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Flyron Technology Co., Ltd. 20 Channel M P3 Sound Board
4. Serial Control Mode
Supports RS232 and RS485 serial control modes. Both of these two control modes share the same
communication protocols as below. Regarding RS485, we employed half-duplex communication standard.
4.1. Command Format
Communication baud rate: 9600 bps
Data bits: 1
Checkout: none
Flow Control: none
Format: $S / Ver. / Number / Command / Feedback / Param_MSB / Param_LSB / Check_MSB / Check_LSB / $O
Start byte 0x7E
Version byte, 0xFF b y default
Number of bytes from version info to Check_LSB, typically 0 x06 (checks um not counted)
Command byte
0x01: Need feedback --send confirmation back to MCU; 0 x00: No need feedback
Most significant byte of parameter
Least significant byte of parameter
Most significant byte of checksum
Least significant byte of checksum
End byte 0xEF
For exam
ple, if we specify playback of SD card, we need to send the command “7E FF 06 09 00 00 02 FF F0 EF”. The number
is 6 bytes, and these 6 bytes are “FF 06 09 00 00 02”. Start byte, end byte and checksum are not counted.
4.2. About Checksum
Regarding to calculating checksum, set your 16 bit checks um value to 0. For each byte from the Version byte until the
Param_LSB byte, subtract the byte from the checksum.
Normally it‟s okay whether users choose to use checksum or not, our module can receive serial data with or without checksum,
but some of users may use a MCU without crystal oscillator, so if so we strongly suggest users to add checksum to make sure
the communication stability.