iTuner Manual
Setup Tab
Figure 7-3
The “Load Calibration” button loads the calibration whose id is selected in the right
dropdown list. (Note: this operation takes a calibration from the iTuner’s internal
storage and loads it into the iTuner’s memory for purposes of calculating gamma, s-
parameters and loss. This operation does not upload or download calibration data to
the iTuner)
The iTuner is capable of de-embedding to the Device Under Test (DUT) reference plane
given the adapter and termination values. As shown below:
Figure 7-4
The “Adapter” section is used to set the s-parameters of the adapter at the selected
frequency by using the “Mag” and “Phi” textboxes, and “Frequency” dropdown list
respectively. Press the “Set” button to confirm the settings. (see above diagram)