The Ratio control determines the amount of compression applied to the signal with increasing input, and is the ratio of change in
input level compared to change in output level.
For example, if the ratio is set to 2:1, then for every 2dB of level increase on the input, the output level will increase by 1dB. For a 6dB
input increase, output increases by 3dB.
Higher ratio settings will produce more noticeable compression, so for the least noticeable result, the ratio should be set at the
minimum necessary for the application. For example, to get a certain amount of gain reduction, using low threshold and low ratio
will produce a less noticeable effect than a high threshold and high ratio, even though the total amount of compression may
be the same.
The range of selectable ratios varies depending on the chosen compressor emulation, and the exact value is shown directly above
on the display window.
The compressor graph gives a graphical impression of the Threshold and Ratio settings of the selected compressor.
Note that different compressor emulations will show a different curve, depending on the performance of the original compressor
that the selected emulation is based upon. Identical threshold and ratio settings on two different compressors may not show the
same curve.
Low ratio, low threshold
High ratio, high threshold