TView Pro AV
User's Manual Rev 2.01
TView Pro AV Control Methods
TView Pro AV models can be controlled in one of 3 different ways: Front Panel, RS-232/422, or InfraRed Remote
Control. The following sections detail the use of each of these control mechanisms. In all cases, the state of a particular
function of the Pro AV-GOLD is indicated on the TView Pro AV's Front Panel LED readout.
4.1 Front Panel Control
The TView Pro AV Front Panel gives the user access to all of the control parameters detailed in section 3.1. Figure 3
indicates the placement of the buttons and LED display on the Front Panel of the TView Pro AV..
The controls are arranged such that the user can cycle through a circular list of controllable functions with the
buttons. Using the
button advances the controlled item to the next item in the list. Using the
button reverses the
controlled item to the previous item in the list. Depending on the nature of the controlled item, the directional arrow
buttons function differently.
If the controlled item is a Toggle (i. e. Underscan, Sharpness, NTSC/PAL, etc.) with a position of either On or Off, then
the activation of any one of the arrow buttons will toggle the state of the controlled item.
If the controlled item is a Multiple Choice (i. e. Sync Selection) with several mutually exclusive positions, then the
activation of any one of the arrow buttons will change the state of the controlled item to the next state. When the last state
is reached, the next state will be the first state.
If the controlled item is a Range (i. e. Horizontal/Vertical Size, Horizontal/Vertical Position, Genlock H Position, etc),
then the arrow buttons increase or decrease the value of these quantities. The increase or decrease is proportional to the
length of time that the button is pressed.
Figure 3:
Position of Front Panel Controls