(Locked) – a green LED which confirms clock synchronisation, either to the Clarett 8Pre
USB’s internal clock or to an external digital input.
10. MONITOR – main monitor output level control – this control will normally control the level
at the main monitor outputs on the rear panel, but can be configured in Focusrite Control to
adjust the level of multiple pairs of outputs.
11. DIM and MUTE – two switches controlling the Clarett 8Pre USB’s monitor outputs; DIM reduces
the output levels by 18 dB, while MUTE turns the outputs off. By default, these switches affect
the main monitor outputs 1 and 2, but may be configured in Focusrite Control to act on any
of the analogue outputs. The switches are internally illuminated (DIM: yellow, MUTE: red)
indicating that the function is selected.
(Headphones) 1 and 2 – connect one or two pairs of stereo headphones at the two ¼” TRS
jack sockets below the controls. The headphone outputs always carry the signals that are
currently routed to analogue outputs 7/8 and 9/10 (as stereo pairs) in Focusrite Control.
13. POWER – AC power switch and LED.
14. Rack ears for mounting the Clarett 8Pre USB in a standard 19” equipment rack.