Co-Pilot™ mini-manual
(for checking out Co-Pilot™ at the field)
1. Set orientation for maximum pitch correction and
measure temperature difference.
a. Turn on the transmitter, then turn on the receiver.
b. Hold the model over a spot (grass is best) representative of
the area where you will be flying. The aircraft should be at
least 100 feet (30 meters) from anything (heat from
buildings or parking lots can affect calibration). Stand
where the Sensor can’t “see” you.
c. Position an airplane or flying wing nose down, or position a
helicopter on its side with its skids and driveshaft parallel to
the ground.
d. Press the Infrared Calibration Button and release after 1
second while maintaining the model’s orientation.
e. After a short delay (about 2 seconds), count the servo
cycles (1 cycle = 1 complete back and forth servo motion).
How to interpret the measurement:
3 to 10 cycles:
Co-Pilot™ will provide stabilization under
all conditions.
2 cycles:
Co-Pilot™ will provide some stabilization, but
will be more sensitive to terrain hot spots.
1 cycle:
Do not fly using Co-Pilot™: turn it off by rotating
the Throw on the Computer fully counterclockwise.
2. Set level orientation.
After step 1, the servos will cycle slowly.
a. Place the model level on the ground, then walk at least 10
feet (3 meters) away.
b. Move the aileron (roll) control on your transmitter. The
servos will cycle once, indicating that level orientation is
1. Check pitch compensation.
a. Turn on the transmitter, then turn on the receiver.
b. Turn Co-Pilot™ on or set sensitivity to maximum (if it
can be controlled from the transmitter).
Set dual or tri
rates to high.
c. Point the model’s nose straight down, and assure Co-
Pilot™ applies full pitch compensation (full up elevator,
full up elevons or swashplate tilted all the way back).
d. Turn Co-Pilot™ off or reduce sensitivity to minimum (if
it can be controlled from the transmitter). This should
significantly reduce the aircraft’s pitch throw (elevator,
elevons or swashplate).
e. Turn Co-Pilot™ on or set sensitivity to maximum.
2. Check roll compensation.
a. Hold the aircraft’s body level, and roll it to one side.
b. Assure Co-Pilot™ applies roll compensation (down
aileron on low wing, down elevon on low wing or
swashplate tilted away from low side.
c. Turn Co-Pilot™ off or reduce sensitivity to minimum (if
it can be controlled from the transmitter). This should
significantly reduce the aircraft’s roll throw (ailerons,
elevons or swashplate).
d. Turn Co-Pilot™ on or set sensitivity to maximum.
3. Check that dual or tri rates are set to high.
High rates are required to override Co-Pilot’s corrections.
4. Make sure Sensor windows are clean.
If necessary, clean windows with alcohol and cotton-tipped
5. Check roll and pitch control operation.
a. Move stick up and down, and assure aircraft controls
move in correct directions.
b. Move stick right and left, and assure aircraft controls
move in correct directions.
6. Carry out your other pre-flight checks...
for other controls and components.
Co-Pilot™ pre-flight check
Infrared field calibration
If you are at or near a flying field, observe
frequency control rules and comply with local proce-
dures before turning on your transmitter. When the
transmitter is on—
even for a few seconds
, it is radiat-
ing radio frequencies which may interfere with a radio
system already operating on the same frequency.
Calibrate before your first flight of the day, and any
time the weather changes significantly.
Calibrate outside, near the area where you will be
Read safety precautions on page 3 before flying.