Release of liability, claim wavier, assumption of risk
By assembling and/or using this FLYSURFER product, you agree that you have read and understood the entire FLYSURFER product
manual, including all instructions and warnings contained in that user manual, prior to using the FLYSURFER product in any way. You
additionally agree that you will ensure any additional or subsequent user of your FLYSURFER product will read and understand the
entire FLYSURFER product user manual, including all instructions and warnings contained in that user manual, prior to allowing that
person to use your FLYSURFER product.
Assumption of Risk
FLYSURFER product and any of its components involve certain risks, dangers, and hazards that can result in serious personal injury
and death to both the user and to non-user third parties. In using this FLYSURFER product, you freely agree to assume and accept any
and all known and unknown risks of injury and you and third parties while using this equipment. The risks inherent in this sport can
be greatly reduced by abiding by the warning guidelines listed in this user manual and by using common sense.
Claim Wavier
Release and waiver of claims in consideration of the sale of the FLYSURFER product to you, you hereby agree to the fullest extent
permitted by law, as follows:
To waive any and all claims, that you have or may in the future have against Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG and all related parties resulting
from use of the FLYSURFER Product and any of its components. To release Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG and all related parties from any
and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that you or any users of your FLYSURFER product may suffer, or that your next
of kin may suffer, as a result of the use of the FLYSURFER product, due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence or breach of
contract on the part of Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG and all related parties in the design or manufacture of the FLYSURFER product and
any of its components. In the event of your death or incapacity, all provisions contained herein shall be effective and binding upon
your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns, and representatives. Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG-related parties have not
made and expressly deny any oral or written representations other than what is set forth herein and the FLYSURFER User‘s Manual.
If you have any questions (repair, replacement parts installation, tuning, etc.) the dealers you trust get faster help and correspon-
dingly cheaper support (e.g. by saving shipping costs).
You can find all dealers in your area via our partner map:
If you need further help, you can reach us at headquarters by phone or email.
Phone: +49 (0) 8641 6948 0