The location map for Anti-side tone adjusted-switch and adjusted-POT
6. Installation and adjustment for
internal communication
The internal communication can be used after the installation for director’s and live
room’s control box.
Method: Press “TALKBACK”, speak to microphone, if the local box is green light and red
light for other side box, internal communication is getting through. Use the screwdriver into
SPK LEVEL to adjust the loudspeaker volume.
The loudspeaker should be mute in live room. It need put-in 6.35mm 3-pin plug into rear
panel of box, then link loudspeaker signal to audio or headphone distributor via headphone
monitor. Notice that as it is BTL amplifier output which can connect to headphone or
loudspeaker directly. When connecting the amplifier, it should isolate the DC signal through
capacitor and no ground connection for hot side & cold side.