Cable fixing: For fixing the fire by the cable method, see relevant section.
Fixing by screw: Mark and drill the fireframe or base, and relevant points in the opening or on the wall. Wall plugs will be required. NOTE:
Plastic rawlplugs are not suitable for this application.
Gas supply: Following preparation for the fixing method, the concealed gas supply (if required) can now be put into place. Refer to the rel-
evant section for suggested pipe routes. The ends of the sleeving in which the gas pipe is run should be sealed. The end of the 8mm sup-
ply pipe should be temporarily sealed to prevent the ingress of debris during fixing.
When the opening is ready for installation of the fire, the gas supply can be routed as shown in the following diagrams.
An isolator cock or restrictor elbow must be fitted to the incoming supply to facilitate servicing.
If using a concealed supply it should be laid in accordance with the diagram below. Select the supply route most relevant to the entry
point of the gas supply into the fireplace opening. If using an across the hearth connection, then the firefront is notched and the supply
pipe can be routed through this.
The gas pipe must be suitably protected where it passes through fireplace openings. Any sleeving should be sealed to the pipe at its ends.
The open end of the gas supply pipe should be temporarily sealed to prevent
ingress of dust and dirt during installation.
Drill four holes as shown in the diagram and fit the fibre rawl plugs. If the fireplace
does not allow for the exact layout shown, the eyebolts should be fixed to give a
similar configuration as possible.
Thread both tensioning cables through the holes at the top of the firebox, both
eyelets, and back through the lower holes in the firebox as shown in the photo-
graph. Before finally fitting the firebox, apply the self-adhesive
sealing strips around the rear of the firebox frame.
Push the appliance back into the fireplace, centralise and pull the
loose cables through the holes into the firebox.
Thread the cable tensioners onto the cables as shown, with the
nuts screwed down close to the tensioner head.
Slide the screwed nipple onto the cable, pull cable taut and tight-
en nipple.
Adjust tensioner using a suitable spanner to pull the appliance
back into position, to allow an even seal around the fireplace
Visually inspect the seal and reseat if necessary.
Surplus tension cable MUST NOT be cut off as this will prevent
proper installation after servicing. Coil up the surplus cable and
tuck the coils out of the way as suggested in the photograph.
A. 250mm
B. 350mm
C. 60mm
Fireplace opening
Gas valve
Manual control version
Fireplace opening
Gas valve
Remote control version
2010 Focal Point Fires plc.