
outputs 7+8)
