April 2019
Other FlySky Functions
The FlySky system provides the rich functionalty required for model aircraft and many features
have no relevance to RC yacht racing. However some may be useful. Not described here are
Model name, Model reset, Sticks mode
(useful for changing from wheel operation to
tiller operation),
Rx battery alarms, Factory reset, Reverse stick
for left handed sailors,
(mid position and end points of all channels) and
Sub trim
Refer Manual for more details.
The Dual Rate features of the FlySky system have been described to highlight the available
functionality. It does not follow they should be used. Moreover the suggested setting are nothing
more than that. Personal preference and experience are the best guide. I’d like to draw on that
experience and over time I’m sure the best techniques and settings will evolve.
I’m mindful of my experience with a compass on a Laser. When first used, I spent an inordinate
amount of time watching the compass and far too little time watching the big picture ie. getting my
head out of the boat.
So, any speed gain made by using say
Throttle curve
in gusts during the race may all be lost
in one bad mark rounding.
Concentrate on the important things first.
All will become clear over time as gifted sailors develop and refine what is fast for this class and
provide feedback to the plodders.
David Flakelar
Questions and feedback would be very welcome. Email preferred
Mob +61 404 829 414 or +61 2 9412 1742.