Before PC Card installation you may select the desired
control functions. A jumper is on when the two gold pins on the PC
Board are shorted together with the shorting jumper. A jumper is
off when it is placed on only one pin to hold it into place and
keep it on the board.
When the ALARM TONE jumper is on an alarm tone will be heard
to alert the operator that a freeze frame has occurred and
the timer has reached alarm. If the jumper is removed the
alarm will not sound.
If this jumper is removed the internal video A/B switch will
be disabled. If the jumper is ON the video A/B switch will
This jumper is used to ground one of the REMOTE output
connectors when a switched ground contact is needed.
J5 This jumper selects "NO" Normally Open
or "NC" Normally
Closed relay contacts for the REMOTE alarm connector.
The REMOTE CONTROL jumper selects the Rear REMOTE
INPUT/OUTPUT connector as an input or an output function. If
the jumper is in the ALARM RELAY OUT position the Remote
connectors will be used as a relay contact output. The
Normally Open or Normally Closed condition of the relay can
be selected by the NC NO (J5) jumper. If the REMOTE CONTROL
jumper is in the REMOTE GROUND IN position then the Remote
connectors become an input control to force the video relay
to the "B" position when the connector is grounded.
J7 Used to select the time delay after a freeze frame in
seconds (S) and Minutes (M) before the alarm and switching
occurs. The normal setting is 1 Minute.
VR6 The sensitivity of the freeze frame detection system can be
adjusted from the front panel using the "SENSITIVITY"
control. CLOCK-WISE is high sensitivity for very clean video
(no noise) and COUNTER-CLOCKWISE is Low sensitivity for high
noise video. To set this control input blank video or still
frame video and adjust the front control until the alarm
fails to reset automatically. This will be the optimum
setting for that video quality.
Select front control Switches S4 to "HOLD" and S5 to "A" for
installation to insure that the switch will slide easily through
the front panel.