接收机 Receiver
Copyright ©2022 Flysky Technology co., ltd
1. 发射机选择单向通信,然后进入对码状态;
2. 本接收机进入对码状态(进入对码状态的方式请参考双向对码时描述);
3. 接收机 LED 灯慢闪,即对码成功。发射机则需手动将其退出对码状态,接收机 LED 灯常亮,对码完成;
4. 检查发射机、接收机是否正常工作。如需重新对码,请重复以上步骤。
注:对码时请先将发射机进入对码状态,再将接收机进入对码状态,若十秒内对码没有完成,接收机 LED 指示灯进入慢闪状态。
The receiver supports two -way binding and one-way binding. The transmitter will display the information returned from the
receiver after the two-way binding is completed.
Follow the steps below to bind in two-way binding:
1. Set
for RF standard of the transmitter, then put the transmitter into bind mode.
2. The receiver supports three ways to enter bind mode: BIND button binding, bind cable binding and BIND button binding after
• BIND button binding: Press and hold the BIND button of the receiver while powering on the receiver, tthe LED of the receiver
should be flashing, indicating that the receiver is in bind mode. Then release the BIND button.
• Bind cable binding: Insert the bind cable to the BIND interface of the receiver, then power on the receiver. The LED of the
receiver should be flashing, indicating that the receiver is in bind mode. Note that you need to remove the bind cable from
the receiver after the binding process is completed.
• BIND button binding after power-on: The receiver has not been connected to the transmitter when it is powered on. Press
and hold the BIND button for 3 seconds, the LED of the receiver should be flashing, indicating that the receiver is in bind
mode. Then release the BIND button.
3. When the LED of the receiver is solid on, the binding process should be completed. The transmitter exits the bind mode
4. Check to make sure the transmitter and receiver functions are working correctly, repeat steps 1 to 3 (binding process) if any
problems arise.
Follow the steps below to bind in one-way binding:
1. Set
for RF standard of the transmitter, then put the transmitter into bind mode.
2. Put the receiver into bind mode (Refer to the description above for entering bind mode).
3. When the LED of the receiver is in slow flashing state, the binding process should be completed.
You need to manually put the
transmitter to exit the bind mode.
Then the LED of the receiver is solid on, indicating that the binding is completed.
4. Check to make sure the transmitter and receiver functions are working correctly, repeat steps 1 to 3 (binding process) if any
problems arise.
: Put the transmitter in bind mode first, then put the receiver in bind mode. If the binding is not completed within ten seconds,
the LED of the receiver will enter its slow flashing state.
The firmware of this receiver can be updated through the FlyskyAssistant (Only version 3.0 or above is supported. The firmware
of FlyskyAssistant is available on the Flysky official website).
This receiver can be updated via the following two ways:
1. After the binding between the transmitter and the receiver (the LED of the receiver is solid on), connect the transmitter to the
computer, then open the FlyskyAssistant on the computer to update the firmware.
2. Connect the transmitter to the computer. Then put the receiver to enter the forced update mode by referring to the following
three ways (The LED of the receiver operates in three-flash-one-off manner repeatedly). Afterwards, open the FlyskyAssistant on
the computer to update the firmware.
• Power on the receiver while pressing and holding the BIND button for more than ten seconds
, until the LED
of the receiver
operates in three-flash-one-off manner repeatedly
, then release the BIND button.
• Power on the receiver first, then press and hold the BIND button for more than ten seconds, when the LED of the receiver
operates in three-flash-one-off manner repeatedly
, then release the BIND button.
• Connect the signal pin of the BIND interface to the signal pin of the SENS interface, then power on the receiver.
Firmware update
本接收机固件更新需通过富斯遥控管家(FlySkyAssistant)完成(仅 3.0 及以上版本支持,富斯遥控管家固件可从官网 www.flysky-
cn.com 获取)。
1. 先将发射机与接收机对码后(接收机 LED 灯常亮),再将发射机与电脑连接,然后在电脑端打开富斯遥控管家,通过富斯遥控管家
2. 将发射机与电脑连接,参考如下方式使接收机进入强制更新状态(接收机 LED 灯状态三闪一灭),然后在电脑端打开富斯遥控管家,
• 按下对码按键,上电十秒钟后接收机 LED 灯状态三闪一灭,松开对码按键 。
• 先给接收机上电,长按对码键十秒后接收机 LED 灯状态三闪一灭,松开对码按键。
• 先将接收机 BIND 接口信号端和 SENS 接口信号端相连接,然后接通接收机电源。