FLYSURFER SPEED 2 FDS Setup Manual Download Page 1

FDS Setup manual for SPEED 2 ... page 1of 2

Lay out your kite at a windless place with enough space to unwind your flying lines completely, fix your kite by 

something heavy. Make sure your front lines are not twisted. To untwist them, spin your Chickenloop. 

The manual continues on the next page...


1. Remove the FLS

We recommend removing the Front Line Safety (FLS) to avoid any conflict with two safety systems!

Just remove both ELCs [Easy Line Connectors] at both front lines 6 meters above the bar [1.] and the 

FLS-Endline from the front line [2.].

The FDS requires a 7-9mm inside diameter ring at the 

end of the depower leader line to avoid the FDS-Weak-

pointline getting stuck. Replace, if necessary, the existing 

ring [1.] with the larger one included in the FDS-Kit.

To remove the FLS, just remove the 

stopper ball and open the connection

of the front line and the FLS-Endline!





In order to replace the ring you have to 

open the bowline knot at the trimmer.

You have to use a bowline knot to 

reconnect the depower leader line to

the trimmer! 

A short manual in the „support area“ on explains how to make a 

bowline knot. 

A perfect bowline knot

connects the trimmer 

and the depower leader 


How to loop

the front lines 


Attach the 6m pieces of the front lines to the 

rest of the front lines also known as the de-

power flying lines.

How it should look like when 


2. Connect the FDS-Line to the kite




To connect the FDS-Bridles to the kite you have to take three new LCLs [Little Connection Lines] colour 

„stronger pink“

 and loop them around the shown attachment points [1.]. Take the white lines named

FDS-A1, FDS-B1 and FDS-C1 and connect them to the following attachment points and loop the 

other side of all three lines around one end of the 21m FDS-Line [white].

After changing the ring you have to reconnect the front lines to the end of the depower leader line.

How to connect the front lines correctly to the

end of the depower leader line.


